
发布时间:2022-05-12 15:22:19



Describe a time you saw lots of people were smiling

You should say:

When did you see them

Where did you see them

Who you were with

And explain why people were smiling


As for a time I saw lots of people were smiling, well, I should say the experience when I went to a small village in the north of China to do volunteering teaching. It was a summer vacation about four years ago. I was allocated to teach English for a group of students who ranged in age from 7 to 12 years old. There I saw my students, 25 students, in a shabby and old classroom. That was the biggest classroom there, which was still in good condition. I remembered in my first class, 11 girls and 14 boys were sitting there and watching me intently. At first, I guessed that they should have known a little knowledge of English learning. I introduced myself in English and asked them some questions about English learning. However, nobody gave me a response. I repeated what I said. The same. Then I asked them whether they couldn’t catch what I said. Certainly, in Chinese. Some of them nodded shyly. Till then, I noticed that all of them were smiling at me from the beginning even if they couldn’t understand me. They didn’t misbehave or become absent-minded. I was moved.

I read their smiles as the highest respect to a new teacher. I always think that there was something wrong with me since I didn’t prepare much to get to know their basic learning and needs for English study. They used their smiles to show the greatest respect and expectation for a new English teacher. Moreover, they convinced me that I should teach them well and light up their passion for English learning. The fact that they were smiling at me means they respect me, believe me, and infuse the courage and determination into me. Well, I have to say the volunteering teaching became my lifetime.


1.How do children celebrate birthdays in your country?

Children are fond of parties and lovely gifts. Also they like celebrate it with friends like getting together and have a great meal.

2.How did you celebrate your last birthday?

My last birthday was held in a restaurant. I invites my best friends and We had birthday cake, sang and danced together. My parents and my friends gave me some nice and beautiful presents.

3.What kinds of birthday gifts do you like to receive?

I'd like to receive some intellectual gifts, such as electronic dictionary, notebook computer and so on.

4.Is there a difference between the way you celebrated your birthday in the past and in the present?

Sure, I think there's a big difference. When I was a child, my parents always prepared a birthday party for me, and we sang birthday song and ate birthday cake together. But now I seldom celebrate my birthday and sometimes I even forget it, because I'm so busy and I have no time to celebrate it.


Describe an ideal house.

You should say:

where it is

what it looks like

when you would like to live in

and explain why you would like to live in it.

Ever since I was a little boy, I’ve wanted to live in a house by the water. When I say water, I mean anywhere like the sea, a river or a lake. It doesn’t matter to me. I guess if it was by a river or a lake then I’d like the house to be right on the edge of the water so that I could have a boat moored up alongside and maybe go fishing. If it were by the sea, then I’d like to have a beach between the house and the water so I could go for walks along the coast and one day play with my kids in the sand.

The house itself could be any size, large or small would do for me as the location is what’s important. It would be cool to have a bedroom that faced the water and a balcony so that I could sit outside and have a great view. The interior of the house would be very modern, with top-of-the-range gadgets and appliances, such as a massive TV and a good cooker so that I could cook delicious meals.

I’ve no idea when I would be able to afford such a house, to be honest I think it’s a bit of a pipe-dream, but assuming I could I’d like to live there before I’m too old. I’d have to work hard first to save up lots of money, so I think middle-age is the most realistic target.

I think everyone dreams of having a big house, in a good location, with a nice interior and furnishings. We all want to live a good life and escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Being by the water would be the icing on the cake.


Describe a historical period that you are interested in

You should say:

What the historical period is

How you know it

What happened during that period

Why you find it interesting

Speaking of a period of history that I fond of,I would like to talk something about the Middle age. Life in the Middle Ages was completely different than we see it today. Some reflections of life of that period are found in cinemas but most of them are unrealistic. They are filled with fantasies. The real life in the Middle Ages was filled with classifications and the feudal system dominated the entire society. And most importantly, people were superstitious to a great extent. This is a very smart candidate task card and I am happy to have it in my share.

In some terms, living in the Middle Ages was beneficial. Life was not so much complicated as it is found today. People used to live near nature. And there were fewer traffic congestions in the streets. Though the streets remained crowded round the day, there were no troubles among the pedestrians and people used to live in their own way. Minding the own business was the key task. The other important benefit was that they did not think so much about the career or about the other silly issues that matter most in the present day.

But there were some drawbacks as well. The classification was the most important obstacle of this age. People were classified into various groups and the noblemen used to dominate the poorer section of the society. The scope of entertainment was limited and the lower parts of the society had no or little access to such activities. The daily life in this age was the subject of wealth and power.

I would like to have lived in that period of time. In fact, a fascination works in me about that age. I have seen numerous events in movies and got addicted to the age. So, I want to travel in the streets with a dimmed lantern with me and enjoy the views around.





