
发布时间:2022-05-12 15:12:13


Describe your favorite season of the year

You should say:

How is the weather like

Why do you like this season

What activities do you usually do during it

How would different kinds of weather affect people

雅思口语part2高分话题范文之:喜欢的季节【your favorite season of the year】

My favorite season in Canada is summer. The real summer in Canada lasts only two months, July and August. During these two months, the temperature climbs above 20 and it's always sunny. The trees become green again and the whole city is full of various flowers. Day time is longer and night time is shorter. Most time we have sunlight until 10 in the evening.

The reason that I like summer is because summer time is the best season for outdoor activities. I love hiking, jogging, and biking. I can go to national parks or city parks easily in summer. Summer gives me so much fun.

Just like what I've said, I love hiking, jogging, and biking in summer. I still remember I went to different national parks last summer for hiking. I saw beautiful lakes and mountains. I even encountered a bear looking for food, which was pretty amazing experience.

Weather may affect people' choice of activities. It's warm outside in summer, so more people will choose outdoor activities. We always have more music festivals or food festivals in summer. Winter is super cold in Canada. People would like to stay home instead of going outside.


Describe something you own and want to replace

You should say:

What it is

Why you want to replace it


The item which I want to replace is my cellphone. It is a black iPhone 5, one of the most popular cellphones on the street 3 years ago. It is about 4 inches and gives you perfect feeling when you hold it. Since I am not allowed to take it in, it is now lying on the desk at the entrance of this examination building. But usually, I would put it in my trousers’ pocket and take it wherever I go. Even if I was home, I would keep it at my hand, because it is the most important way to keep contact with the outside world and I do not want to miss any important calls or enjoyable conversations with my friends.

I bought it 4 years ago. At that time, I had already had a cellphone. But being attracted by the appearance of Iphone 5, I had always wanted to buy one. Unfortunately, my parents held a different opinion. They thought it was a waste of money and belived that I would use it to play games, which would interfere with my study. To get it, I found a job in a restaurant during that year’s summer vacatin. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. After two months’ hard work, I finally got the enough money and bought it without any hesitation.

Although it used to be my favorite, it is a bit out of date now. First, its screen is not big enough, which has a negative impact on the experience of reading messages and news. Moreover, its performance is inferior compared to the latest ones and operating the lastest games is far beyond its capability. When my classmates get together and talk about what they have played recently, I can do nothing but remain silent. Sometimes I feel I am isolated. Therefore I want to replace it with the newest Iphone X.

雅思口语Part 3

What other things in your home you want to be replaced?

Who need new things, the old man or the children?

Whether old man in china always like to store up things at home, why? Do you like that?


Describe a magazine you enjoying watching

You should say:

What it is

How often do you watch it

What do you learn from it

Why do you like it


Let me tell you about my favourite magazine which is called the Science Fiction World and it comes out on a monthly basis. It is definitely the most famous magazine in this field in China, and loads of young students and adults subscribe to it. It is very cheap, only costs 6 yuan.


I guess it’s a professional science fiction magazine that began publishing in 1979 and showcases some of the best works in this field, such as Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, and also fosters a number of domestic authors like Liu Cixin and Wang Jinkang. I believe the Science Fiction World represents where the Chinese science fiction novels are going in the future.


I’ve read this magazine for about 15 years since the middle school age. I believe that reading science fiction novels can help inspire my imagination and creativity and think about some ultimate philosophic questions about the universe, what our society would be like in many years, and what form our human being will develop into. Besides, reading appealing novels enables me to enjoy the leisure time in an elegant way.






