
发布时间:2022-05-12 14:40:11



Describe a time you had good experience in the countryside.


You should say:

where you went

what you did

when you did it

who you went with

and explain why it was enjoyable.


Okay. Let me tell you about my experience last summer when we visited my grandparents in a village in Shandong Province.

My grandparents’ village is by the Huang He River. In the first 2 days there, everything was still fresh, the woods, the water, the lotus leaves, the pond, the cattle, the fields and the cicada hunting. And then boredom started to haunt me. It was hot and there was no air conditioner and few entertainments were available.


cicada /sɪˈkɑː.də/ n. 知了

boredom start to haunt me... 无聊的感觉开始困扰我...

One summer afternoon, my cousin Daniel and I were wandering along the river bank wondering what to do to kill this boring summer afternoon. All of a sudden, Daniel got an idea. He told me we should have a competition, which took me by surprise. In that heat and in that kingdom of boredom, what competition could we have, to see who could survive longer standing in the burning sun without drinking any water? He proceeded by explaining that we should each dig a piece of mud, make it into a shape of a bowl, cast it onto the ground upside down and then see whose bowl make the biggest sound. It sounded stupid in the beginning and failed to intrigue me. But when Daniel jumped into the river and did as he explained, I decided to try. It honestly felt awesome to have hands and feet inside the cool mud and water. And the explosion of the mud bowl miraculous excited me.


kill v. 消磨【时间】

take sb. by surprise让某人感到意外

intrigue /ɪnˈtriːɡ/ v. 使...感兴趣

And the next thing I could remember was we playing and playing and playing and playing and we didn’t even notice the sun had started to set. It was such a fun and nice experience in my memory.


1.Do you keep plants at home?

yes, i have some potted plants on the balcony that are well taken care of and also a small bouquet of flowers at my bedside.

2.What plant did you grow when you were young?

I didn't grow any plants myself but i helped my grandparents grow some vegetables during summer holidays.He was a good vegetable farmer living in the countryside and i would do some watering and weeding.

3.Do you know anything about growing a plant?

Not quite,but i will try to list some.Before planting, The soil need to be well ploughed and well draining. For most vegetables to grow,water regularly but make sure the soil is never soggy. Fertiliser is important and the organic kind is best.My grandpa prefered manure.

4.Do Chinese people send plants as gifts?

Yes, like anywhere in the world, people like to send flowers as gifts at differents occasions. Rose for lovers, Carnation for recovery of patients, lily for the long lasting friendships.


Describe something you do to keep healthy. You should say:

what the activity is

when you do it

how often do you do it

also, explain, why it is a good way to look after your health.

I am a not fitness freak and having failed to be consistent in the gym, I have finally restored my health by jogging every day. Every morning, I along with my friends go out on a 5 km jog in the city. We usually start with my house and then move forward towards the city centre and jog in the cantonment area for the most part. It is around 5 am that we start and I am back home by 6:30. This includes jogging and some chit chatting along the way. Also, sometimes we go out for breakfast together, in that case, we land up around 8 back home.


It has been one month since we started it and initially, we were two friends going together but now one more has joined us as well. I really like the jogging part when compared to the gym, because when jogging we are more close to nature and in so many ways get to know the city. There have been areas that we have found out together and it is amazing. Not only it helps in being fit physically but also mentally. There have been times when we have shared our sorrows together and the feeling is really beautiful.


Jogging is always a better option, I believe, because it increases your stamina and jogging in the morning helps you to clear your mind better when compared to other. Also, this is something one can do without much of restraint.



Describe one of your favorite songs【你最喜欢的歌曲 】.

You should say:

- what the song is about

- when you listened to this song for the first time

- how often you listen to this song

and explain why you like this song so much


介绍一首你最喜欢的歌曲,是雅思口语考试历年来换来换去都换不走的一颗钉子户,在part 1和part 2里面披着不同的外衣反复出现。关联度较高的话题有“music”,“musical instrument”,“singer”等等,相关词汇和表达可以互通。

首先,通过英文定义确认大致选材范围。“song”一词在牛津和朗文字典中的定义均为“a short piece of music with words that you sing”,因此最妥当的范围是要排除一些纯音乐,例如钢琴曲或一些没有歌词【lyrics】的现代编曲作品等【对于这一点,烤鸭们最好额外长个心眼哟,因为那些被考官从定义上纠正“National Day is actually not a festival, it’s just a HOLIDAY”的同学们很容易反应不过来其中区别的】




1】关于第二和第三两个小问,需要注意的是时态上的切换——尤其是第二小问“when youlistened to this song for the first time”从动词的时态上就提醒了各位同学,要用过去时描述这一段内容。答题时除了提及大致的时间【例如I listened to the song for the first time 6 years ago】还可以对那时进行一个简单的场景扩充【例如when I was a high school student, one of my roommates used hismobile to play that song loudly in our dormitory at 6 am - right after we wokeup】

2】如果是一首中文歌,歌名应该是说中文还是英文?个人建议有三,各位烤鸭各取所需:一,如果本身它就有一个比较官方的英文名,就直接英文名上阵;二,如没有,可就地翻译一个:任意抓取歌名中的一个词进行翻译,例如周杰伦的《告白气球》如果不知道告白怎么说,就直接用“气球”的英文“the song is called the Balloon”即可;三,如果不愿意翻译,直接中文名上阵也行,然后在后面加上一句简单的解释,说明一下大致意思就好了。


1.【名词】歌曲 song / track / hit

歌曲风格 pop, hip-pop, jazz,rock, country, folk, funk, etc.

歌曲构成 lyrics, melody,composition, music video 【MV】, etc.

播放媒介 cassette, radio, MP3,CD player, website, etc.

2.【动词】听 listen to听到 hear播放 play重复播放replay下载 download分享/转发 share使某人回想起某事 remind sb of sth


吸引人的 attractive抓耳的/易记的 catchy难忘的unforgettable生动的 vivid令人印象深刻的impressive


the name of the song is...

a typical popsong...

it talks about a story that...

it was about 2 years ago when I listened to it for the first time...

heard it on the radio...

found it catchy...

then downloaded into my MP3...

listen to it very often...

the lyrics is impressive...

also reminds me of the old days...

part 2: favorite songs解析来自成都留学党之家00:0001:45


I‘d like to talk about a beautiful song called the Balloon from Jay Chou, one of the famous pop singers in China.

As a very typical pop song, the Balloon talks about a romantic story happens between a young couple who live in a city in France.

I remember that I listened to the song right after it was released in the summer of 2016. As a huge fan of the singer Jay Chou, I bought that newest album and downloaded it into my mobile without any hesitation. After listening to every single track in the album, I found the Balloon was absolutely the most impressive one with a fairly catchy melody and decent lyrics.

During that period of time, I often played the song at home or in the office, sometimes I even replayed it for the whole afternoon just because it seemed that everyone around me thought the lovely rhythm of the song would bring him or her a good mood. By the way, it could also remind me of the old, sweet days I had back in Australia.

However, recently I seldom listen to this song simply because Jay Chou has published some new hits in this January and they are of high quality as well.

As for the reason why I like the Balloon so much, I believe it’s mainly because it’s one of the best hits of Jay Chou in recent years and it proves that he’s still an excellent singer. You know, before the advent of the song, numerous people started to criticize him for not being as creative as he was. But I do believe he will actually come back with better works in the near future.





