
发布时间:2022-05-12 15:55:15



In many countries women allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their babies. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages? 很多女性在生产后一个月会休产假,是否利大于弊?

【首段】背景介绍 + 作家立场

Giving a birth to a baby tops all in terms of consolidating relationship between partners of life and feeling well-being of matrimony. To ensure the health of both pregnant women and new-born babies, maternity leave is a common practice among many enterprises around the globe. This is definitely a beneficial practice for would-be parents even if taking a paid leave might bring about some problems.


Advantages can be manifold for those new mothers if they can rest for a while. First, maternity leave can be a splendid opportunity for those great mothers to carefully attend to their infants because newborn babies are so

delicate that they need mother’s love. Secondly, taking paid leave is a golden chance to strengthen the family tie. Witnessing the arduousness of wives, every father will be moved and thus spare no efforts to take intensive care of their beloved. A newborn baby is a fruit of deep love, the process of going through thick and thin together will make marital life as solid as a rock and marriage bonds as deep as ocean. Last,pregnancy can be a bitter-sweet process during which every mother will sacrifice a great deal both physically and mentally. In this sense, mothers can take a good rest and fully recover from the hardship of operation.


However, there is no garden without weeds. Even though what will be gained is greater than what will be lost, some problems might ensue. On the downsides, the first drawback is that many mothers, especially those females who take managerial positions, have to momentarily forgo their endeavors they have made and the experiences they have accumulated, which might be sort of potential barrier for climbing the career ladder when they return to workplace. Even worse, some mothers are likely to be the first to lose their jobs during an economic downturn. Another potential problem is that hard work is a habit-formation.Likewise, laziness can also be habitual, when relaxing pace of life grows on those mothers, some of them might generate a sense of job burnout and the degradation of professional skills is inevitable.


In closing, I re-affirm my conviction that even though maternal leave might make it difficult for some mothers to fit back into the routine of the work days and be passed over for promotions, to be a mother is a must for every female. When mothers finish their dreams of having a baby and strive for their babies’ rosy future, their motivation can be highly stimulated, in this sense, allowing internal employees to take a paid leave is a win-win strategy for both female workers and relevant enterprises.


Today both males and females are having babies at an older age why?Is this a positive or negative development on society and family?今天,很多夫妇选择晚育,原因何在? 这对于社会和家庭是有利还是有弊?

〖首段〗背景介绍 + 写作目的

It is not rare to see that some couples choose to give a birth to baby when they get older. People have been debating the pros and cons of having a baby in the late of adulthood without reaching any definite consensus. This essay aims to explore the reasons why some spouses delay their plan of pregnancy and then explore its merits and demerits.


The reasons of having babies at older age are manifold. First,modern people are too occupied to see to their babiesbecause of the pierce competition, ever-accelerating pace of modern life and excessive workload. More precisely, many adults have to struggle to climb the career ladder, hence, they have no time to expect a child. Also, countless females desire to maintain a slim figure. So, they all have no mood or zeal to raise a child.


Granted, some merits could be gained via delaying the time of pregnancy. Primarily, people could temporarily diminish family’s financial burden brought about by rearing a baby. Specifically, they could have more money and time at their own disposable. Indeed, a baby entails not only parental financial investment but also excessive energies. Further, parents who have comfortable family budgets could greatly conduce to their children’s growth. It is easier for them to afford their children’s tuition fees and daily expenditure. Meanwhile, late-life parents have more common sense in terms of child-rearing.


However, there are some drawbacks triggered by giving birth to a kid when young adults are aging. Initially, some childless adults may suffer from isolation because they might fail to acquire well-being deriving from rearing a child. In some cases, marriage will suffer too. On the societal level, a society may suffer from aging population and thus lose adequate driving force of social progress.


It is my standpoint that to get a child at an older age is a two-edged sword. The option should be given to every individual.Yet to have a baby at early age enjoy more merits and should be advocated.


Interview is the basic form of selecting procedure for most large companies. Some people think it is unreliable. There are some other better methods. Do you agree or disagree? 大公司都用面试作为招聘标准,有人认为面试招新不可靠, 不如别的方法,你同意吗?

【首段】 背景介绍 + 作家立场

To achieve profitability or realize sustainable development, every company need to enlarge the group of talents. That is why the competition for high achievers is extremely fierce among corporations. In comparison with evaluating job candidates through job interview, hiring senior employees via friend’s recommendation or turning to head-hunting companies to recruit qualified talents will inject more vitalities into the further development of an enterprise.

【二段】 为何面试不是招聘的方式,其他有效的招聘方式有哪些

In addition to recurring talents in the job market,other means are still available. One commendable way is to hire outsiders to fill the managerial position. The glaring advantage for hiring outsiders as senior employees is that they will bring a new perspective. This greatly conduces to the diversity of ideas and allows company practices to be seen in a new light. Another feasible method is to invite experienced employees via head-hunting companies. In this way, the cost of on-the-job training can be saved, which allows a company to look for people who already have the particular expertise and skills required for the job. The company will not have to spend time and money training an fresh employees for the new job.

【三段】 为何面试也是招聘的一种有效方式

Indeed, I have to concede that job interview is also an effective way to select suitable employees for the corporations. Virtually, HR managers have been attaching greater importance to the job interview. Surely, it is viable to evaluate the competence and potentials of the job candidates by face-to-face communication. The job-hunters’ characters, mentalities or professional knowledge can be revealed by simple question-and-answer procedure. However, what I want to rebut is that the impression deriving from short-time interview sometimes can be misguided and thus unreliable.

【尾段】 再次亮明观点

In a nutshell, my stand is that the best strategy of selecting the most suitable talents is hard to define, the option actually should be given to individual company. However, hiring experienced outsiders or resorting to head-hunting companies might be superior to simply relying on selecting job-seekers via job interview.


Nowadays, many people do not feel safe either when they are at home or go out. What are the reasons and what can be done to solve this problem. 现在,很多在无论在家里还是出门在外都感到不安全,原因何在,如何解决?

首段:背景介绍 + 问题影响 + 写作目的

Alarmingly,a number of modern people lack the sense of security due to various reasons, which really exerts an adverse impact on one’s happiness index and the harmony of the society. This essay aims to examine the reasons why some people suffer from the declined sense of safety and then present relevant recommendations.

二段:三个原因的展开:社会原因 + 家庭原因 + 个人原因

The potential reasons of people’s decreased security index are manifold. First, it might be owed to the increased rate of criminalities. Specifically, some anti-social offences have not be effectively controlled. For example, some females might encounter infringement of assault. Secondly, the psychological insecurity among many modern people is the result of fierce competition and potential risk of unemployment. Currently, with the ever-accelerated development of high-tech and constant update of knowledge, work today is more challenging than it used to be. Therefore, the pressure of maintaining a stable career deprives many people’s sense of security. Last, the differences in personality account for why some people always have idle fears. Some young adults, in nature, usually tend to worry about illness, unemployment, bankruptcy. Imaginably, as for those people, their safety index is comparatively speaking low.

三段:问题解决的策略:政府如何作为 + 企业如何作为 + 个人如何作为;

In order to enhance modern people’s sense of security,several methods should be adopted. First, the government should be urged to enact relevant legislations to severely punish those habitual law-breakers. At the same time, every individual need to raise their awareness of self-protection awareness. Also, efforts should be made by relevant enterprises to provide their employees more economic incentive and mental consolation. To render company stocks, retirement pension plans to their workers can serve as perfect example. Lastly, it is the unshakable obligation of every individual, especially those anxious person, to adjust their mentalities, to live at the moment and to enjoy current life.


In closing, it is no easy task to maintain a peaceful and delighted state of mind. Every method I recommended has its unique merits, therefore, joint efforts should be made by the government, the corporations and every one of us.





