
发布时间:2022-05-12 15:13:58


1. What types of bags do you use?

By and large, I’d prefer the bag with many layers and small bags inside of it, because it would be helpful to categorise my stuff, like books, assignments or pens.

2. What do you put in these bags?

Usually my laptop, textbooks and stationary

3. Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?

Seldom do I carry that, because I’d prefer my hands free. But I would like to have my bookbag with me, because it is on my back and doesn’t occupy my hands. Apart from this, it also makes me to feel a sense of safe.

4. What sorts of bags do women like to buy?

I suppose they would prefer the most fashionable one no matter how much it would cost, which I believe is rather irrational, but I could hardly understand why.

5. When you are buying a bag, what factors do you consider?

For me, the usefulness ranks the top, and the price should be reasonable. and I wish it would have many layers and small bags inside of it, because it would be helpful to categorise my stuff, like books, assignments or pens.

6. How do you make your choice when you are buying a bag?

I would compare its usefulness and quality to other bags, and then check whether the price is affordable for me

7. Do you think the style of a bag is very important? 【Why?/Why not?】

As for me that wouldn’t be a problem as long as it is not too ostentatious, because I am introverted, and don't want to flaunt myself, just want to be humble and modest. Thus I care more about its utility rather than the style.

8. Do you have a bag for special occasions?

I’m afraid not… because I am a person who appreciate the familiar stuff and kind of resist to attempt for the new. So I carry the same bag no matter what occasion it might be.


Describe a book you have recently read【new】

You should say:

What type/kind of book it was

What it was about

Where you read it

How you felt about the book


In your country, who would ask children to read, schools or parents?

Do you prefer paper books or E-books?

Do you think printed books will continue to exist?

Do you think parents should continue reading?

What kind of books do children read?


I recently read Tagore's Stray Birds. This book contains more than 300 poems, whose themes are common things such as birds, grass, rivers and so on.


The book's greatest feature is brevity.Tagore always conveys himself understanding and thinking according to natural landscape.Tagore is good at describing animals and plants in nature. And he wants to emphasized freedom and vitality through careful description. My grandma send me Tagore's Stray Birdsinthe bookstore. She often reminds me to read more books rather than spend lots of time on playingand studying.


At that time, I didn't understand why grandmasentthis book to me. However, when I opened the Tagore's Stray Birds, I was deeply attracted by the poems. This book contains many interesting stories about nature. These stories make me feel the freedom and vitality of life. Through Tagore's Stray Birds, I love life more.



In your country, who would ask children to read, schools or parents?

In our country, parents usually ask their children to read books. The traditional Chinese education culture encourage parents as the first teacher for children. In childhood, parents read books before their children go to bed. Therefore, children are gradually being affected to read.


Do you prefer paper books or E-books?

I prefer e-books. First, e-books are easy to carry and light. The traditional paper books are heavy.If I travel,it willtake my space up.Second, e-books canstoremany books. I can always find what I want to see in e-books. Third, the cost of e-books is very low. Usually, paper books are more expensive than e-books, which are not good for people who often purchase books.


Do you think printed books will continue to exist?

Yes. E-books will disappear due to power failure or failure. However, printed books will always exist whatever there is electricity. The printed book is very memorable because it is like an album that records past memories and notes.



Describe a person who helps to protect the environment 【new 】

You should say:

Who this person is

How this person is

How this person protects the environment

What difficulty this person has faced

And how you feel about this person


He is the first person to harness the desert in China, called Wenbiao Wang. In the north of China, desertification is becoming more and more serious, and many lands have changed deserts. This problem not only lead to many farmers no land to cultivate, but also caused serious environmental problems such as frequent sandstorms.


By planting different plants in the desert, Mr. Wang discovered that one species of plants is best suited for desert survival. So he planned to plant the plant in large areas and different planting areas. Finally, their ways effectively resisting desertification in northern China.


I am living in the north of China. I know the dangers of sand storms. Therefore, I particularly respect Mr. Wang. He not only help farmers get more land for farming, but also his method was also effective in preventing sand storms. Let's have a better living environment.



Is it important to teach students environmental protection school?

I think it is very important for students to know the importance of protecting the environment. Students can make a better effort to protect the environment. In addition, students can pass on the concept of environmental protection to their parents and even the next generation, which is very helpful to the sustainable development of the environment.


How can people protect the environment?

First, We can take part in many plant activities to increase the greening area of the city. Secondly, we can choose public transport. The environment pollution includes the exhaust emissions from cars. We can ride bicycles or subways to reduce exhaust emissions. Third, people can use recyclable materials to avoid more garbage polluting the environment.


Do you think it is necessary to make environmental protection as a subject?

I think it is necessary. The environment of human life is interrelated and not independent. If one country's environmental pollution is particularly serious, other countries will also suffer pollution through the atmosphere circulation. Therefore, protecting the environment is a very important goal. Every one of us needs to work together.






