
发布时间:2022-05-12 15:14:04



1.Do you play any indoor games?

Does Dungeons & Dragons count? If so, I am in a D&D group every Monday night. We play indoors.

2.Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games?

I think i like both, shouldn't i? I mean i like playing soccer or basketball outside or going to the beach or things like that but i also love play some video games and chess as well.

3.What indoor games did you play when you were a child?

As a child I enjoyed playing chess. I think chess is probably the best known board game in the world. I was probably seven or eight years old when I started playing, and it seemed like a very mysterious and intellectual game at that time.

4.Is there any particular indoor game that you liked 【when you were a child】?

As a child I enjoyed playing chess.I remember that it was a classmate of mine at primary school who first taught me to play chess.I liked playing chess because I enjoyed the challenge of thinking ahead and trying to outwit my opponent.

5.What sorts of indoor games do children play now?

Nowadays, children do not play as much sport as in the past, and many like to sit at home and play computer games instead.


1.Do you play video games?

No, I really do not like playing video games, I find them annoying.

2.What kinds of video games do you like to play?

I do not play, but the only game I have tried and liked is Mario Bros, that is quite fun.

3.Is it good for young people to play video games?

I do not think it is good for young people to play video games as much as they do. Anything in moderation is fine, but some of my friends are completely addicted to playing, and play for hours and hours. This is not good for their eyesight, and they do not move around enough. I still believe young people should play outside, and do sports.


Describe a game you like playing.

You should say

What it is

How often you play it

Who you play it with

And explain why you like this game.


Ok, well I don’t actually play games that much anymore, so I wasn’t quite sure, at first, what to talk about, but then I remembered a game which I occasionally play on my iPhone, called Fruit Ninja, which I guess you might also have played yourself, because it seems to be really popular at the moment, so that’s what I’m gonna talk to you about.

And as for how often I play it, well at the moment, I don’t really play it that often, probably only a couple of times a week or something. But I should mention that I used to play it a lot more, you know, cos I got quite addicted to it at one stage. I mean, it kind of got to the point where I was playing it whenever I had a few minutes to spare, which was a bit excessive, as I’m sure you’ll agree it’s not the most constructive thing to spend your time doing! So I kind of felt I was wasting a bit too much of my time playing it, and I’m glad to say that I’ve now got out of the habit of playing it so often.

Anyway, regarding who I play it with, well most of the time, I just play it by myself, as it’s a game that only requires one player. I mean, all you basically do in the game is swipe as much fruit as you can in one minute,because you get points for each piece of fruit that you hit. But you also have to avoid swiping the bombs, because they’ll deduct about 10 points from your score if you hit them. So that’s basically all there is to it, and although it’s really simple, it’s actually incredibly addictive, partly because it doesn’t take that long to play.

So what often happens is that, after I’ve finished playing a game, I’ll want to have another go straight away to see if I can get a better score. And I might keep doing this for about half an hour or so, which I know is a complete waste of time, but it’s just so difficult to stop playing it once you’ve started.

Anyway, finally then, as for why I like this game, well it’s actually quite hard to pinpoint an exact reason. I mean, it’s just plain, simple fun. And I think it’s a great game to play when I’m on my own with nothing else to do, like if I’m waiting for a bus or something.

So yeah I guess that’s pretty much it. Thanks for listening!


I've played several games, both indoor and outdoor games, and still try to play whenever I get time. Among those games, I enjoyed playing chess more than others. Chess is an indoor game where two players participate. This game does not involve any major physical movements like other outdoor games but a chess player has to use his/her brain and make game plans to defeat the opponent.

I mostly play this game with my friends and cousins. Sometimes I play it with my father and senior relatives. Since playing chess requires only placing the board on a surface and sitting position of the two participating players, it is convenient to play chess almost anywhere. I mostly play it at our veranda, garden or bed room. I enjoy this game because I have a fascination about this game from my childhood and I really like the overall theme and barnstorming involved in this game. It's a thought provoking game that gives the participating players to use their brains. A player can apply his/her strategy, and then allure the opponent to fall in trap which is much like a real battle field.

It's not a game where someone would only use the physical movements rather the game requires perfect game plan, finding weakness of the opponent and a battle strategy. This game gives you a feel of being the King of a regime where you decide your country men's fate. For all those reasons this is a very interesting and enjoyable game to me.





