
发布时间:2022-05-12 15:59:00









Various computer games have gained tremendous popularity among children nowadays. Although the negative impacts on children are generally acknowledged, the blessings of playing computer games are just too obvious to be ignored.

An advantage is that this practice can trigger the healthy activities in their brains. As games require abilities such as decision-making, problem-solving and rational planning, to mention but a few, a circumstance is that some of these mental abilities can be consciously and effectively cultivated in the games instead of in class.

Another point that should be noticed is that the industry of online games has become so prosperous that numerous jobs emerged related to the game production. A growing number of game players are devoting themselves to the profession of game industry. Some of them even become millionaires such as the CEO of Evochron Alliance. Only those who perform well in certain sophisticated games can stand better chances in hunting a satisfactory job relevant with online games in this severely-competing employment market.

In addition, lack of personal skills is one of the most serious defects that we have ever known about today’s students. Some computer games have already allowed the players to communicate and interact with each other in the community designed in the game. One benefit is that children who originally dared not to socialize with strangers are already willing to and able to have social intercourse with others. Thus, it is not surprising that they become more extroverted and conversable.

However, under no circumstances can we ignore the downsides of playing computer games. It is undoubtedly detrimental to the children’s eye-sight if they sit in front of the screen for a long time and it is so time-consuming as they are eager to upgrade their levels that parents and teachers will without a doubt complain about the time wasted on the games.

In conclusion, although we should not slacken our vigilance against the drawbacks of playing computer games, the positive functions of it should also be sufficiently recognized. It would thus behoove parents and teachers to shoulder their responsibilities to cultivate the children’s time management skill, making them able to keep a balance between game and life.






第二、三段: 阐述使用动物为了食物与医药是有必要的。



Animals have always been the sources of human food, clothes, medicine or other products since human civilization began. Some people, however, claim that human use of animals is no more necessary in modern time. Even as an animal lover, I am against this view myself.

On the one hand, animal meat, by providing necessary nutrition 【protein , fat】 and energy, is essential to human health. Living in this competitive modern world, our energy consumption doubles with the increasing living pressure. When we are exhausted after a long day`s work, a wonderful meal of steak or chicken may be the best way to revive our vigor.

On the other hand, for human survival, it is crucial to extract valuable substance from animals for medical purpose. Only certain animals can provide a cure for some fatal disease, say, cancer, and it is common sense that a man’s life is of more importance than that of an animal in extreme situations.

Exploiting animals for clothes, however, is unnecessary. It is extremely cruel to slaughter minks or seals to make fur coats. Fashion means torture for defenseless animals. In modern society, high-tech materials can replace fur to keep human warm in cold winter.

In spite of the fact that we have every reason to use animals for food and pills out of necessity, we should always keep in mind that no wild or endangered animals are to be harmed for human interest. As the most powerful creature on the earth, we should be grateful for the sacrifice of animals we herd.



Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, it creates tension rather than understanding between people from different culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Today traveling has become a lifestyle and international tourism is flourishing. Some claim that this trend has caused tension between different cultures, but I find such opinion flawed and hard to justify。

To begin with, international tourism eases tension between people of different cultures by improving transcultural communication. Cultural differences could cause misunderstanding. Certain behavior that is normal and polite in one culture could be regarded as offensive and rude in another. For example, westerners often address elder family members or superiors at work by first name. However such practice would be conceived as crude by people from eastern countries such as China and Japan. However, we find it confusing to interpret or complying with diverging cultural norms without experiencing cultural nuisances on a first hand basis. Reading as a second hand information source only partially solves this problem. Luckily, traveling gives people a good solution by the means of accessing a different land。

In addition, the growth of international tourism generates revenue for countries involved. Tourists create thousands of job opportunities for the host country. Tourism relieves employment pressure and contributes to unemployment control. Governments around the globe all know the economic benefits of tourism industry. A good example could be found in Singapore and Thailand whose tourism is the leading industry and primary source of revenue。

Moreover, traveling abroad help people improve language proficiency and increase their knowledge of another culture and people. It is not rare that travelers fall in love with the culture of the host country and work later as cultural ambassadors。

In conclusion, international tourism connects people rather than separating them. It helps people become friends and boosts economic growth. Far from causing tension, international tourism improves people’s relationship from different cultures



Many people think that music plays an important role in society. Others, however, believe that music is simply a form of entertainment for individuals. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



1. 流行音乐的功能就是娱乐大众,它的背后目的是赚钱,只是赚钱工具。


1. 经典的交响乐的歌词和背后含义能传达积极的价值观,帮助人们建立好的素质。

2. 幼儿歌曲《ABC》让孩子们学会字母表。


1.很多励志歌曲, 给受伤的人安慰,给处于逆境和人生低谷的人信心,勇气和力量。


1. 古典音乐和轻音乐能舒缓神经,调节血压和内分泌,达到预防疾病的效果。

Music is an important form of enjoyment. It addresses our psychological, mental and spiritual needs. Many people may be hard to imagine how a musician is crazy about music. As far as I can see, apart from providing pleasure, music has many beneficial effects on individuals’ performances.

On one hand, some argue that music is only a form of enjoyment, for modern music, especially pop music, is a medium of commercial companies whose original purpose is to make profits by entertaining consumers. For instance, karaoke bars, concerts, and even the pub are the public places where people listen to music just for fun or to relax themselves by paying money. In other words, what pop music bring to listeners are no more than superfacially sensotary excitements, exclusive from other practical purposes like spirit-level enlightenment or self reflection.

On the other hand, many others believe that to a broader extent, the power of music is far beyond just pleasing people, and its another main social role is of connecting people. When people go to a musical concert, they are with those people who share their musical tastes. Together, they feel the emotions and thoughts that the music evokes. These common feelings easily turn into mutual understanding and respecting, thus strenghthening ties among friends, as well as eliminating the gap between different social classes. To add to it, music improves concentration. Students can concentrate better if light music is played in the background because it kills the other disturbing noises.

Beside, in recent times we have witnessed an increasing trend in parents sending their children to learn various musical instruments such as piano and violin, so more and more people learn the benefits of music. Through learning musical instruments, not only can music help children develop a good personality, but cultivate children an aesthetic sense.

To sum up, music is not just for entertainment. As a form of art, music has enriched individuals’ life in many aspects including promoting our mental, emotional development, and positive personalities.





