
发布时间:2022-05-12 15:10:34



1. What's the role of elderly people in China?


1. It is a traditional moral in China to respect the elderly. In every family the elderly person possesses high status. In my family we always consult with my grandfather when the decision should be made about some important family issues. And we take his suggestion seriously.


2. What do you think are problems for older people in China?

2. 你认为在中国存在着哪些老年人的问题?

With the implementation of one-child policy in China, many families can't afford to take good care of the elderly person. The young people are usually too busy to accompany their parents. And the aging problem is becoming serious. But I think these problems will be solved by means of social methods. Now nursing houses are more and more popular. And the welfare system is becoming perfect.


3. What are the main problems for elderly in China?

3. 在中国老年人最主要的问题是什么?

Generally, I think the elderly people live a happy life, but they are sometimes lonely. With the implementation of the one-child policy, many elderly people don't get enough care. In addition, there are not enough entertainment facilities for elderly people.


4. What are the problems in elderly people's experience?

4. 老年人的经验有什么问题吗?

The elderly people's experiences are very valued which direct young people in many ways,but sometimes they are out of date, and can't follow the trend of society. So it is better to accept the elderly people's experience selectively.



Do you like travelling?

Yes, definitely! I think seeing the world, from great historical monuments to white sandy beaches, is what life is all about. It's a very interesting way to learn about new cultures and explore new places.是的,当然!我认为,从伟大的历史遗迹到白色的沙滩,看到这个世界就是生活的全部。这是一种非常有趣的学习新文化和探索新地方的方式。

What is your favourite type of holiday?

I really like going to the countryside, getting away from it all. Nothing relaxes me as much as wilderness... I am tired of tourist traps and usually go off the beaten track...我真的很喜欢去乡下,远离这一切。没有什么比荒野更能让我放松的了。我已经厌倦了旅游陷阱,通常都是走在被人喜欢的轨道上。

What do you do on holidays?

I prefer visiting various museums and places of interest. For instance, on my last vacation I was to Rome and I visited 12 museums. It was fantastic! Of course, sometimes I go shopping with my friends or relatives too... But I don't find it near as exciting...我更喜欢参观各种博物馆和名胜古迹。例如,在我最后一次度假的时候,我去了罗马,参观了12个博物馆。真是太棒了!当然,有时我也会和我的朋友或亲戚一起去购物。但我不觉得这是令人兴奋的。

Are there many tourists visiting your country?

Probably yes... My country has different tourist attractions in many cities, especially the capital... For example, my country has old-time religious traditions... That's why we have a lot of ancient cathedrals and churches that are interesting for both tourists and local citizens...也许是的…我的国家在许多城市有不同的旅游景点,尤其是首都。例如,我的国家有古老的宗教传统……这就是为什么我们有很多古老的教堂和教堂对游客和当地居民都很有趣。


Describe something you own and want to replace

You should say:

What it is

Why you want to replace it


The item which I want to replace is my cellphone. It is a black iPhone 5, one of the most popular cellphones on the street 3 years ago. It is about 4 inches and gives you perfect feeling when you hold it. Since I am not allowed to take it in, it is now lying on the desk at the entrance of this examination building. But usually, I would put it in my trousers’ pocket and take it wherever I go. Even if I was home, I would keep it at my hand, because it is the most important way to keep contact with the outside world and I do not want to miss any important calls or enjoyable conversations with my friends.

I bought it 4 years ago. At that time, I had already had a cellphone. But being attracted by the appearance of Iphone 5, I had always wanted to buy one. Unfortunately, my parents held a different opinion. They thought it was a waste of money and belived that I would use it to play games, which would interfere with my study. To get it, I found a job in a restaurant during that year’s summer vacatin. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. After two months’ hard work, I finally got the enough money and bought it without any hesitation.

Although it used to be my favorite, it is a bit out of date now. First, its screen is not big enough, which has a negative impact on the experience of reading messages and news. Moreover, its performance is inferior compared to the latest ones and operating the lastest games is far beyond its capability. When my classmates get together and talk about what they have played recently, I can do nothing but remain silent. Sometimes I feel I am isolated. Therefore I want to replace it with the newest Iphone X.


Describe an activity you would do when you are alone in your free time

You should say

What the activity is

How often you do it

Where you do it

How you do it

And explain why you would like to do this activity


In my free time I really like to draw, jump on / off the couch, and I also like spinning on the carpet on one knee. It's fun because if you spin VERY fast, you will just get thrown somewhere. Like you're flying! And I like making vids on my YouTube channel, and sharing what I like to do, just like I'm sharing now. I really enjoy playing Sims, cause you can create your own world in Sims! I like to watch vids about bronze, bulls, and cakes. I also like this app called iMovie, where you can make your own movies. I have a plush named Hedgy. And his last name is Hog. So he is a Hedgy Hog basically. Hedgy is the main actor of all of my movies. And do you know why I hang out with a plush so much? Cause he goes with me to school for about a month! Not that long, but it's enough to be a friend with a plush hedgehog. Me and Hedgy like eating pizza, cotton candy, and lemonade 【We really like the pizza from Pizza Garden. The pizza there is fresh, italian, and it's REAL!】. When I grow up, I wanna make a book called ''Diary Of Hedgy" and a book called ''Lamp Diary". And I'm planning to make a YouTube channel for Hedgy.



Go to the cinema - to see Hollywood blockbuster movies, Bollywood movies 【from India】, art films, animated films. You can also say go to the movies.


Some film categories are: Comedy, Drama, Horror, Thriller, Action, Science Fiction 【Sci-Fi】, Fantasy, Documentary, Musical.


Watch TV - Different types of television programs are: The News, Soap Operas, Criminal Investigation Dramas, Medical Dramas, Reality TV, Situation Comedies 【Sit-Coms】, Talk Shows, Documentaries, Cartoons, Game Shows, Sports programs, Movies, Political programs, Religious programs.


Surf the internet - On the internet, you can research a topic you are interested in using a search engine, visit your favourite websites, watch music videos, create your own video and upload it for other people to see, maintain contact with your friends using a social networking site, write your thoughts in a blog, learn what is happening in the world by reading news websites, etc.


Play video games - You can play games on your computer or on a game consoles, like PlayStation, X-Box, Wii, PSP, Gameboy, etc. You can play on your own or with your friends or family.


Play a musical instrument - Learn to play the piano, guitar, violin, cello, flute, piano accordion, mouth organ, panpipes, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, etc. You can play on your own or with a group, such as a band or an orchestra.





