
发布时间:2022-05-12 16:01:23



The role of arts in modern life is unique, providing people with entertainment and yielding various psychological rewards, such as relief from stress. Despite these benefits, the arts have been taken as luxury goods in many cases. It is suggested that public money of a city should be concentrated in projects like public facilities, which arc more likely to bring immediate benefits to the public, rather than the arts. There are a number of facts indicating that this position is right.

Public facilities, widely accepted as one of the main precursors to a city's development, should be one of the highest priorities. Those underdeveloped cities in particular, should direct sufficient funding toward public facilities. While municipal office buildings, courthouses and post offices are essential components of public services, libraries, hospitals, parks, playing fields, gymnasiums and swimming pools are available to the public for social, educational, athletic and cultural activities. By boosting spending on public facilities, cities are more capable to satisfy the needs of citizens and improve their standard of living.

In addition to social benefits, there are economic merits that public facilities can offer to communities. An integrated transport network 【maritime, land and inland waterways transport and civil aviation】, for example, promises the smooth and speedy movement of goods and people in a city. Industrial products, as well as agricultural produce of a city, can be delivered to other cities in exchange for steady income. Of equal importance are public Internet facilities. Providing access to information by improving Internet and other telecommunications facilities has relevance to the ease with which businesses in a city receive, process, utilize and send information. It is no exaggeration to say that entrepreneurs, either from home or abroad, will first examine the infrastructure of a city before deciding whether to pursue business opportunities there.

The arts, by comparison, although enabling people to see the world and the human condition differently and to see a truth one might ignore before, do not merit government spending. The first reason is that the arts--- referring to music, film and literature altogether--- are more likely to attract the investment of the private sector than public facilities. Business people continue to invest in the arts in the expectation of earning lump sum income and the arts in return, continue to flourish without the government spending. Meanwhile, the arts are a key component of a culture and naturally passed down from one generation to another. Unlike public facilities, they require no money to survive.

It is therefore clear that construction of public facilities should be given the foremost consideration. The concern about the well-being of individual citizens and that of a city is more acute than the apprehension about the survival and prospects of the arts, something that businesses have a stake in.


Task:Some countries achieve international sporting success by providing specialized facilities that are only used to train top athletes ,instead of providing sport facilities that every can use.Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Sample answer:

In some countries,players with athletic talent receive more support, especially in terms of the specialised facilities they used while the demand of the masses in sports is often ignored. From my perspective, the development of elite sport may bring a range of benefits in the short term, but mass sport is more closely related to the well-being of the public in the long run.

In the short term, it seems sensible to invest on speclialised facilities for some excellent sportsmen when considering the positive impacts brought by these top athletes. From the national level, it is these elites that bring honor in some international competitions and then shape a strong image for their own country. On a individual level, the public will be positively influenced by the sportsmanship revealed by these champions, which will contribute to the improvement of the quality of the whole nation.

However, in the long run, when pondering the essential reason why sports exist, we can find out that the prosperity of mass sports is of more significance and therefore more capital should be allocated to construct facilities that everybody can use. The most fundamental function of sports is to assist people to build a strong body, and in some extent, the more sports facilities there are, the more chances there are for people to take part in sports in their daily life. Another deeper reason is that people can develop a host of valuable qualities such as self-control and perseverance in this process, both of which play an key role on people’s way to achieve success.

So, when comparing the advantages of two sides, I believe this development is a short-sighted approach regarding to sports success. The public are the base of a nation. Only when every ordinary person benefits from the sports facilites, will the development of sports industry be more meaningful.


Task:Some people think people working in creative arts should be financially supported by government. Others think they should find financial support from other resources. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Sample answer:

The realization of basic human needs such as enough clothing and food makes it necessary for a more advanced spiritual enjoyment from art. For those who devote themselves to creating aesthetic works and pleasure, I think they should be supported by both government and other resources.

The government, as the central power that can accumulate a wealth of resources and execute them more systematically, should take the main responsibility to fund the artists. Most of the museums and art galleries are run and managed by governments and artists can be financially supported if the government makes it more accessible for artists to have their works of art exhibited. The authority can also issue some policies or regulations favoring the creation of innovative works of art, such as the reduction of tax levied on the artists and more subsidies for the encouragement of their contribution.

It is also true that the financial support from governments alone can hardly guarantee a decent pay or income for the artists. Funding from the governments sometimes has to be allocated to the areas that are more concerned with the welfare of most of the citizens, such as health insurance and government loans for the students from disadvantaged families. In this case, the financial support from other sectors such as big companies or some non-governmental organizations can fit in. Some companies can carry out a series of exhibitions to raise more funds for artists and it is advisable for them to help publicise the works of artists on some media.

To sum up, if joint efforts from both governments and other resources are made to fund those who are engaged in the field of art, chances are that the artists will be better-off and create more valuable masterpieces that can elevate people’s spiritual world.


Task:Some people think the government should pay for health care and education, but others believe it is not the government’s responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



What is the responsibility of the government on social medical services? Some people believe the government should fully replace the private companies by supporting the health-care system by itself. Personally, I partially agree with this assertion, and my reasons would be explored as below.

Firstly, a universal health service run by the tax revenue of the government can cover all social classes, both the rich and the poor, which represents the human rights of all social individuals, and which is the precondition of social fairness and stability. In contrast, privatization of medical care leads to polarization of medical services. Only the affluent people will be able to derive its benefits, while poor people with non-affordability would be abandoned and struggle in illness. Therefore, multiple social problems like increase in crime rate and rebellions can be expected.

Secondly, the main motive of profit making companies is to derive profits rather than promoting health delivery system. In order to run their expensive models, they are not even hesitant to do unethical practices, for example, tempting patients into accepting expensive medicine, diagnosis and surgical procedures whose effects might be the same as cheaper alternative ones. Thus, it is reasonable to let the government takes the place of these selfish companies with money worship. This policy can put the priority of health care back into interests of the public, and help to reduce the medical costs as well.

However, the worrying aspect of this assertion is that the measure might cause uncertain or even risky results about the overall health of society. Obviously, in order to avoid the costly medical bills from private hospitals or clinics, every individual has a strong willpower of regular exercise for keeping healthy. However, with a state-owned health care system, all medical costs would be paid by public taxes, rather than by private income. This, eventually, will bring a dilemma that many residents would lose the motivation of exercise, and the level of public health and physical condition will decline.

All in all, I believe the benefits of this assertion overweigh relevant demerits, in terms of its great contributions to the social stability and the cutting down of medical fees.





