
发布时间:2022-05-12 16:03:12



Q1 : Are there any famous museums in your hometown/country?

Q2: Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown/country?

Q3: Do you often visit a museum?

Q4: Did you go to any museums when you were a child?

Q5: When was the last time you visited a museum?

Q6 : What kind of museum do you like ? Why ?

Q7 : What kinds of museums are more popular in China ?

Q8 : Do you think we should pay money to go to museum ?

Q9 : How much should we pay to go to museum ?

Q10 : What’s the importance of museums ?

Q11: Do you think it’s suitable for museums to sell things to visitors?


Well, I’d like to talk about the Fujian Provincial Museum. If you have ever been to the West Lake Park, you would see the museum at the northern end of it.

Founded in early 1950s, now the museum is the biggest one in Fujian province over half a century’s development. The major construction is made of stones. And the architecture is quite modern and magnificent.

The Museum consists of three spacious exhibition halls featuring the Ancient Historical Relics of Fujian, the Revolutionary History of Fujian, and Fossils of Natural Resources of Fujian respectively.

Therefore, it holds a huge collection of exhibits, including rare artworks, excavations and revolutionary document. They are all available for visitors to explore.

When I was there, I was fascinated by those exquisite silk costumes from the Song Dynasty, a porcelain statue of Guanyin which was produced in the Min Dynasty and many amazing paintings of masters in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

A one-day trip there in this museum could help you appreciate the long history of Fujian province. So it’ s really worth visiting.


architecture n. 建筑风格

fossils n. 化石

exhibits n. 展品

excavations n. 挖掘物

revolutionary adj. 革命的

exquisite adj. 精美的

respectively adv. 分别地

porcelain statue瓷雕

exhibition halls展馆

rare artworks珍稀艺术品

silk costumes丝绸服装

major construction主建筑

ancient Historical Relics古代历史文物

revolutionary documents革命文件


1. Do you like to receive gifts?【Why?/ Why not?】

Yeah, I really enjoy receiving gifts from friends because I’m always moved when someone gives me a gift on some special occasion like my birthday. I sometimes receive some books, fruit, tea from my close friends.

2. What kind of gifts do you like to receive?【Why?】

Actually, I really enjoy receiving books as gifts because I’m a bookworm, reading is my favourite habit.

3. What gifts did you receive in your childhood?

When I was a little boy, I had received a wide variety of gifts that I really liked, such as books, stationery, balls and so on.

4. Do you like giving gifts to people?【Why?/ Why not?】

Yes, I do. I’m pretty into giving gifts to friends because gifts can enhance the friendship between friends, although they will cost much, I still like sending gifts because I believe giving is much more pleasure than taking.

5. What gifts did you give to others in your childhood?

I just remembered when I was young, I was used to send friends something I made by myself, like making a postcard.


1. What was your favourite subject in secondary school 【=high school】?

In my secondary school, English was my favourite subject because I found it very easy to remember the new word, and the sentences I learned were not hard at all. Besides, thanks to my English teacher, he taught me and corrected my pronunciation so that I could speak quite influent English.

2. And which subject did you like the least? 【Why?】

As my unfavourable subject, I guess the politics was the most disgusting subject because I had to remember endless and meaningless essays in order to pass the exams by rote. It was really a waste of my time.

3. Which secondary school subject do you think is most useful for people in adult life?

I believe that the physics was quite helpful in my adult life. Though it wasn’t really needed in daily life of mine, just as my physical teacher said, the physics was the gymnastics for the brain, it helped me do things logically.

4. What part of your secondary school education did you enjoy most?

I believe that my secondary school had taught how to endure hardships if I wanted to achieve my goal. You know, in my country, the competition of entering university is badly fierce, so I had to work very hard in order to be eligible to pursue my education in the future.

5. How do you feel about your high school 【secondary school】?

I guess my secondary school has a rich history and provides a safe, supportive learning community where all students are challenged to reach their highest levels of achievement and grow as individuals.

6. Why did you choose to attend that particular school?

I chose to attend my school because it was the most famous school in my hometown. It has gone through so long history that many scientists and politics graduated from it. And I believe I could be qualified to get to university after years of studying there.


1. Do you have any pets?

I once had kittens, it’s a domestic cat in my neighbourhood, but when she grow up I can’t find her anywhere. Right now, I only have a few fish in my aquarium.

2. Do you like animals?

Of course, all faunas are beautiful in their own way. Even a sea creature in the deepest ocean, I love them all.

3. What pet would you get if you could choose any?

I wish I could adopt a Persian kitten since I’m a cat person. They are adorable.

4. How does the rest of your family feel about pets?

My mother saw a cat nothing but trouble because sometimes they can be very naughty. Their fur is everywhere, litter everywhere, it's a lot of effort.

5. Have you ever had a bad experience with an animal?

I had bitten by a stray dog when I was a kid. So I'm a bit scared of dogs ever since.





