
发布时间:2022-05-10 16:39:02



My hometown is a unique place, although there is no Hangzhou West Lake scenery, no Guilin landscape, no Hainan charming islands, no bustling Shanghai Bund; but she has a unique flavor: beautiful Dashu Mountain, elegant Dongpu Reservoir, as well as crystal grapes and delicious lobster, more rich Humanistic atmosphere. This is my hometown, Hefei, Anhui.

Hefei is beautiful, poetic and picturesque. Speaking of mountains, I still like big Shushan. Although the great Shushan is not famous, its main peak is very beautiful. Every spring, the small trees in the mountains stick out their heads, the flowers open their smiling faces, the grass spreads out of the fragrance of the soil, the forest is full of vitality, visitors weave. At this time, as long as you climb the top of the hill, you will see many people sitting on the lawn, overlooking the far west of the yellow canola flowers, enjoy the beautiful Hefei.

When it comes to water, instead of talking about name Chuan, let's talk about the big water tank in Hefei - Dongpu reservoir. The reservoir is deep and very clear. Because it is too deep, it can only see a part of the water. The willows beside the reservoir are accompanied by beautiful green girls when the gentle wind blows them. Occasionally, a few ducklings pop up in the reservoir to play on the water. Some pavilions are built beside the reservoir. Visitors can rest beside the pavilion and watch the beautiful scenery of the reservoir.

Hefei is not only beautiful in scenery, but also has many delicious food. Want to eat fruit, yes! Sweet and delicious Dadi grapes, crisp and delicious leaves hanging full of crystal clear grapes, like a string of purple shiny gems, emitting a sweet fragrance. If you have time, you can go to the vineyard yourself. There is a lobster Street on the Ningguo road in the city. Every night, the lights are bright, the people are crowded, and people walk or drive in groups to taste spicy lobster, delicious kebabs of mutton and tender roast fish.

Hometown Hefei or the hometown of Bao Gong Bao adults, in the Bao Gong Temple in Baohe Park, there are Bao Cemetery, Qingfeng Pavilion, as well as the "civet cat for prince", "Hao Mei Case", "Chenzhou grain" and other wax figurines... It's really like life. Now Hefei is also a city full of high-rise traffic, and the pedestrian streets are full of high-rise tourists; Hefei is also known as the city of science and education, and there is a magical Science Island beside Dongpu Reservoir, where there are many scientific research institutions and many intelligent scientists.

After listening to my introduction, you can't help but want to come to my hometown. As long as you have time, we will welcome you with open arms.








My hometown is in Hefei. I grew up in Hefei since I was little. So I like Hefei very much.

Speaking of the origin of the name of Hefei, we must not talk about fat water. Feishui comes from Zipeng Mountain 【also known as Li Lingshan】 70 miles southwest of the city. It is divided into two branches after it comes out of the mountain. One branch goes down to the East through the south of the city and goes around Dongguan, which is called Nanfei River. One branch goes north and joins with the water of Jimingshan Dragon Well, and then divides into two branches: one branch twists to the east, crosses the city, which is called Jindou River 【no longer existing today】, and the other branch goes north. Through Shouxian County, it was injected into Huaihe, known as the East Fei River.

Hefei has a history of more than 2,000 years. It was once the ruling post of Yangzhou, Hezhou, Nanyuzhou, Luzhou, Desheng Army and Huainan West Road. It is a must-fight place for military strategists. It is called "lip-teeth in the south of the Yangtze River, the throat in the right side of the Huaihe River" and "the throat in the south of the Yangtze River, the throat of the Central Plains".

In my hometown Hefei, there are many ancient temples, there are famous Longquan Temple, Ming religion Temple, Baogong Temple, in addition to these, there are Nanyan Lake, Xiaoyaojin, Zhou Yu Tomb, Three Kingdoms Site Park, Huaihe Road Cultural Commercial Pedestrian Street, Swan Lake and other places.

This is my hometown of Hefei, a very beautiful place with many scenic spots.







Hefei is the capital city of Anhui, with an area of about 639.7 square kilometers and a population of about 4000000. The scenery here is not as graceful as Hangzhou, Yangzhou is charming, but it has its own unique flavor.

Hefei's Xiaoyao Jin, Bao Gong shrine and zimpeng mountain are national scenic spots. Among them, Xiaoyao is most famous.

Xiaoyao Jin is a battleground in the Three Kingdoms period. Zhang Liao, a famous general, fought against the enemy in this free and easy way. In the romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhang Liao Wei Zhen Xiao Yao Jin refers to this allusion. Now the Xiaoyao Jin is divided into two parts: the front is the playground, followed by Zhang Liao's dress and tomb.

There are many exciting amusement amusement parks in the playground: what crazy big pendulum hammers, forest flying squirrels... It will make people linger and return. Behind the tomb, there is a stone statue of Zhang Liao, beside which is a brief introduction of Zhang Liao and his heroic deeds. Zhang Liao became famous in the First World War and was a great shock to the whole world. Now many foreigners come to know Zhang Liao and study Chinese history.

There are not only many famous scenic spots in Hefei, but also many famous snacks. The most popular snack is lobster.

The lobster was soaked in brown pepper-oil-laden sauce, the shrimp shell was red and the air was filled with the smell of beer and chili pepper. The smell of fresh and strong, deep absorption of a mouth will make your mouth water, taste is delicious. Hot, spicy and fragrant lobster, accompanied by cool cold beer, gives the feeling of only one word: "cool". Lobster quickly conquers your taste buds, so that you can eat and want to eat. Hefei also hosted the Lobster Festival. Hefei citizens are sincerely invited to taste delicious lobster and enjoy the famous snacks in Hefei.

Two and March more visitors. February and March in Hefei are fragrant with flowers and fresh air. The scenery is picturesque and full of flowers and willows. Although Hefei can not compare with Huacheng Kunming, the scene of hundred flowers is also beautiful. We can not help thinking of a spring festival couplet "green grass is still a year, still ten apricot blossoms red". In addition, there is no spring festival couplet to show the spring scenery of Hefei.

What about? Is Hefei unique? As the saying goes, seeing is believing. The unique flavor of Hefei can not be described in words. Please come to Hefei. We welcome you with open arms.










The Great Lakes city is an innovation ground. Hefei, China. Hefei is a beautiful city with beautiful scenery and rich cultural background. It is also my hometown. There are many interesting places in Hefei, such as the battlefield in ancient times, the Xiaoyaojin Park where children play happily now, surrounded by green trees, the Dashu Mountain Forest Park with fresh air, the wild animals with many rare, Memorial Baogong Temple. These are the characteristics of Hefei.

Speaking of Bao Gong, we must associate with some of Bao Gong's big cases and his honest and honest spirit. Bao Gong took the responsibility of justice for the people. He did not fear power, and he just judged the case of Chi Mei. But do you know that the hometown of celebrities known as "Bao Qingtian" is Hefei? There is also a memorial hall for Bao Gong and Xiao Su in Hefei. Anyone who comes to Hefei for sightseeing will come to visit Bao Gong temple.

The temple of Bao Gong is located in the South Ring Road of Hefei. The scenery is beautiful and the air is fresh. There is a big pond in the temple of Bao Gong. There are many lotus roots in the pond, after the normal lotus root cut, there should be a piece of silk connected, broken silk! May be the lotus root in the ancestral hall cut without a silk connected, many people have said that this is the performance of Baogong iron surface selflessness, because silk and selfishness are homonyms. In addition, the summer Bao Gong temple can also enjoy the beautiful lotus and lotus leaves. On the surface of the pond there were many lotuses, some of which were in full bloom and looked up proudly as if they were competing with other flowers.

Some lotus just unfolded a few petals, just half-opened, shyly hiding their heads behind the green lotus leaves, as if embarrassed to face the outside world; some lotus buds, then there are dragonflies standing on it. Looking at this harmonious and beautiful picture, I can not help but think of Yang Wanli's two famous poems in the Song Dynasty, "Xiao He just exposed sharp corners, had dragonflies stood on the head."

The green lotus leaves were densely spread on the pond, which made people feel comfortable. The green lotus leaves and the delicate lotus flowers set off each other, which made them look very beautiful. It is "the lotus leaves are boundless, and the lotus flowers are different." The beauty of Bao Gong temple is amazing. It's beautiful!

The great Shushan is also the leader of many beautiful scenery in Hefei. At the foot of Dashu Mountain is a green meadow, like a fresh and lovely green carpet, one after another unknown purple wildflowers dotted on the green carpet, but it is very beautiful! The mountain path winding to the distance, beside the path there are some strange-shaped stones, some like snails, some like branches, Some are like eggs, very cute! There is also a cherry blossom forest on Dashu Mountain, which can only be described by the four words of beauty, let's go and have a look.

There are also four famous names in Hefei: Hemp cake, Cun Jin, white cut and baked cake. Each flavor is unique and memorable. It is a landmark food in Hefei.

Hefei has beautiful scenic spots, Hefei has a long history of stories, Hefei has endless aftertaste of food, Hefei is my hometown, it carries some of my childhood memories. Everyone's hometown will retain everyone's happiest and most interesting happy memories, when we grow up, memories of that year in a hurry, there must be a lot of happy memories home! I love my hometown, Hefei!











