发布时间:2022-05-18 19:49:11
The world lost seven astronauts of Space Shuttle Columbia(哥伦比亚号航天飞机) thismonth. It brought home the serious risk that 1 face into the hostile environs beyond our 2 planets, raising the question of 3 exploring the heavens should be left to unmannedmissions.4 less exciting, such missions will 5 no risks to humans. And alreadyrobots have an impressive list of accomplishments 6 to their flesh and blood counterparts(职级地位相当的人或物)。
“ 7 are all about specifically targeted scientific 8 of the universe around us.Without exceptions, these efforts rise out of intense competition 9 the most compelling,and answerable questions are 10 ,” said Marc Buie, an astronomer (天文学家) at LowellObservatory in Flagstaff, Arizona.11 have dug in the dirt on Mars, flown in the 12of Jupiter (木星), and driven by the moons of Neptune. A few are13approaching the boundary of the 14.
Humans, 15 , have mostly been going in circles, 16 above the surface of theplanet.17 the brief Apollo Mission triumphs on the 18 , almost 250,000 milesaway, humans have 19 gone farther than 400,000 miles from the planet, less than aday′s drive, although straight up. Humans fly near home for several reasons. There is thelogistics(后勤) of sending humans and what they need, like water, air and food, in a closedenvironment that keeps them 20.
1. A) humans B) stars C) planets D) robots
2. A) enclosed B) screened C) isolated D) sheltered
3. A) whether B) why C) if D) that
4. A) Moreover B) If C) But D) As
5. A) provide B) pose C) put on D) perform
6. A) related B) contrasted C) compared D) referred
7. A) Unmanned missions B) Space Shuttle Columbia
C) Space tours D) Apollo Mission
8. A) expeditions B) explorations C) investigations D) researches
9. A) which B) that C) where D) as
10. A) put B) suggested C) posed D) raising
11. A) Robots B) Humans C) Astronauts D) Astronomers
12. A) sky B) heavens C)moons D) atmosphere
13. A) also B) even C) still D)only
14. A) universe B) solar system C) space D) moon
15. A) consequently B) hence C)at any rate D) on the other hand
16. A) seldom B) never C)barely D) almost
17. A) Besides B) Except C) Excluding D) Other than
18. A) Mars B) moon C) planet D) Jupiter
19. A) never B) seldom C) once D) ever
20. A) safe B) warm C) alive D) active
Remember the first Walkman? It 1 almost a quarter-century since Sony′s portable 2 players changed the way people listen to music on the go. Now 3 form ofentertainment is getting the Walkman treatment. Palm-size4video players arebeginning to change where and how people watch movies, cartoons and music videos.
The gadgets(有用的小器械), which play 5 video files on a small screen, 6generally less expensive and more 7 than portable DVD players, which have been 8for several years. None of these new-generation players, in fact, play DVD′s. 9 , usingadvances in storage and compression technology, most10 video on hard drives ormemory cards, much the way digital audio players store music files.
“It′ just what happened to music,” said Ulrich Neumann, director of the IntegratedMedia Systems Center at the University of Southern California. “We went 11 cassettetape to CD′s to MP3 on memory chips or tiny hard 12 . What is happening now is thatyou have 13 movie files going from DVD′s down to probably small micro drives.”
Yet it is unclear 14 the public will want to watch video on a screen the 15 of adollhouse window, with a resolution that is no match for even a standard TV set. After all,some hand-held organizers can show video, but that 16 has never been a particularlystrong selling 17 . Watching a movie requires more 18 than listening to music, it is19 difficult to see how the mobile video players will be used in the on-the-go way thatportable 20 players are.
21. A) was B) has been C) had been D) will be
22. A) cassette B) disk C) digital D) video
23. A) the other B) the C) that D) another
24. A) flexible B) portable C) fluid D) variable
25. A) compressed B) complex C) summarized D) shortened
26. A) are to be designed B) are designed to be
C) are being designed to D) have designed to be
27. A) complicated B) considerable C) convenient D) coordinated
28. A) available B) advisable C) applicable D) acceptable
29. A) Therefore B) In addition C) At any rate D) Instead
30. A) put B) store C) conserve D) preserve
31. A) from B) to C) by D) after
32. A) chips B) disks C) drives D) drills
33. A) specific B) digital C) abstract D) concrete
34. A) when B) how C) where D) whether
35. A) size B) shape C) form D) model
36. A) ability B) capability C) function D) capacity
37. A) point B) method C) way D) thing
38. A) time B) attention C) effort D) money
39. A) thus B) not C) yet D) too
40. A) cassette B) tape C) video D) audio
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