
发布时间:2022-05-12 16:15:56



You should say:

What the situation was具体的情况如何?

Who you helped你帮助了谁?

How you helped你怎么帮忙的?

And explain how you felt after giving help帮忙之后自己什么感受


The person I helped was an old lady. It was Monday morning. I took bus to work as usual. Fortunately enough, I found a seat among the crowd who flooded into the bus once the door opened. You can imagine how difficult it was during the peak hours in Beijing.


After two stops, there climbed in an old lady at her 60s. She looked around and became disappointed finding that there was no seat available. She made a few steps forward and came to stand right beside me. This left me in a moral dilemma. On one hand, traditional Chinese culture required me to stand up and give my seat to her. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. On the other hand, my reason said no, because if I did, I would have to stand the whole journey and that would be suffering.


Eventually my conscience prevailed over my reason and I decided to show courtesy. But to my surprise, at the moment I intended to stand up and even before my butt left the seat, the old lady pulled me out and sat down. She looked like she deserved the seat and how dare me to sit for a few seconds after she stood beside. I never got my ‘thank you’ and could not feel my legs when I got off. Therefore, rather than feeling happy or a sense of achievement, I felt frustrated and decided I would never give my seat away again.


Describe a time you helped someone.

You should say:

Who you helped

How you helped him or her

Why you helped him or her

And explain why it was special to you.






3 years ago, I stayed in the library till late night to prepare for final exam. While I was studying, I heard heavy rain sound. The rain seemed to be stronger, so I packed my things up to back home. Before I left the library, I spotted a blind standing in front of library entrance. I found out that she didn't have an umbrella. I asked her why are you standing here, and she said she is waiting till the rain is stopped. It was already late night so there was no one who could give her a helping hand beside me. Thus, I asked her address on the purpose of seeing her home.

I shared my umbrella with her by her destination. Although It was about half an hour far from the library by walking and my all clothes and shoes got wet through, I felt good when she said " thanks" with her beautiful smile. Meanwhile, however, I feel a bit uncomfortable about it as she might not be happy with my kind if she thought that I pity on her. At the time I helped her, I should have considered and been careful about her feeling more. I thought give a hand to others is not that easy on the way home.


Describe a situation【or a time】 when you helped someone.

You should say:

what the situation was

who the person was

how you helped them

and explain how you felt after helping them.


Well, let me tell you about a time when I helped someone not familiar. One day in the morning, I met a neighbour in the shop who was an old lady and also lived in the same building as me. She just bought a bag of rice and was ready to take the heavy bag home. I saw the bag was quite heavy and she was trying to life it up. I walked straightly to her, and told her that I could help her take the bag home. She was very thankful and agreed to accept my kindness. I could feel that she really hope someone could stand out and do her a favour at that moment.

The bag was quite heavy and it took us ten minutes to move back home. I took the bag directly to her home, and helped pour the entire rice into the bucket. She really appreciated my offer and wanted to give me some gifts, but I refused. I guessed that helping elder people is a kind of virtue in China; besides, getting alone well with neighbour is also very important to lead a happy life.


Descirbe a helpful person in work or study

You should say:

who the person is

what kind of person he/she is

how this person help you

why do you think this person is helpful


Ok, so i'd like to talk about a person that i know has done a lot of work to help people, And...this is my grandmother on my father's side. She lived near my childhood home back in the United States and I used to go to her house every, uh, almost every other weekend, umm, because we had a big family and so we'd have lots of events up at my grandparent's house. And, you know, what...what my grandmother did to help people, well, i think there are lots of things...

But one of the main things is that she used to volunteer at a hospital, umm, reaaly often. You know, i was young so i don't know exactly how often she would volunteer but it was definitely a common thing.

And i remember my parents talking about this when i was younger and stuff like that. But i really felt it when i was back visiting home one time and i had to visit the hospital for something. And while was waiting a lady come out and talked to me and she said she had known my grandmother and worked with her when she was at the hospital.

And that she was always so impressed and really admired, umm, my grandmother and her kindness and how much she gave to the people around her. So that was quite an interesting conversation for me. And i really felt like it was meaningful and my grandmother had been doing meaningful things for the people around her. Um, you know, other than at the hospital of course she took care the people in my family so she would host birthday parties and make lots of different kinds of food and...just always giving to other people so i think she set a really good example in that sense and um, i hope that i'll be able to be a giving and helpful person like she was in the future.





