
发布时间:2022-05-12 15:27:24



1.What is politeness in your opinion?

Mmmm… for me politeness is treating other people like you would want to be treated, and remembering to say please and thank you, that was something my grandmother always reminded me about.

2.When you were child who taught you to be polite?

My parents, and especially my grandmother, she was always telling me to say please when I asked for something and to remember to say thank you when somebody gave me something or did something for me.

3.Why is it important to be polite to people?

It’s one of those things that just makes life nicer, isn’t it? When people are polite, or courteous, it’s just nicer than if they’re not. It makes everyday activities better… if people weren’t polite then maybe we wouldn’t speak to so many different people every day or help people… or ask for help either.

4.Do you think people became more or less polite in your country compared to when you were a child?

I believe, people have become more of open minded, less formal and more bold in making statements. So, they tend to just say as it is. But, this does not necessarily mean that they don’t respect their parents or elders. I think the problem is that people are not able to express what they feel in a better way.

5. In your country’s culture, how do you show that you are being polite?

To start with, a simple but convincing indicator of good manners, in my opinion, is saying “thank you” to those who help us, “sorry” when we’ve done something wrong and “please” when we ask someone for a favor. What’s more, as you probably know, Vietnam is a hierarchical society, which means it’s crucial for the people here to be respectful of their seniors, by using honorifics for instance. Of course, there are many other examples of politeness, but I’m pretty sure the ones I've mentioned above are two of the most fundamental expressions.

6.Are we less polite with members of our families than with people we don’t know?

I suppose it's normal to be a bit more relaxed about politeness with family members. Most people tend to speak in a more informal way at home; in the UK, we still say "please" and "thanks", but it's fine to use colloquial language and things like nicknames that you would never use with someone you didn't know.

7. Do you think we should be polite to those who are not being polite to us?

I remember reading somewhere that we should be pleasant to everyone, not because they’re nice, but because we are, and that “manners maketh man”. Just because someone is misbehaving doesn’t necessarily mean we should act as badly in return. There’s no point of downgrading our manners! This only makes other people look down on us. Instead, we’d better try to stay calm and courteous, even to those who don’t really deserve our politeness. And I said “try” because I know that it’s not always easy.


1. Which relative did you most often see when you were a child?


误区:注意试试能不能把‘when I was a child’换掉,比如换成‘in my childhood’或者‘when I was a kid’,甚至可以直接说‘when I was 5 or 6’. 另外要注意的是过去时态的使用。


in my childhood在我同年时期

come round my house来我家拜访

stay over过夜

hang out一起玩

all the time一直

tea parties过家家/下午茶

scary story恐怖故事


Well, I guess it’s got to be my cousin Jia. In fact, she’s just one year older, so we used to hang out all the time. I remember she used to come round and stay over on most weekends. One of our favourite things was having loads of tea parties and exchanging scary stories with her at night. Those were the days. I really miss that.

2. Who do you think is the most important member in your family?




bread winner摇钱树

run around到处奔波操劳

can’t go without… 没有谁不能活


Well, I don’t really know whom to choose, but perhaps I would say my dad is the one since he is the bread winner, you know, he’s always out there running around making money for us. In other words, I don’t think we can go without him.

3. Who do you like to go shopping with?




skint = broke没钱了

tight with money扣【不舍得花钱,或不愿意借钱给别人】

try out试穿/试用

every single piece每一件单品

fitting room试衣间

run out of花光了

grocery shopping买菜

pay for everything全部买单


Well, it depends. I mean most of the time I would prefer to go to the clothing store myself. You know, I would be able to take my time trying out every single piece in the fitting room. But if it’s towards the end of the month, you know, when I’m running out of my spending money, I would always want to do at least my grocery shopping with my mom, just so she can pay for everything.

4. Who do you look like the most in your family?




pay much attention to… 关注……

come out of the same model一个模子印出来的

one thing I know for sure

= one thing I’m sure of我至少确定的一点

hook nose鹰钩鼻


Well, I’ve never paid much attention to that to be honest, but every now and then people keep telling me that I look like my mom’s twin sister. Still, one thing I’m sure of is I’ve definitely got my dad’s hook nose.


1. What do you like about traveling?




Relieve one’s stress / release one’s pressure

Give a fresh start

Enrich one’s life experiences

Expand one’s vision/ broaden one’s horizon

suppose traveling helps to relieve my stress from work, especially after a whole busy year, a nice trip really works miracles. It gives me a fresh start. Besides, during traveling, I have a chance to meet new people whose life experiences and stories could definitely expand my vision.

2. Why don’t some people like traveling?




targets of muggings, pick-pockets, attacks

vulnerable in strange places

not used to the climate, the food and the local environment

tight budget

Well, it’s hard to say why some people don’t like it, because there are various reasons. Firstly, I suppose safety is what they’ve concerned most about. Travelers are more likely to be targets of muggings, pick-pockets, attacks, etc., because they appear more vulnerable in strange places. Especially during high season, in some hot tourist spots, cases about travelers being stolen, mugged or attacked become quite common. And the other reason is that may be some people couldn’t get used to the climate, the food and the local environment of a new place, they feel more comfortable staying at home. Moreover, perhaps a tight budget deters them from starting a vacation, after all, traveling means spending.

3. What are benefits of traveling?




refreshing and revitalizing

leave all daily routines behind

a new and different angle to see the world

experience exotic culture

Traveling is a refreshing and revitalizing activity which gives us the opportunity to disconnect from our regular life because we could leave all daily routines behind for a few days or weeks. After the break, we feel more energetic to return to work or study.

And through traveling we have a chance to widen our perspective. To view new customs, different ways of living is fantastic for the mind. It gives us a new and different angle to see the world. When we travel, we can experience exotic cultures and try new food, I mean, to further discover what this wonderful world offers.

4. Why do you think some people like traveling with others?


make the whole trip more hilarious

economical way of travel

learn to cooperate with others when in difficulties

It’s obvious that traveling with others, especially with friends could make the whole trip more hilarious. And it can also cultivate our ability to cooperate with others when we are in difficulties. Moreover, compared to traveling alone, we could save more if we travel with friends. The amount of money, originally, should be paid by one person, now can be shared by two or even more people.





