发布时间:2022-05-12 14:41:44很多“烤鸭”同学为了出国读本科或者是硕士,或多或少都需要达到雅思写作单科6分的水平。不妨多看看雅思6分范文,那你知道雅思写作6分范文有哪些吗?
Nowadays, there are several channels to get news, such as radio, TV, newspaper and internet. I think internet is the best among these. In my essay, I am going to explain why.
Since its invention, the Internet has been keeping booming as a prospective industry. Not only because it is a combination of texts, audios and videos, but also due to its convinience. It has threatened the domination of spreading news of the traditional media, and, I would say, is about to take control.
We can find everything we want on internet – latest news, books, songs, movies, cartoons… whatever. With radio, we can merely hear. Compared with newspaper, radio and TV can provide the lastest information. For instance, it was immediately availalbe of the breaking news of the Americans’ attacking on Iraq, as well as that the Twin Towers of New York were destroyed on September 11, 2001. __ However, we just cannot carry TV 24/7.
Internet is a convinient way of getting information, as long as your mobile phone is connected or you possess a laptop. When I am on a vehicle, I usually have my cellphone connected to internet, then browse what happend in the past few hours, or log in MSN to begin a conversation with my friends. Reading newspaper is also a good way to kill time, but for me, a youngster, it is not so modern as “surfing online while being transported”.
The traditional media will never disappear, though internet has taken a big advantage in the competition. And definitely, there is still a long way for internet to go. Anyway, internet benefits me the most, and I highly appreciate it.
题目:You can get up-to-date news from radio, television and Internet. Which one you think is the best to know about news.
Nowadays, there are all kinds of channels to get news, such as radio, television, newspaper and internet. In my opinion, internet is the best among these.
Since its invention, the Internet has been keeping booming as a prospective industry. Not only because it is a combination of texts, audios and videos, but also due to its convinience. It has threatened the domination of spreading news of the traditional media, and, I would say, is about to take control.
We can find what we want on internet such as latest news, books, songs, movies and so on. With radio, we can merely hear. Compared with newspaper, radio and television can provide the lastest information. For instance, it was immediately availalbe of the breaking news of the Americans’ attacking on Iraq, as well as that the Twin Towers of New York were destroyed on September 11, 2001. However, we just cannot carry television.
Internet is a convinient way of getting information, as long as your mobile phone is connected or you possess a laptop. When I am on a vehicle, I usually have my cellphone connected to internet, then browse what happend in the past few hours, or begin a conversation with my friends. Reading newspaper is also a good way to kill time, but for me, a youngster, it is not so modern as “surfing online while being transported”.
The traditional media will never disappear, though internet has taken a big advantage in the competition. And definitely, there is still a long way for internet to go. Anyway, internet benefits me the most, and I highly appreciate it.
第一点要牢记的是,千万不要字体潦草,难以辨认。很多考生认为字体不重要,平时写字就龙飞凤舞,到了考场时间紧张,字体更加潦草,难以辨认,给考官阅卷带来困难。字体不好会不会影响分数? 笔者曾经专门请教过雅思考官,得到的答案是,字体当然会影响分数! 想想看,考官是通过阅读你写的文字来了解你的观点和思路,判定你的写作水平,而每篇文章通常只有2—3分钟的阅卷时间,如果字体潦草,难以辨认,影响了考官的阅读和理解,势必会影响分数,所以亲爱的考生们,一定要字迹工整清晰啊!
Some people think money which the government spends on art, such as music and painting, would be better spent on things more important. Do you agree or disagree?
该题话题属于政府支出类,题目中有两个对立面,分别是art和things more important,都需要阐述。而有的同学只写things more important,比如教育和医疗,忽略其对立面art,那么这样的文章就是偏题,没有完全回应题目的要求,会因此而失分。考生在审题的时候,一定要把握住题目中的对立面,正方和反方都要有相应的主体段落。
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