
发布时间:2022-05-12 15:08:34


Describe a leader you admire

You should say:

who this person is;

how you know this person;

what skills he or she has for leadership;

and explain why you think he or she is a good leader.





他具有怎样的领导才能:他有胆识【a courageous person】、敢于挑战传统的束缚。制定政策帮助国家走出大萧条、勇敢向法西斯宣战等等。


Sample answer

Times need heroes, and heroes stand out. Franklin Roosevelt is just a hero of the times. Well known for his unprecedented 【前所未有的】13 years as the President of U. S. , he is regarded as a savior【救主】 of America. However, it is not his brilliant achievements that attract me. What I really admire are some qualities shining in his whole life such as fortitude, courage and also his amiability.

His early time, I mean before his forties, was smooth. He was born rich and had a happy marriage. After graduating from Harvard, he served in the Navy. At that time, he had already shown his remarkable【非凡的】 leadership and since his uncle was a President, he would surely enter the political arena. But everything changed when he was 39. Healthy and strong as he was, he was attacked by polio【小儿麻痹症】after swimming, which caused the life long deformity 【畸形】in his legs. It was extremely hard for this ambitious【雄心勃勃的】 man to face the misfortune. He was, of course, in a bad mood and wanted to give up all his dreams at first. Then, after careful thinking, he finally decided to bestir himself. He was not a man easy to surrender【屈服】. Again he took part in political activities and, at the same time, practiced standing up and then walking with a stick. Eventually this brave man won the battle against fate. He became the only disabled President in American history and unprecedentedly served four terms. All should be attributed to his fortitude.

His famous saying "The only thing we fear is fear itself."made me know him, and this saying has spread all over the world and encouraged lots of people. Roosevelt first said it, and as a great leader, he made all his people believe it. He practiced what he preached for he was surely a courageous person challenging the tradition. He formulated【制定】 new policies to help his nation out of the Depression. He declared war against Fascists though most of the Congressmen opposed him at that time. All proved that he was right for his courage was not rash but based on careful thinking. "A leader is one who dares to dream, and then, dares to achieve."

He was great, but not great in appearance. He looked like a kind grandpa at the first sight. He initiated the fireside chat to express his ideas and explain his policies in a relaxed atmosphere【氛围】 on radio. He always smiled sincerely【真诚地】 when speaking and listening. These didn’t lower his prestige【声望】 but made him amiable【和蔼可亲的】 and welcome.

He is surely not a perfect man no one can be perfect. Every age has its hero in the forefront, just like Franklin Roosevelt, a man I admire.


Describe an exciting sport you know.

You should say:

what the sport is

how you know about it

is it difficult

and explain why you think it is exciting.

I think the most popular sport in China is table tennis. It doesn't require intensive facility but only a pair of bats, a table tennis ball and a table, and doesn’t matter what the weather is, and is also easy to learn. You can find people at different ages playing it in the community, even some old people.

Actually, there are several physical benefits of playing table tennis, like your reflexes and hand-eye coordination would become quicker and more refined. And the most important is that it can build your body strength. Though I can’t play it, I often watch table tennis games.

Table tennis is our national ball, and our players have won so many prizes with their excellent skills. Their games always make us excited, and we are proud of them. I enjoy watching the games, and perhaps I’ll learn how to play it soon. In a word, this is a sport with a lot of fun. That’s why I think table tennis is an exciting sport.

雅思口语person similar to you话题

Think of a person in your family that is the most similar to you.

Who is this person?

How is he/she similar to you?

What kind of family is yours? Is it of a typical family structure in China?

My family is a typical family in China. There are grandparents, parents, a brother, my wife and I in my family.I look just like my father. Medium build ,pointed nose and dense black hair. My father is very kind and easy going. His love is the most selfless love. I am luck enough because I have a good father. My father has been specially thirsty for knowledge as he had only a few years of schooling himself. He believe that knowledge can change fate. So, my father offer more opportunity for me to study 【no matter how poor my family was】 To sum up, my family is harmony and our life is very happy.

1】 What do you think are the differences between families in and past and today, and what have caused these changes?

In the past, there were several children in a family. But now, government has is sued "one--child policy" to limit the size of the family. So, there is only one child in a family. Couples will be punished financially if they have more than one child. This is "one -- child policy ".

2】What is your opinion of "one--child policy"?

I agree with one--child policy. Because it is difficult to provide enough food and education for a large number of people. So, government must control the population. Also, it is the best way that we can find to control population.

3】What has your government done to support families?

Such as Project Hope . It means that government supports the students in poor families to continue their schooling and improving their education conditions. In addition, our government establishs beadhouse to provide services for old people who have more difficulties or no families to take care of them.


Do you think parents should supervise what films children watch?


1. 题频分析:典型的家庭教育【parenting】话题 → 应从父母、孩子两个角度着手分析 → 提前总结孩子特点和父母教育方式思路

2. 答题思路:


思路1:由于网络审查【censorship】有限 → 孩子接触到【be exposed to】各种信息 →少儿不宜【not child-friendly】→ 举例【violence, crime, pornography】 → 孩子缺乏判断力【judgment】不能明辨是非 → 很容易学习模仿一些不好的行为和习惯【copy/imitate】→ 父母适当监督把问题扼杀在襁褓里

思路2:孩子有好奇心【curiosity】→ 尤其是青春期【puberty】→ 叛逆rebellious → 如果接触过多与暴力色情相关的电影 → 会产生跟从的欲望 → 导致很严重的后果,如犯罪 → 父母应当给与一些指导【guidance】 → 避免悲剧的发生


思路1:父母监督 → 可能会太过于严格【strict/ harsh】 → 导致孩子叛逆心更强 → 对抗父母【disobedient/ rebel】 → 加剧问题

思路2:没有必要 → 学校教育已经让孩子们明白该做什么、不该做什么 → 应留给孩子们自我判断、自主选择的机会 → 锻炼他们的独立性【independence】 → 毕竟以后使他们自己要社会中生存【survive】 → 不能总让他们成为温室的花朵【flower in greenhouse】


Due to lack of movie & Internet censorship, apparently, now kids are more likely to be exposed to a lot of information not child-friendly at all, especially stuff related to violence, crime & pornography. Meanwhile, without mature judgment, it’s usually hard for children & teenagers to tell right from wrong, which may literally lead to the imitation of certain bad behaviors that they’ve witnessed on screen. You know, it’s not rare to see a young kid swearing or cursing others, even get engaged in physical violence. So, I do believe that, if parents could provide proper supervision about the movies their kids watch, they would effectively nip the negative possibility in the bud.

Do you think famous actors can make the movie successful?


1. 题频分析:典型的影响因素题 P3常考,偶尔P1也会考 → e.g. 造就成功企业的因素,造就成功广告的因素等等

2. 思路分析:


如果指票房成功【box-office】 → 那可能性很高 → 名演员有庞大的粉丝群支持【backup from loyal fans】 →不管电影本身如何 è 粉丝都会愿意去电影院【be willing to pay for the ticket】→ 以此来表达他们对偶像的支持【support】→ 这也就造就了现在市场上很多的粉丝电影【fan-target movies】→ 撇掉内容不谈 → 票房通常很客观


成功的电影由很多因素构成 → 剧情【plot】、导演【director】、制作团队【whole team of production】等等 → 演员只是其中一环【part of the chain】 → 再说很多名演员只是外貌出众【a looker】,演技不一定好【performance】 → 相比之下 → 强大的团队+好的剧情【plot】更为关键


Well it depends on the definition of successful movies. If you mean box-office, I would say yes. Coz’ basically those famous actors have got sincere backup from their huge group of fans, which means, no matter how bad the film is, those loyal fans would still like to pay for the tickets to support their beloved stars, their idols in the cinema. That’s actually the crucial factor contributing to the emergence & boom of those fan-target films. Forgetting about the plot & performance, those ones are usually more likely to receive a real success in the market, just like Twilight from Hollywood or Tiny Time in China.

Would you say that cinemas will disappear in the future?


1. 常见的预测未来题 → 注意will的替换 → be gonna, be likely to do, be expected to, tend to …

2. 不要盲目回答Yes/No → 但可以大致推测 → 根据现状推理 → 去电影院的人多不多?→ 如果多,且越来越多【increasing】 → 不会消失 → 原因【电影院的不可替代性indispensable】→ 环境【environment】 + 设备【facility】→ 版权意识加强【copyright】 è 非法网络资源【illegal】会越来越少 → 不会消失,且会更普遍

3. 时间概念→科技因素→随着科技的进步【advancement】→ 电子便携播放器【portable devices】、家用影院 → 可以在家享受影院级的视听效果【visual & auditory effect】→ 加之电影票昂贵 → 更多老百姓更愿意在家看 → 可能会消失


大片 blockbuster票房box-office

人称:观众audience, cinema-goers, film-lovers

设备facility:巨幕Imax screen高保真音响Hi-fi system尖端的 cutting-edge

版权 copyright尊重版权 pay royalties to法律意识 legal consciousness


Well, not likely, I suppose, for currently, the number of cinema-goers are increasing faster, just like this year, we’ve witnessed many blockbusters, like Fast Furious 7 or Jurassic Park, which has smashed the box-office, earning a real big fortune. Thus, I guess, the disappearance of cinemas will never happen, at lease in the coming decade. Because, on one hand, cinemas are really indispensable in our life, especially to those film-lovers, for there are simply more cutting-edge facilities in it, like Imax screens or hi-fi systems, which could provide us with much better & more touching enjoyment. And usually it’s really hard to enjoy this at home. That’s why on weekends, tons of people rush into the movie theatre to enjoy the latest films, releasing their pressure from fast pace of life. Another thing is that there are more people informed about the concept of copyright in recent years & gradually those free-download films can be regarded as illegal ones. With stronger legal consciousness, I believe there will be more audience deciding to pay royalties to those artists & filmmakers by watching films in the cinema. That’s why I don’t think it’s gonna disappear from our life.





