
发布时间:2022-05-10 15:43:30



Beijing, with a population of more than 20 million, is the capital of China, the place that the whole nation yearns for, and also my hometown. I was born in Beijing and grew up in Beijing. Here is my home, my relatives and friends, I love Beijing.

Beijing is a famous cultural city with a long history. It is said that Beijing has a history of more than 3,000 years of city building and more than 850 years of capital building. The Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties have all regarded Beijing as the capital of the People's Republic of China.

There are many places of interest here, such as Tiananmen, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace, the Yuanmingyuan, the Beihai, the Badaling Great Wall, the Ming Tombs... They are all famous all over the world. Because there are too many, I haven't had time to go to such a big place.

Beijing is not only ancient but also very young. It is a fashionable international metropolis. Many new buildings appeared one after another, Bird's Nest, Water Cube, Olympic Village, Happy Valley, Garden and Expo Garden... They have just been built in recent years. There are many museums, exhibition halls, science and technology museums and zoos in Beijing. I can't remember how many of them I have gone to. They give me a lot of interesting knowledge.

Beijing is a beautiful city with four distinct seasons, short spring and autumn, long winter and summer, and many places to play and see in each season. In spring, we can go to the botanical garden to see the revival of everything and see the peach blossom in Pinggu.

In summer, I can go to the park for water skiing, surfing, and also to the mountains for summer vacation; in autumn, the autumn is cool and the sky is clear, so I can watch the red leaves of the Fragrant Hill and pick the ripe fruit; in winter, I can make snowmen, snowball fights, ice skating. Every season, Beijing has left a good memory for me.

This is my hometown, Beijing, which attracts countless tourists from all over the world every day. Do you want to experience Beijing yourself, then come to Beijing as a guest. Beijing always welcomes you!









My hometown is Beijing. I have been living in Beijing since I was born. I love my hometown full of laughter and laughter.

There are many ancient buildings in my hometown, such as Temple of Heaven Park, Palace Museum, and some snacks: sugar man, sugar gourd, hot pot and so on. They are very delicious.

The spring, summer, autumn and winter in the hometown are also very beautiful.

In spring, sister Liu took off her white dress and changed to green wedding dress. The mischievous little brother came out of his little head, and his little sister showed her white cheek. We children play on the lawn. The birds seemed to be attracted and sang. Beautiful echoes in the beautiful countryside.

In summer, streams are streaming. We children are playing by the river. Adults talk in the shade. Cicada cried, as if he were saying, "the heat is dead, the heat is dead!" Birds fly freely and happily in the sky. Good memories were left in that beautiful field.

In autumn, the maple elder sister drifting down the red leaves, as if to welcome a bumper harvest year. Floret is going to bid farewell to her brothers and sisters. Composition birds flock together to say goodbye to everything here. A good farewell voice was left in the field full of laughter.

In winter, heavy snow falls underground. We played happily on the path. All the plants have yielded, only the holly trees are standing proudly in the snow. Most of the animals hibernate. In this secluded winter, I left my footprints of my sister in winter.

I love my hometown most: Beijing!










I was born in Beijing. I lived in Beijing since I was a child. So my hometown is Beijing. Beijing is the capital of the great motherland and a beautiful city. I love my hometown and I love Beijing, the capital of my motherland.

Beijing is a northern city with four distinct seasons.

In the spring when everything is coming back, the ice and snow melt, the willows are green, the flowers are red, and the cheerful birds are chirping to tell people that spring is coming to us. The sleepy winter willow woke up. "Thunderous" spring thunder and willow tree say, "little willow tree, wake up!" The spring rain of "Sha Sha Sha" washed and washed the willows, and the branches of the willows were green and soft. Ah! What a beautiful spring!

I like spring in Beijing very much, but I don't like summer in Beijing. Because Beijing is very hot in summer. Although I can enjoy sweet and delicious ice cream in summer, I still look forward to the summer. My favorite is autumn in Beijing.

Beijing's golden autumn season, the scenery is pleasant, layers of trees dyed, folded green gold, the sky is high and cloudy, autumn is high and cool, grain Fengdeng, melon and fruit fragrance. Look! The pear trees hung golden lanterns, the apples showed red cheeks, the sea of wheat turned golden waves, and the sorghum lifted the burning torch. The autumn scene is beautiful, like a colorful picture.

In Beijing, autumn is the most unforgettable, and the cold winter is the most frightening. In winter, in addition to the vast white snow, there is also the northern wind of the barking face. I always look forward to the terrible winter. Winter has come, can beautiful spring be far behind?

Beijing is beautiful! I love Beijing. I love the capital of my motherland!









My hometown is in Beijing, the capital of our great motherland. My family lives in the back street of Dongcheng District Art Museum.

There are countless places of interest in Beijing, not only Tiananmen, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Yuanmingyuan, Beihai, Xiangshan and other famous scenic spots, but also the high-tech venues such as the Bird's Nest and the Water Cube, which hosted the 2008 Olympic Games.

Beijing also has many delicious snacks, the most famous are Quanjude roast duck, and Shichahai lotus market bean juice, pot stickers, sausage, ice sugar gourd, donkey rolling, brine boiled, fried liver, fried belly, and so on.

Beijing is also a good place for shopping, such as Wangfujing Pedestrian Street, Xidan Street, Qianmen Ancient Street, Xin Dong'an Market, Wangfujing Department Store, Xidan Building, Qianmen Mall, etc. Countless shopping malls will surely make your legs soft and soft enough to ensure your return.

Let's talk about the Tiananmen square. The new China 60th anniversary Daqing has just been held here. There are two patches of green on both sides of the square. When the festival is held, there will be flowers in full bloom. On the north side of the square is the Tiananmen Gate Tower. On festivals, the fountains in front of the towers will erupt high and magnificent; on the south is the Qianmen Archery; on the East is the Revolutionary History Museum; and on the west is the Great Hall of the People. Every March, the deputies to the National People's Congress will meet here to discuss state affairs.

Roast duck in Beijing is very delicious. Its skin is golden yellow, crisp, slippery and very fragrant. When eating, with cucumber, scallions, sweet sauce, with a thin roll of pasta, that taste really makes people salivate. As the saying goes, "it's a pity not to be a hero in the Great Wall but not to roast duck."

My hometown, Beijing, can boast of too much, or please look at it yourself.










