
发布时间:2022-05-12 16:01:06



01 Do you think teamwork is important?

Do you think teamwork is important? Yeah, I'd say it's extremely important, because I mean...so much of what we do in life involves working together with others. And not only that, but I think it's also true to say that what we can achieve with others is so much more than what we can achieve individually. And so I'd say this goes to show just how essential it is to have good teamwork skills.


I think it's also true to say that我想这么说...也是正确的

indivisually adv.独立地

this goes to show这说明...

02 What qualities do you think a good team member should have?

Well thinking about it, I guess one important quality would be the willingness to listen to and accept other people's opinions, because so often it's the case that people just disregard ideas that are different to theirs. So that's one thing, and as well as this, I suppose another important quality would be having an easy-going attitude, which will make it easier to get on well with the other members of the team.


willingness: n. 乐意

disregard: v. 忽视,不尊重

as well as: 和...一样

have an easy-going attitude: 有一个随性的态度

get on well with: 和...相处的很融洽

03 How should a team leader do his or her job?

Well I've never actually been a team leader before, so I can't say for sure, but I suppose the first thing they should do is to make sure everyone in the team is clear about what they are trying to achieve, and then assign roles to each member accordingly. And if any problems arise, then I guess it's the leader's responsibility to solve them.


I've never actually我其实从来都没有...

I can't say for sure我不敢肯定的说...

assign roles分配角色

accordingly adv. 相应的

if any problems arise如果有任何问题产生


Describe a foreign food you ate


how do you know it

where you can eat it

why you like it



范文分析:The girls started tucking into their food but I just ended up playing with mine. I was starving, I could have eaten a horse, but I just picked at mine, mainly eating the rice, which had no flavour to it, and little bites of fish with my glass of water to wash it down. If I'd had my way, we would have gone somewhere else, to a place where I could have stuffed my face. I haven't had Japanese food since and I don't have any intention of trying it again.

高分语料: I was starving, I could have eaten a horse, but I just picked at mine, mainly eating the rice, which had no flavour to it, and little bites of fish with my glass of water to wash it down.



范文分析:I learned about this item from a lifestyle & travel related TV channel a few years ago. I was randomly checking the programs of different channels and I noticed this TV channel. The cook described in details how to prepare this food item, what ingredients would be required, how to make it tastier and I watched it all with utmost interest and attention. A few years later I found this menu in a billboard beside a big hotel in our city and at that time I planned to have it. Since it is a foreign food item and available only in this luxurious and expensive hotel, it would be quite expensive for me.

高分语料:The cook described in details how to prepare this food item, what ingredients would be required, how to make it tastier and I watched it all with utmost interest and attention.表述连贯一气呵成,故事性的表述非常考验考生的口头表达时的时态和逻辑能力,大家可以挑战一下自己,模仿这段表述,7分不是问题。



范文分析:So how did I learn what I’ve been missing? I shop regularly at a local family owned delicatessen. The proprietor is Italian, and he is a great foody – that is he takes food very seriously, sourcing only the best ingredients. He and his wife are both vegetarian like me, so they often suggest food or recipes. The other day we were talking and he was bemoaning the lack of ‘proper’ pizzas in this country. He told me that whilst of course, Italian food is very regional including its pizzas, they are nevertheless distinctive. All pizzas MUST be cooked in a wood-fired oven for a start, the dough should be tossed by hand. The pizza should only be made with the very freshest and finest ingredients, and is best eaten outdoors too, of course, against the backdrop of the Italian countryside!

高分语料:The pizza should only be made with the very freshest and finest ingredients, and is best eaten outdoors too, of course, against the backdrop of the Italian countryside!


Describe a kind of plant or flower

You should say:

What is it

Where does it grow

Do you like it or not




So first of all, as for how I know about bamboo, well I can’t really remember exactly how I first got to know about it, you know, it could have been in a biology class at school, or when I was out somewhere with my parents, but my guess would be that I probably first knew about it at primary school, because that was about the time when we first started learning about things like that.

Anyway, moving on to why bamboo is important, well I’d say it’s pretty important for a number of reasons, the main one of which would be that it can be used to make so many different things, you know, such as chopsticks, chopping boards, flooring, what else, um……oh yeah, and musical instruments, like the bamboo flute for example.

And another thing to mention is that bamboo is also used a lot for carrying stuff. For example, what I’ve seen people do is rest it on their shoulders, and then hang things on each end, because as well as being strong, it’s also very flexible, so it won’t break, even with very heavy loads.

So it’s extremely useful, and what’s good about it is that it grows incredibly fast, you know, not like most other trees, and so although a lot of it’s cut down to make stuff, there will still always be an abundant supply of it here.

But anyway, finally then, as for how much I like bamboo, well I’d say it’s actually probably one of my favourite plants! Because I mean, it kind of just gives me a nice, pleasant feeling whenever I see it. And it’s also a plant which is often associated with China, because we grow so much of it here, so it’s something that kind of reminds me of my own culture, if you know what I mean.

So yeah I guess that’s pretty much it then. Thanks for listening.


地道用词:rest on ones shoulders

hang things on each end

高分句型:well I’d say it’s pretty important for a number of reasons, the main one of which would be that it can be used to make so many different things, you know, such as chopsticks, chopping boards, flooring......

So it’s extremely useful, and what’s good about it is that it grows incredibly fast, you know, not like most other trees, and so although a lot of it’s cut down to make stuff, there will still always be an abundant supply of it here.


Describe your dream house

You should say:

where it is

what it is like

when you want to live there

and explain why you like it




We all as humans dream fancy about our houses. So, there are some who want all the luxuries in their house while some prefer living close to nature. I want my house to be a mimic of nature. So, I want a small waterfall in my house wherein I can take bath and then I want my house to have lot of flowers and be surrounded by trees. So, that in the evening when I wish to sit down, I should feel calm and serene from inside.

Then I want my house to have a library as well. Library of the books that I have already read, so it will be more like a collection of books that I love and could offer others to read and in the library there will be my study table and in one corner will be the place where I could look out of window and see the entire nature at its best and have something to drink or relax. There will be part of my house, where I will allow anyone to come in and sleep over and have food just for free. Because, I want people to travel and travel with entire safety. With nothing to worry I want them to explore this beautiful world.

Also, in my house I wish to have a beautiful field wherein I could go for jogging or play some games. I don’t wish for the most expensive house in the world but I wish for the house that is the most special for me.


地道用词:living close to nature

a mimic of nature

explore this beautiful world

go for jogging

高分句型: so it will be more like a collection of books that I love and could offer others to read and in the library there will be my study table and in one corner will be the place where I could look out of window and see the entire nature at its best and have something to drink or relax.





