
发布时间:2022-05-12 15:12:18




Describe an interesting story you saw on TV.

You should say:

what the story was

when you watched it

who was in the story

and explain why you remember it

Sample answer:

I'm pretty sure everyone got a clue of what "The Terminator" 【终结者】is about.

The story is about the war between Human and Cyborgs:A terminator is sent from the future to prevent John Connor being borned. John Connor is the leader of those who fight against the terminators. The terminator's job is then to hunt down the mother of the leader, Sarah Connor.

I first saw the film version at the age of six or seven and unsurprisingly it confused me. A few years later I caught it again on Television and loved it. I was browsing through New Oriental School's video stores a few months ago and it caught my eye and brought me back to childhood.

This is the most groundbreaking action TV back in the day. The story develops quickly and each character is different. I watched closely to understand what's happening and there's no way you could fall asleep.There are good performances and tons of humorous bits throughout the episodes that lighten up such a suspenseful, frightening story.

"Terminator" is an impressive masterpiece because it offers me food for meditation. Science now performs miracles like the gods of old, creating life from blood cells, or bacteria, or a spark of metal. But those are perfect creatures. And in that way, they couldn't be less human. We appreciate beauty, create art, obviously we all have weak moments, moments where we lose faith. But it's our flaws, our weaknesses, that make us human. There are things machines will never do.

Related words:



catch someone's eye引起某人注意




food for meditation值得深思的东西


Describe an interesting novel or story.

You should say:

what it is about

who told you this story

when you heard this story

and explain why this was an interesting story to you.





Thank you very much to let me talk about this cue card topic. The story that I am going to talk about is a fascinating story on how an eight year’s old kid saved more than 500 people from possible fatal casualty. I read this story a year ago in a daily newspaper.

This story was published in a popular newspaper that I used to read every day at that time and it was featured as a story of bravery and exemplary one.

An eight years old boy was playing with some other kids in the evening near a rail junction and suddenly noticed that a part of the rail track was severely damaged. While other kids ignored that and returned to their houses, this particular boy was different and he went home and persuaded his father that something bad is going to happen. He came back to the train junction with his father and took a great deal of hassle to convince the rail officers to actually go to visit the damage.

They officers were reluctant to do so and thought it was a child’s imagination or lack of comprehension. But the boy was adamant and with his father, they were able to finally convince them that something terrible might happen if they do not take prompt actions. When all of them saw the severe damage on the rail track, it was almost the time for a passenger rail to pass this junction using this particular rail track.

It was evening and very few people were in the station. The railway authority understood that repairing the harmed railroad was impossible. They immediately informed the nearby station and warned them so that the train does not leave that junction.

Next day many rail supervisors and employees visited the place and they were amazed by the bravery the boy showed to save people from an approaching peril.

I followed the news story and next day it made the headline of every local newspaper. As far I remember the boy was given many gifts by the rail authorities as well as the local administration.

The story was an exemplary one to remind us how a small sacrifice and bravery can save others. The eight years old boy showed his utmost intelligence, heroism and prompt actions to save people from unforeseeable dangers. The event was so touchy that it went viral in a day and that hit the headline of many newspapers. I did not watch TV that time, but I am sure that was also in TV news.

From the very nature of this event, we can understand that we revere the good news and we are not used to the bad news only. The great courage of a small kid saved the lives of many and that was an indeed worth news story to let the people of the whole country know and feel proud of.


一、第一句话【first word】见到考官的第一句话,很关键,不用说的很复杂。可以是一个简单句,但一定要铿锵有力。展示出自信和实力。千万不要来一句“sorry, my English is poor”.常见的开头有:1. Good morning! may I introduce myself ..2. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. I’m peter white, my NO is …【北大清华等学校参加面试的考生很多,大概对考生有一个编号,说一下自己的编号显得很职业,也很正式。】

二、作自我介绍——成长经历【making a self-introduction ——developing history】有很多学校要求做一个自我介绍,这一问题并非在请你大谈你的个人历史。考官是要在你的介绍中寻找有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力的线索。来判断你是否适合读MBA。你可以先介绍一下成长的经历,出生地和毕业学校等内容。在这一部分要介绍的有些特色,让老师在听几十个人流水帐式的介绍中增加一点乐趣,就权且当作MBA人际关系管理的第一个挑战吧!I come from ******,the capital of *******Province. I graduated from the ******* department of *****University in July ,1997. 【很简单的一句话,一定要发音准确!要把毕业学校的英文准确名字搞清楚了。】

你可以借光一下家乡的名人,可以用这句高水平的话,展示高超你高超的口语。You know, there is a saying that “The greatness of a man lends a glory to a place”. I think the city really deserves it.另外在介绍性格和爱好的时候,适合把家庭介绍结合在一起,可以说父母给了你哪些方面良好的影响。不要流水帐似的介绍家庭成员。可以这么说:Just like my father, I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history. Frequently I exchange ideas with my family during super. In addition , during my college years, I was once the chairman of the Student Union. These work have urged me develop active and responsible characters.

在这里给出描述个人品质常用词汇的中英文对照,可以参考。able有才干的,能干的 adaptable适应性强的 active主动的,活跃的aggressive有进取心的 ambitious有雄心壮志的 amiable和蔼可亲的 amicable友好的 analytical善于分析的 apprehensive有理解力的aspiring有志气的,有抱负的 audacious有冒险精神的 capable有能力的,有才能careful办理仔细的 candid正直的 competent能胜任的constructive建设性的 cooperative有合作精神的 creative富创造力的dedicated有奉献精神的 dependable可靠的 diplomatic老练的,有策disciplined

守纪律的 dutiful尽职的 well-educated受过良好教育的efficient有效率的 energetic精力充沛的 expressivity善于表达faithful守信的,忠诚的 frank直率的,真诚的 generous宽宏大量的genteel有教养的 gentle有礼貌的 humorous有幽默 impartial公正的 independent有主见的 industrious勤奋的ingenious有独创性的 motivated目的明确的 intelligent理解力强的learned精通某门学问的 logical条理分明的 methodical有方法的modest谦虚的 objective客观的 precise一丝不苟的 punctual严守时刻的 elastic实事求是的 responsible负责的sensible明白事理的 sporting光明正大的 steady踏实的 systematic有系统的 purposeful意志坚强的 sweet-tempered性情温和的temperate稳健的 tireless孜孜不倦的

三、作自我介绍——职业发展【making a self-introduction ——career development】这是很关键的一部分,也是MBA考官会重点考察的一部分。要把工作经历和MBA的学习以及职业发展方向作为一个整体来谈,让老师感到你选择MBA是一个理性的选择而不是一时冲动,选择MBA是职业发展中的一个必然选择,而不是因为找不到工作。你可以用这些句型: 1、In the past years, I’ve worked at IBM as a software engineer. In my work, I found communication and management is very important. I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning.

So I choose MBA! if I am given a chance to study MBA in this famous University, I will stare no effort to master a good command of communication and management skill.【在过去的几年中,我作为一个软件工程师在IBM工作。在工作中,我发现交流和管理非常的重要。我一直认为一个人很容易落后,如果不持续学习的话,所以我选择了MBA!如果我有机会在这个著名的大学学习MBA,我会不遗余力的掌握沟通和管理的技能。】

















