
发布时间:2022-05-12 15:49:33



1.Q. How can technology make our life easier?

A. Technology is the use of invented science and the uses of technological tools and that have made our life easier. For example, we are using watches to get time, watching television for different reasons, and using telephones for communication purposes etc and thus our life is made easier than before. But if there were no clock, television or telephone invented, certainly we should have stayed in the primitive age. The current advancement would not have been possible. Technology has changed that way we study, work or even spend our leisure time. With the help of the technology, we can have a better life standard with much more efficient tools and devices to help us in every way possible.

2.Q. What are some greatest inventions you know about?

A. There are a large number of inventions have been done so far, but the most important invention appears to me is the invention of electricity. Then I should consider the invention of wheels which truly has made the communication system and travelling easier to us. Thirdly I should consider the invention of Internet, which has radically changed the world. Apart from that light bulbs, aeroplane, penicillin, telephone are some other greatest inventions of all time in my opinion.

3.Q. Why should we restrict the use of mobile phone in public places?

A. Mobile phone, undoubtedly, is an important invention but it has some detrimental impacts too. Using mobile phones at public places may appear indecent. Mobile phone users talk about countless issues but sometimes the speeches may cause irritation to others existing on the public spots. Moreover, the speakers may also reveal their secrets inadvertently that may hamper their privacy. Moreover, since the public places are always crowded, the chance of accidents is more while talking on mobile phones.

4.Q. Why mobile phones are gaining its popularity?

A. Mobile phones are gaining popularity as those are easy to carry. Moreover, someone can buy a mobile phone at an affordable cost and without any legal complexities. Besides, the tariffs are also economic. It is far more convenient that other means of communication system and faster to deliver the message. So, the mobile phones are gaining popularity gradually.

5.Q. Can you do without your mobile phone?

A. In the current days, it is impossible for me to do without a mobile phone for a single day. I need the phone not only for communication purpose, but I also use the phone for passing my time by playing games, using internet applications and more other necessary issues. So it would be quite difficult for me not to use the mobile phone.


You should say:

When it happened

Where it happened

Who you were with

Why you felt happy by using your cellphone




When it comes to the experience, the most impressive memory in my mind was happening in last summer.

During the holiday, I stayed at home alone and I was so addicted into playing mobile phone, which sometimes can make me bored to death. One day, suddenly, I wanted to find a foreign pen pal on the Internet. It was a coincidence that it's the first time I knew the website called PenPal World. Then I used my phone to register an account by instinct. After that, I uploaded some personal information and my email address. Finishing, I started to browse others' home page in order to find more fascinating and excellent pals.

I was attracted by a Belarus boy's introduction and his smile looks like an angel, and I saw that he can speak fluent English, Russian and German. I was so amazed by that he also had gift in playing musical instruments.So I pressed the button and sent an email to him and asked him some questions about how to acquire more skills in a short time. It was so amazing that he replied me an hour later and he was so nice to answer all of my questions in a gentle way. I was touched by his behavior, I mean, I was a totally stranger to him. So it's just organically happening that we became pen pals.

From that moment on, I was so delighted to use my mobile phone to check my mail box. It was quite a pleasure for me to share my happiness and troubles with a stranger. I felt so magical to get in touch with a stranger through my mobile phone.


地道用词:gift in

get in touch with

register an account by instinct

高分句型:During the holiday, I stayed at home alone and I was so addicted into playing mobile phone, which sometimes can make me bored to death.

It was a coincidence that it's the first time I knew the website called PenPal World.

So I pressed the button and sent an email to him and asked him some questions about how to acquire more skills in a short time.

It was so amazing that he replied me an hour later and he was so nice to answer all of my questions in a gentle way.


Describe a time you felt happy that you used your cellphone

You should say:

When it happened

Where it happened

Who you were with

And explain why you felt happy by using your cellphone



Well nowadays cellphone is not something unusual anymore. You can see people take cellphones everywhere, on the train, in the school…literally everywhere. I have become so accustomed to it that sometimes I can hardly feel anything particular. But the experience I had last weekend totally changed my view. I was so happy to own a cellphone and solve my problem at the very moment. Last Saturday I went out to buy a birthday gift for my friend by my own. I planned to buy her a big birthday cake, which needed to be preordered.

I spent an hour on the bus before I finally arrived at a popular cake shop. After I determined which cake to buy, I spent another half an hour waiting in line to pay for it. When it came to my turn to make a payment, I suddenly found that I didn’t bring my purse. It was so embarrassed and a lot of people were still waiting in the line behind. Suddenly it occurred to me that I could make a payment through my cellphone. So I delightedly took out my phone and asked the shop assistant to sweep the QR code and money was then transferred to the account of the shop. I felt so happy that I successfully bought the cake with my cellphone.


Describe a time when you needed to bring your cell phone.

You should say:

When and where it happened

Why you needed to bring the cellphone

What you did

And explain how you felt about it




Nowadays, cellphone becomes an indispensable part of people’s life. But back to the time when I just graduated from high school, cellphone was not so common among the students. However, at that time, I needed to take a cellphone with me all the time.

After attending the college entrance examination, I had been always nervous worrying about the final grades I would got that decides the level of universities I could be enrolled in. Although the grades didn’t come out until two weeks after the examination, I still wanted to refresh the Internet page to see if the grades had come out already. Therefore, I always sat in front of the computer all day to refresh the page with an unhappy face. My mother knew the anxiety of me and then brought me a cellphone to encourage me to go outside for relaxing myself without disturbing my habit of refreshing pages. I appreciated it then I occasionally went outside with the cellphone. When the anxiety came, I just took out my cellphone to refresh the very familiar page to eliminate it.

I have to admit that this cellphone my mother gave me at that time helped me a lot to get through the anxiety after examination. As we all know, staying at home and sitting in front of a computer full of anxiety is very harmful for people’s health. My OCD compelled me to refresh the pages in that period, locking me in the tiny space of a room. The cellphone I had allowed me to go outside to calm myself without breaking my OCD. Of course, the OCD disappeared after the grades were finally released. So you can see, cellphone sometimes is a necessity in terms of many aspects.





