
发布时间:2022-05-12 16:09:03



Describe a famous person 【not from your country】

You should say:

who this person is 【or was】

how you know about this person

what type of work he or she does

and explain how he or she made an impression.

Let me talk about Kristen Stewart, a pop icon in the USA. She is best known for playing Bella in The Twilight. However, having seen Stewart in a number of movies and read a few articles about her, I will say I’m a fan. I know lots of people will not be on my side here, and I respect that. However, there’s just something about her that I like. And I’m here to decipher why it is I think I like her.

I’m not saying she’s the best actress in the world. Hell, I’m not even saying that she’s all that good. What I am saying however, is that she elicits a vibe and it’s a different vibe. I just think there’s this unspoken quality about her that I like. It’s kind of a not caring, free willing, dark, bored kind of a thing that I’m drawn to.Kristen is a bubbly girl, and not even grumpy at all. She stays grounded and down to earth. Moreover, she's good to her fans and she doesn't let the fame go to her head. The girl will just rock up to the airport in jeans and a t-shirt unlike most celebrities who will act like it's a fashion show.

She seems like she doesn’t care about what people think. I think that’s an attractive quality. This girl just does what she does. I think she is so real and super gorgeous. And who doesn’t like her are just simply jealous. I wish her the best!


Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most significant persons in world history and he is often considered as the most diversely talented person ever to have lived in human history. His full name was ‘Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci’ and lived from 1452 – 1519 mainly in Italy. He had an incomparable talent and he excelled as a painter, engineer, mathematician, architect, geologist, writer, cartographer, inventor, botanist, sculptor, anatomist, and musician.

He probably would have been a famous person in history only because of his perfection and talent in art, let along the other talents he had. He was a genus and a second to none figure of Renaissance humanist ideal. The talent, curiosity and logic he presented at his time of living were simply superhuman. His famous painting includes Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, Vitruvian Man, The Creation of Adam and the world now revere these works as the greatest art works of all time. In many art colleges and institutes, his works are considered to be the model works and grammar for fine work on art. His arts, paintings and notebooks compose a contribution to later generations of artists.

He is also esteemed for his ingenuity in technology and many of his ideas inspired some later invention in the field of science and engineering. His contribution in technology includes the conceptualization and experiments in solar power, flying machines, armoured vehicles, calculating machine etc. He was a high class inventor and visionary of science. His other inventions like bobbing winder, optics and hydrodynamics were well ahead of his time. He has great contribution in anatomy, civil engineering and optics as well. It would require a large volume of books to list down his contributions and talents. He would be revered throughout the history and in my opinion he is one of most influential and famous historical figure the world has ever seen.


Describe an old person you know who you admire.

You should say:

who this person is

how you know this person

what kind of person he or she is

and explain why you admire this person.

One elderly person whom I admire very much is my grandmother. My grandmother is getting on a bit now. She’s nearly 80 years old but still has the energy of a woman half her age. Her husband passed away a few years ago, so it’s good to know that she keeps active and sociable with her walking club friends. I know she looks forward to those occasions when we can be together and enjoy being a family.

I admire my grandmother mainly because of her inner-strength. It must be tough to carry on after having lost the husband for over forty years. She radiates cheerfulness and optimism whenever I’m with her, and I find this attitude so inspiring. She doesn’t let anything get her down and I hope that I can live my life with the same gusto.

I’ve learnt many things from my grandmother, she is my source of inspiration.


Describe a comic actor / cartoon character who is popular in your country.

You should say:

who the actor/character is

how you know him/her

what kind of person he/she is

and explain why he/she is popular in your country.


Ok right then, well the actor that I’ve decided to talk about is Zhou Xingchi, who, I think it’s fair to say, is one of the most famous and popular comedians in China.

You know, I’ve watched his films ever since I was a child, which I’m sure could also be said for the majority of people my age in China. And the reason is simply that he’s just so incredibly funny. I mean, whenever I watch his films, I can’t stop myself from laughing. And I’m not sure if you’ve watched any of his films before or not, but I guess you could compare him to Jim Carrey, in the sense that they can pull really funny faces. And that’s probably what sets him apart from most other comedians in China. You know, he’s got such an array of different facial expressions!

Anyway, as for what kind of person he is, well I don’t know him personally of course, but the impression I get of him is that he’s a very down-to-earth guy. So you know I mean, although he’s, like, super famous and mega rich, he seems to carry himself in a very unassuming manner. For example, in the interviews I’ve seen of him, he comes across as being a very modest and likeable guy, which can’t be said for a lot of celebrities you see on TV these days!

So yeah, that’s pretty much all there is to say really, and if you haven’t seen any of his films before, then you should definitely watch one.





