
发布时间:2022-05-12 15:43:33



Describe an achievement that you are proud of

You should say:

What it was

How it was made

What difficulties have you encountered during the process

Why you are proud of this achievement



高分语段:Now I'm not only as slim as I used to be, but I'm also fit enough. And I'm genuinely proud of my achievement. I should say it was hard to change my habits, my diet and my lifestyle, and at some point I was about to give up because all those activities were really time consuming. But I didn't, thank God, though I was facing a lot of difficulties. Another thing that makes me feel inordinately proud of myself is that I achieved great results without anybody's help. I just read blogs and forums, used a lot of online resources, but it was I that decided what to do with myself. This is something I never thought I could do. You can't even imagine how much effort I put in achieving this result. I would even say I was fighting the battle of my life. And I won.



高分语段:However, the thing that makes me the most proud of all is the thought that so many people around the world have improved their English using my method.



高分语段:I felt sad for the man. He might have started his work or to attend an important appointment or for any other purposes. But he could not reach his destination. And it was a troublesome matter for him. However, being able to help him was a great feeling for me. To put it in a simple word, it was fulfilling.


Describe a place you plan to travel to that is far away from your home

You should say:

Where it would be

How you would like to go there

What you would do there

And explain why you would like to go there


I’ve always wanted to go and see Niagra Falls near Ontario; well actually it’s on the border of Canada and the USA. There are three big waterfalls there and I remember seeing them in a documentary in TV when I was younger and I thought it was very impressive. It was my first impression of Canada.


I remember watching a boat do a tour of the Falls and it looked amazing as the people went really close to the waterfalls and the noise was incredible.


I’m planning to go with my friend. In fact we hope to go there next year because we have a plan to study English in Canada for a year and we’d love to visit Niagra Falls and lots of other places while we’re in Canada.


At the moment we’re researching possible schools to study at and all the different courses available but hopefully by the summer we’ll have made our final decision and organized our visas and everything so that we can go and live in Canada and improve our English. I think I might like to live there in the future.


There’s quite a lot to organize before we go, there’s a lot of documentation such as visa applications, medical exams, and some other official documents we need to arrange and send to the school we’ll be studying at.


When we’re there we’ll obviously go and visit some of the famous places in Canada such as Lake Ontario, the CN Tower and of course Niagra Falls, so I think between our studies and doing some travelling and sightseeing in different parts of the country we’ll be busy most of the weekends and any other free time we have.


I think it’ll be a great opportunity to meet a lot of different people and practice my English as well as learn about living in a different country and culture. I’m really looking forward to our trip because I’m sure it will be really exciting.



Describe an important decision made with the help of other people

You should say:

When it happened

Who helped you to make the decision

And how you felt about it


I was then 14 years old and was very fond of quiz shows. Both of us were enjoying the programme and a few minutes later my father asked me about my school. That was a bit embarrassing to talk about since my recent exam result was disappointing. He then told me some fascinating stories from his childhood and how he felt about school, study and other stuff. My father has a natural talent for telling compelling stories or maybe I love his stories because I like him very much. At one point I was so amazed to learn that he was very much like me and had more passion for playing, hanging out with friends than studying. He then explained me the importance of studying very attentively and how my academic performance will determine my future. If the advice had not been received from my father, I might have taken it very lightly. But when he told me how he had changed himself and achieved excellence in his academic results and how that has helped him to achieve a career he always dreamt about, I took it very seriously. The best point about this conversation was that I did not feel like I was being lectured or intentionally delivered some good advice. I thought about what my father advised me and I was really captivated about the idea that my academic excellence can someday make me a person I want to be. I was really enthralled about what I want to be in the future and my father’s advice made it clear to me that I will have to study hard to achieve this in my life.


I won’t say I have achieved an excellent academic record, but this advice helped me to become interested in learning and studying. Things could have been quite different for me if I did not receive the advice in proper time. This is the reason I consider it as the best advice I have ever received from anyone. This advice grew the interest of reading and learning in me and that’s the best part in my life so far.



What kind of holiday do you like?

I try to avoid tourist traps … I like to get away from it all and prefer going somewhere off the beaten track … last year I had the holiday of a lifetime … a two week wildlife safari in Kenya.我尽量避开旅游陷阱……我喜欢远离这一切,宁愿去一个不受欢迎的地方。去年我有了一个一生的假期……在肯尼亚进行为期两周的野生动物旅行。

What do you like to do when you’re on holiday?

I enjoy visiting the local places of interest … I like to go sightseeing and always sign up for guided tours as it’s a chance to be shown around and take photographs … one of my hobbies.我喜欢参观当地的名胜古迹。我喜欢去观光,并且总是报名参加导游的旅游团,因为这是一个展示和拍照的机会。我的一个爱好。

Do you have many tourists in your country?

Yes … we have a lot of holiday resorts along the coast that are popular with tourists … most people come on package holidays and stay in one of the many hotels and self-catering apartments.是的。我们在海边有很多度假胜地,那里很受游客欢迎。大多数人都来度假,住在众多的酒店和自助式公寓里。

What kind of holiday do you like?

I love safari holidays but not necessarily all-inclusive holidays. Safari holidays are my favourite really because I like it off the beaten track. I like to get away from it all and avoid crowded places because I don’t find them restful or exciting. I live in a big city so don’t fancy going on a holiday to another big city. Two months ago I had a holiday of a lifetime: I went to Kenya’s wildlife safari park. It’s definitely something I would love to do again!我喜欢旅行假期,但不一定是全包的假期。旅行假期是我最喜欢的,因为我喜欢它不受欢迎。我喜欢远离这一切,避开拥挤的地方,因为我觉得它们不宁静,也不令人兴奋。我住在一个大城市,所以不要幻想去另一个大城市度假。两个月前,我度过了一个一生的假期:我去了肯尼亚野生动物野生动物园。这绝对是我想再做的事情!





