
发布时间:2022-05-12 15:16:27


Describe a popular place where people go swimming.

You should say:

where it is;

what it looks like;

what kinds of people usually go there;

and explain why people like to go there.



There is a swimming center in our school and it is quite popular among students and teachers. It is located near the stadium and it’s only a few minutes away from my dormitory. The swimming center is quite large. There are two pools. One is deep and is prepared for those who are very good at swimming and the other one is relative shallow and it is for children and newcomers. Apart from the pools, there are also changing rooms and a small shop. Most people swim there are students and teachers of the school. Many white-collars who work nearby also like to come here.

The reason why it is so popular is because it is cheap. It only takes one 5 yuan an hour to swim here. In other swimming centers, it usually takes 15 to 20 yuan an hour. Besides, it is quite clean here. Water here is of high quality. Sanitation workers will clean here several times a day. Sometimes at weekends there are some activities held here like swimming competition. They also help to attract a lot of people. So to us it is not only a place to relax ourselves but also a place to make friends.

雅思口语话题Photo in your home

Describe a photo or painting you like in your home.You should say:

Where and when the photo was taken or painted

Which room it is in

What there are in the photo or painting

And explain why you like it




1. 一般现在时,注意必要时动词第三人称单数变形;

2. 一般过去式:注意动词过去式正确变形;

3. 现在完成时:have / has done,注意助动词have / has与人称的正确搭配,以及动词过去分词的正确变形;

4. 现在完成进行时:have / has been doing,注意助动词have / has与人称的正确搭配,以及动词过去分词的正确变形。

话题一开始,利用一个从大到小,从多到少的逻辑形成一个开头句,也就是说在我家里所有的照片中,我最喜欢的是某一张。这里给大家一个示例句型:among all the photos we have in our home,my favorite is always the one that…,之后可以加一个定语从句修饰这样照片,在这个内容中可以将照相的时间以及地点加进去,形成一个复杂句。

接着,可以对当时照这张相的时候背景事件进行一定描述,在这里同学们要注意动词一定要以正确的形式变为过去式,这也是考官重点要纠正的内容。还有一点需要同学们多注意一下,在照相这个内容中我们可以有意的用到一些被动语态来体现语法优势:the picture was taken。

最后,可以描述一下自己喜欢这个照片的原因,表达原因时可以用as;since;for;due to来替换我们平时常用的because。照片对我们来说最重要的意义就是它所承载的回忆【the memory it carries】,它也是我们一家人亲情的象征【it is the symbol of the love between the family members】,家人才是我们最宝贵的财富【family is the true treasure】!


Among all the photos we have in our home, my favorite is always the one that was taken 7 years ago on my 18th birthday. It brings me a lot of unforgettable memories every time I lay eyes upon it.

On my 18th birthday, my father suggested that we should go to the South Mountain and have a day off there, so we set off early in the morning to avoid the rush hour, and after two-hour driving, we arrived at the spot. As soon as we finished setting up the tent, we went hiking for two hours and enjoyed the natural view. Then we got back to our tent to have some delicious barbecue for lunch. I ate so much that I could barely move. After resting a while, we decided to ride horses on the mountain, and that’s when the picture was taken. My father, my mother, my sister and I were riding on horses, beautiful smiles were on our faces, and the horse keeper helped us capture the precious moment.

My father developed the photo a few days later with the best wishes from my family written on it, then he framed it and put it on the wall of my bedroom. Even now every day I go into my room, it will be the first thing that I see.

In my opinion, this picture is the symbol of the love between me and my family, and it always reminds me of the time that we had so much fun on the South Mountain. My families have been doing a lot for me through all these years, more than I can ever repay, they are the true treasure of my life!

雅思口语话题keep fit

Describe an activity you do to keep fitYou should say:

What the activity is

When and where you usually do it

How you do it

and explain why it can keep you fit.

题目解析:这种体育运动类的题型经常会出现,是一个非常常规的生活话题,你可以任意选一项自己熟悉的运动,但要记住选择的话题内容要服务于你的语言能力,要可以hold住,不要给自己挖坑。这个话题的重点是keep fit, 要解释这项运动给你带来的各种好处,但不可以停留在good for health的层面上,要更详细的解释如何帮助你保持健康。

相似话题:Describe something that you want to learn more.描述一个想要进一步学习的事情

思路解析:what: 先告诉考官是哪一项运动,比如swimming

how: 如何学会的?swimming club / health clubswimming videosshallow end浅水区 deep end深水区

why: 为什么你选择了这项运动?如何有益于你的身体健康? a great exciselow impact伤害较低,影响较低it works every musclethe water is relaxing and stress-relieving解压,放松

参考词汇:drown: 溺水,淹没overcome: 克服the fear of ...: 对...的恐惧 the fear of waterstart off: 开始available: 可利用的,有空的conquer: 克服,战胜knees: 膝盖注意k不发音ankles: 脚踝

I was almost drowned when I was little so I do not enjoy being in the water. I wanted to overcome my fear of water. And it was definitely a challenge for me. I learned it in a health club and practiced from watching some swimming videos. I started off in the shallow end, where I could touch my feet to the bottom. When I felt more comfortable, I went to the deep end. Now I am not that good at it but I conquered my fear of water and I go swimming at least once a week. It becomes a part of my schedule. Swimming is a great exercise and it is low impact if I can overcome the fear of water. I feel it’s refreshing, it doesn't stress my knees or ankles as much as other sports, and it works every muscle in my body. It's an intense workout, but at the same time the water is relaxing and stress-relieving.


1. Do you like to watch the sky?你喜欢仰望天空吗? 对于这样一个yes/no的问题,一个口语答题的常识就是千万不要给出yes/ no,后续的语言支撑才是重点。

喜欢看天空,喜欢什么时候看天空when I got nothing to do or have something stuck in my mind,在天空中你可以看到什么,crystal clear blue,clouds moving in an extremely subtle way,sometimes if I’m lucky,birds fly through in crowds看天空时候你的感觉是怎样的it’s the most peaceful moment then get wandering . 对于雾霾比较严重的地区,还可以跟以前对比一下。内容的丰富度就会大大增加。

Example: Well, to be honest, I used to love looking up at the sky all the time. When I had my mind stuck in somewhere or simply got bored, I would go out to a roof or somewhere I can quietly enjoy the crystal clear blue sky, with the clouds moving subtlety, sometimes if I’m lucky, I can also see birds flying through in crowds. It was the most peaceful moment and perfect for wandering with the breezes. But now with the fog and haze, there’s no way I can do that again.

2.Do you prefer the sky during the day or at night?这是一道典型的对比类题目,这类的题目同学们首先还是要灵活熟练运用可以表述比较的语言: 比较级的用法more / less than , as ... as ,prefer的名词性转变preference等。

其实本题的答题方向比较没有所谓,无论选择更喜欢白天或者黑夜,或者居中都可以。但切记不要选择其一而不表述另一方面。难点是找出可以对比描述的方向,比如白天因为有太阳更加明亮而且温暖so much brighter and warmer because of the sun,晚上有星星,更加静谧tranquil。接下来的sample answer中并没有给出一个明确的选择。

Actually, I don’t have any particular preference over this since they both got unique features. In the daytime, it’s so much brighter and warmer because of the sun, so it is more comfortable to have the sunbath while watching the sky. But it is not as tranquil or fascinating as it is in the evening with all those shinning stars blinking towards me.

3.Have you learnt any courses about stars or planets?这是一道个人经历的题目,很多学生会陷入自己真实情况的困境,自己并无这方面太多的知识。其实雅思官方指导视频里面也明确的有说,编答案也是无可厚非的,毕竟考察项是同学们的英语表达水平,而并非是大家的知识量。当然如果同学们本身对星球星体这方面了解甚多,那就赶紧发挥你的脑容量小宇宙吧。

大家中学时期都是学过地理的,geography ,只不过地理上的只是简单的introduction,入门水平;此处可以和大家的实际情况相结合,如果是大学生或者高中的理科生,可以说很多都不记得了;但是大家平时还是会看一下这方面的新闻,最常见的就是流星雨。还有女生们比较了解的星座方面,往这个方向说会熟悉很多。

I kind of have. I memorized a range of introductions in my geography class. Unfortunately, I don’t think I can recall any of those detailed information any more. But I do read or hear some news mainly about the where to get the best views of the "shooting stars" or things like this quite often. And almost every girl I know never stops gossiping about constellation, such as who is a typical Virgo or how can one get along well with a narcissistic Sagittarius. This is pretty much all I know about the stars. 4.Where is a good place to watch stars?这是一个信息罗列题目,罗列的是可以看星星的地点。

此类题目很多学生容易上来就给一大堆地点,但却忽略了将内容做一个分类,因此丧失了语言长度和难度上的加分。 而且既然是a good place,未必非要给出一个特定的地址,可以给一个分类,给出具体的描述。 地点可以分为市区的地点urban areas和郊区农村 suburban district or country side. 后续再描述具体的地方:比如the roof of the skyscrapers ,Closest place to the sky. 说明这些地方看星星的好处和坏处。


Well, I guess it depends greatly on where one live. I mean, for someone lives in the suburban district or country side, with less lights and average height of the house, positions for a better view may not matter that much. However, for one form urban areas, it would be excellent to stand on the roof of a skyscraper or get in a planetarium or museum where a telescope is set. Unfortunately, I have never tried this.





