
发布时间:2022-05-12 16:00:39



Do you often use apps on your phone?

Of course yes. Nowadays, the smart phone only has basic function of calling, sending texts and so on. The extra functions need to be gained from apps, such as playing online games and looking up the online dictionary. Apps already become a part of the phone now.

What is your favorite app?

My favorite app is Youdao dictionary, which is developed by a Chinese company. As long as you have a phone, this app allows people to look up the dictionary anywhere and anytime without a very heavy book. It can also translate multiple foreign languages.

What apps are popular among Chinese people?

I think game apps and chatting apps are popular among Chinese people. The chatting apps provide people with a more convenient way of communication to work or to maintain relationships. The game apps allow people to play online games with simpler operation on the phone.

What changes have apps brought to your life?

Apps bring a huge change to my life. In the old times, most functions that apps provide nowadays relied on big-size computers, which requires me to sit in front of a computer for work all the time. The apps on phones eliminate this inconvenience for me.

Do you want to make an app of your own in the future?

No, I don’t think so. Although I have some ideas about the new functions of the apps now, the code writing is still too difficult for me to understand. Maybe one day I will deliver my thoughts to others capable of code writing and let them develop an app based on my thoughts.


What kind of jobs are most popular in your country?


work for the government做公务员

细节:youngsters年轻人, sign up for the entrance examination报名参加选拔考试, civil servant公仆/公务员

原因:considered as…被认为是…, decent job好工作

细节:high social status社会地位高, stable income稳定的收入, other benefits其他福利

举例:insurance保险, health care医疗, high-rank government official高官

start their own business自己做生意/开公司

细节:self-employed自己当老板, good option不错的选择, the young年轻人

原因:freedom自由, developing rapidly高速发展, business opportunities生意机会, enables sb. to …使…能够…, business person生意人, reach a wide range of potential customers接触各种各样的潜在客户, with the help of…在…的帮助下, social media社交媒体

举例:office workers白领【办公室工作人员】, open online shops网上开店, part time兼职, have good business生意好, stop working for their current employers不再为现在的老板打工【辞职】

real estate industry房地产行业

举例:sales representatives销售代表/销售员

原因:commission提成, selling apartments/houses卖公寓/别墅

举例:designers设计师, engineers工程师

细节:not an easy job不是轻松的工作, work overtime加班, sacrifice牺牲, worth it值得

原因:annual bonus年度奖金【年终奖】, in return作为回报, profit made by the company公司获得的利润

on the sales or marketing team在销售/市场营销团队

原因:dream of becoming…梦想成为…, general manager of a company公司的总经理, CEO of a corporation企业的总裁, successful entrepreneurs成功的企业家

细节:life story of those people这些人的生平故事, accumulate firsthand experience积累一手的经验【直接的经验】, industry工业/产业/行业

结果:sales representative销售代表, marketing personnel营销人员, position职位, closely related to…与…息息相关/关系密切, business management商业管理, administration行政管理/经营


Describe a good parent you know.

You should say:

who the parent is

how you knew the parent

what the parent looks like

and explain why you think the parent is good.


Describe a family member you want to spend time with

Describe a person who you respect

Describe a good neighbour




1. 对于第二部分需要强调的是充分的准备,无论是在论点方面,还是在词汇方面,以便充分论述话题。在这道题中考生对人物相貌的描述可以参考使用oval faces椭圆的脸型, fair skin皮肤白皙以及 big charming eyes。另外,还有对于发型的描述 with long curly hair长长的卷发或 straight hair直发等。考生还需要在描述人物的体型时避免使用fat一词, 因为毕竟直接这样形容一个人不太礼貌,如果要表达胖可以用 overweight。

2. 考生在审题的时候一定要仔细注意题目要求,论述的是一位好家长,而不是一对好父母。单复数的限定必须要注意到,在整个话题的论述中讲一位家长就好,可以是某人的爸爸、妈妈、爷爷或奶奶。在论述中还一定要注意在讲parent时不要加s,否则对于单复数的限定就没有把握好。

3. 在整个话题的论述当中,最好举例说明自己知道的这位好家长到底如何好。考生们可以讲述整个事件,也可以把讲故事或者发生的一件事作为举例的一种形式。但是需要注意在讲述事件的时候不要太纠结过于细致的细节描述。

4. 第二部分话题的论述中一定要注意时态。尤其在这个话题的论述中很明显事件是已经发生过的,所以对于事件描述要注意过去时的使用。


Well, speaking of a good parent I know, I’d like to talk about the mother of one friend of mine, Mrs Wong, who’s an excellent photographer. Regarding how I knew this person, well, I first met her many years ago, like a decade ago or something, you know, I went to the same primary school with her daughter, Lily. Because Lily and I had a lot of things in common, we hit it off and ended up seeing quite a lot of each other’s parents. As for what she looks like, well, interesting enough, she actually looks pretty similar to Lily. I mean, they both have oval faces, fair skin and big charming eyes. Of course, there’s something different. Mrs Wong is in her 40s, of medium height, but a little bit overweight, with long curly hair, whereas as a teenager, Lily is pretty short and slim with short straight hair. Ultimately, moving on to why I think she’s a good parent, what I’d like to say here is that there are quite a few reasons. And the main reason is that she sets a very good example for her daughter. Just to give you an example, she always teaches Lily to be a tolerant person and she is such a tolerant person herself. As far as I know, she has never been rude to anyone, even if she’s very angry. I still remember once Lily was hit by a stone thrown away by a boy by accident and her head was bleeding. When Mrs Wong arrived here, she didn’t get mad or blame that guilty boy. Instead, she comforted him and then took Lily to the hospital. Also, she told Lily to forgive that boy, because he didn’t really mean it. It’s fair to say almost every person speak highly of Mrs Wong. So, I guess Mrs Wong is not only a good parent for Lily, but a role model for me as well.





