
发布时间:2022-05-12 15:05:08



一:先说说雅思口语算分标准,分为四大部分,分别为:f,v,g,p。 f者,fluency也,即流畅。 v者,vocabulary也,即词汇。 g者,grammar也,即语法。 p者,pronunciation也,即发音。

如果你考口语时,f得6分,v得6分,g得5分,p得6分,总分23,那么恭喜你,你口语成绩为6分。如果你考口语时,f得5分,v得6分,g得5分,p得6分,总分22,那么很遗憾,你口语成绩只有5分。如果你考口语时,f得7分,v得6分,g得4分,p得6分,总分23,那么恭喜你,你口语成绩为6分。由此可见,只有四项总分至少为23分,那么你才可以得6分的口语成绩,否则,22分也才得5分的成绩。 【可能会有人有疑问,22/4=5.5,四舍五入,应该6分的啊,但是,人家考口语,就是要你的尾数大于0.5分才给你加上去的,即23/4=5.75,才有6分。而22分的,就是5分。】



考官跟我们说,如果你不知道如何回答问题的话,可以用一些间接回答法来回答,例如说: i don’t know, but my brother think that .....【我不知道,但我的兄弟认为。。。】 i don’t know, but my father think that .....【我不知道,但我的爸爸认为。。。】 i don’t know, but my friends thinks that .....【我不知道,但我的朋友们认为。。。】 【因为这些都是第三者的观点,你就可以乱吹水吧,只要不离题就行了。】

另外,如果你听不清楚考官问什么问题时,一定要考官重复一遍,这是不会扣你分的,而且是你的权利。因为不同考官口音的不同,有时候会出现听不清楚问题是很正常的,考官是允许你让他重复一次问题的,【这是考口语,又不是考听力,对不?】如果对方重复了一次问题,你还是听不清楚,呵呵,你只好猜了,再要重复,人家可能要扣你分了。你可以说:i’m sorry, do you want me to talk about xxxxx? 总结:反正在f这部分,要求的就是你口语流畅,只要你没有停顿【停下来》·5秒】,那么你在这部分至少就可以得6分。


例如说:“我认为...”,你可以用: i think that .... i figure that .... 虽然两个都有“我认为”的意思,但后者的figure明显比前先的think要深奥,且不常用。你不要认为figure会比think的效果要好得多,其实并不然。在英语中,think直接明瞭,是很formal的【正式的】。而figure却是informal【不正式的】,而且还是very informal【非常不正式的】。英国的雅思老师说,最好不要使用figure为“认为”,无论在任何场合,因为是very informal的! 所以如果象这样用错了词汇,你就肯定在这部分被扣分了。总结:词汇一定用你熟悉的,简单也无所谓,只要没用错,你肯定在这部分至少有6分。



当考生在面对话题无从下手时,可以利用 ”WH Questions”来引导思路的拓展,包括 “what, when, where, who【whom】, why, how 【how exactly, how often, how long, how much, how many】”。

例如Describe a restaurant or cafe you like. 首先须明确what【the Bookworm】,when【some five years ago】, where 【down the south of Chengdu】,who【foreigners for most of time】;其次是整个描述的重点why【comfortable, pleasant, intimate 】,how exactly 【detailed description of being comfortable, pleasant, and intimate】,how often【once a month…】,how much【30-40 yuan on average per person】,how many【3 in Whole China】。


Sample answer:The Bookworm is my favorite cafe in this city, which is about 15 minutes drive from the Tianfu Square down the south, and unlike other fancy cafes in the downtown, it sits in a quiet surrounding. The Bookworm was born 5 years ago with the help of a journalist, who soon became the business partner and co-owner of Chengdu Bookworm.

During these years, it’s been popular and welcomed by almost every foreigner in Chengdu. I guess it’s probably because the cafe is really the place that can make them feel at home, ranging from the food, coffee, inside decoration, and those books written and published from their country.

The Bookworm creates a warm and intimate atmosphere, offering its customers home style food and drink. When you get annoyed from a trouble in study or at work, having a rest at Bookworm will be the very pleasant thing to chill out. The greatest part is the live music every Friday night at which you can enjoy the best jazz and blues.

There are three Bookworms in China, Beijing has the first, and Chengdu and Suzhou follow the step, therefore if you‘re taking a trip to Beijing or Suzhou, you can still have the opportunity to enjoy the nice little cafe. I like the cafe, for it’s the place where I can relax, eat, drink, read and enjoy music.


在Part 2话题描述中,如果仅有描述,仍会让整个陈述略显有些平淡,所以建议考生在描述的同时加上相应的例子,这样可以大大增加描述内容的丰富性和生动性。但是在Part 2里例子,并不一定要非常正式的举例,如“For example”;口语化的一些表达方式会更自然一些,如“such as,like”。

比如,”Describe a special shop”,除了描述这个shop里有一些special goods外,若再具体举例说明有哪些特殊商品可以更能增强生动性。In the shop, you can always find some special and interesting stuff, such as hand-made floating lantern, photo books, tiny china pot, and Nepali jewelries and things like that.


Part 2话题属于细节描述题,在适当的时候如果能够使用数据来进一步支撑描述,可以增强话题描述的真实性和说服力。但是,建议考生在使用数据的时候不要太过夸张数字,而且频率不应过多,使用一次数据就可以了。另外,与雅思写作有别的是,在写作中引用数据时最好有个出处或来源,但在回答口语Part 2问题时,这个出处可以省略,否则会导致回答内容是背诵的嫌疑,降低真实性,这就与本站们的初衷背道相驰了。

比如“Describe a concert hall”,本站们可以通过数据的支撑来这样描述“The Civil Concert Hall holds about 50 to 60 shows on an average each year, receiving almost 30,000 audiences, and part of them come to this hall simply because of its comfortable seats and great sound and lighting effects. ”有了数据的支撑,可以使本站们对音乐厅的规模和条件有个更直观的了解,而不是简单地描述“the concert hall is very popular and well-equipped.”


1-2分钟的描述中,除了单方面地进行描述外,可以通过描述同类事物进行比较的方式来使内容更加全面细致。但是,这个部分毕竟是口语考试,所以选用的比较类的词语应为口语化的连接词,“unlike,similar,like,be different from”等。

例如“Describe a magazine”,本站们这样来描述:The magazine I’ve been reading recently is O2 【Oxygen Magazine】, which mainly covers good books, movies, music, and life design as well as eco protection are the key topics throughout the whole magazine. Unlike the normal magazines, you cannot find any company’s adver tisement on it. Another thing makes it different from the ordinary ones is that it uses recycled paper, and that’s what it’s aimed since it was born. 通过对比的方式可以令考官加深对描述的印象,也丰富了枯燥话题的陈述内容。



a. I very much like football. b. I like football very much.


a. He spoke so well that I was amazed . b. I was amazed by how well he spoke.

a. Seeing those victims is disturbing. b. It’s disturbing to see those victims.


a. I hope I can make it. b. Hopefully I can make it.

a. I feel it is not right somehow . b. Somehow it doesn’t feel right.


a. I’m happy. b. I’m perfectly happy.

a. The test is very difficult. b. The test is unusually difficult.

a. That’s wrong. b. That’s utterly wrong.

a. It has not been proven by science. b. It’s not scientifically proven.

a. It’s not allowed by law. b. It’s not legally allowed.


a. I need to improve my English level. b. I need to improve my English.

a. We should promote the cause of peaceful reunification .

b. We should promote peaceful reunification.

a. I believe the hardships are temporary in nature.

b. I believe the hardships are temporary.


1. Which relative did you most often see when you were a child?


误区:注意试试能不能把‘when I was a child’换掉,比如换成‘in my childhood’或者‘when I was a kid’,甚至可以直接说‘when I was 5 or 6’. 另外要注意的是过去时态的使用。


in my childhood在我同年时期

come round my house来我家拜访

stay over过夜

hang out一起玩

all the time一直

tea parties过家家/下午茶

scary story恐怖故事


Well, I guess it’s got to be my cousin Jia. In fact, she’s just one year older, so we used to hang out all the time. I remember she used to come round and stay over on most weekends. One of our favourite things was having loads of tea parties and exchanging scary stories with her at night. Those were the days. I really miss that.

2. Who do you think is the most important member in your family?




bread winner摇钱树

run around到处奔波操劳

can’t go without… 没有谁不能活


Well, I don’t really know whom to choose, but perhaps I would say my dad is the one since he is the bread winner, you know, he’s always out there running around making money for us. In other words, I don’t think we can go without him.

3. Who do you like to go shopping with?




skint = broke没钱了

tight with money扣【不舍得花钱,或不愿意借钱给别人】

try out试穿/试用

every single piece每一件单品

fitting room试衣间

run out of花光了

grocery shopping买菜

pay for everything全部买单


Well, it depends. I mean most of the time I would prefer to go to the clothing store myself. You know, I would be able to take my time trying out every single piece in the fitting room. But if it’s towards the end of the month, you know, when I’m running out of my spending money, I would always want to do at least my grocery shopping with my mom, just so she can pay for everything.

4. Who do you look like the most in your family?




pay much attention to… 关注……

come out of the same model一个模子印出来的

one thing I know for sure

= one thing I’m sure of我至少确定的一点

hook nose鹰钩鼻


Well, I’ve never paid much attention to that to be honest, but every now and then people keep telling me that I look like my mom’s twin sister. Still, one thing I’m sure of is I’ve definitely got my dad’s hook nose.





