发布时间:2022-05-12 18:11:42雅思口语事件描述
雅思口语part 2部分让很多考生闻风丧胆,其实只要掌握了正确的代替思路,我们就能搞定part 2不在话下。
Describe a positive experience you had before
You should say:
What it was
When it happened
Where it occurred
And explain why you like it
细心的“烤鸭”不难发现,此题作为 “事件类” 话题,在以往的众多老话题中都能找到它的影子。比如,去年第二部分的高频话题 “describe something that you did with a group of people”【描述你和一些人一起做的一件事】和 “describe a project or homework you did”【描述你做的一个项目或作业】,都完全可以作为描述这所谓的“积极的经历”的雅思口语选材。
One of the most positive experiences that I have ever had in my life was that I was rewarded with a Nokia 0323 cell phone by my father, since I had done well in the high school entrance exam years ago.
Clearly, I remember that before the exam came, I had been working extremely hard on it days and nights for at least 3 months, as I was eager to enter my favorite high school in Shanghai. What is sure is that during that period of time, I was making every effort to realizing my very first dream. I stayed up late until 2 o’clock in the early morning on a daily basis.
Eventually, when the results came out, I was so excited that I was admitted to my dream high school in the upcoming semester.
Even my whole family and friends were over the moon for me. More excitingly, my dad bought me a cell phone, Nokia 0323, the next day as an award. He told me that he was so proud of me and I deserved it. It was the first time that I received a present from my dad.
Now, the phone is still lying in the drawer next to my bed, although it is completely out of date, which keeps reminding me of a positive experience I had before.
1. 事件发生的背景【Why it happened】;
2. 事件发生前的情况和状态【Prepare for it】;
3. 事件发生的时间、地点、人物【When/where/who】;
4. 事件的具体内容【What the people did in the event】;
5. 一至两个亮点的细节描述【What impressed you most】;
6. 感受【How do you feel about it或 What you learned from it】;
事件经历类话题的答题重点依然要放在最后一个问题上【一般来说最后一个问题会问 why it happened或 how do you feel about it】,多数考生也基本可以回答到 3和 4,但容易忽略的是细节描述和事情发生前的一些铺垫,也就是说答题过于平淡,缺少亮点。
下面以一道曾经的 part2的答题范例为例,和大家分享下时间经历类话题应该是体现答题亮点的。
Describe a time you experienced a long-time traffic jam.
You should say:
when and where it happened;
how long you were in the traffic jam;
what you did to try to get out of the problem situation;
and explain how you felt about that traffic jam.
Several weeks ago, I was on a bus to my workplace, as usual. But I didn't expect that the bus would get stuck right in the middle of a bridge. A car got rear-ended by another one, the two drivers were quarreling ferociously, they almost broke into a fight at some point. The traffic police were there, but there was nothing they could do. And all the cars and buses where just stuck there, with drivers honking and passengers cursing. It was totally chaotic.
Since I'm just a passenger, I could do nothing about the problem. But if I were the traffic policeman, I would stop those two drivers with forces, and towed away their cars, so that the rest of us could get pass. About this traffic congestion, I felt completely irritated. My work begins sharply at nine o'clock, but it was already eight forty, and there were still six stops to go. I could never make it on time.
I tried to tell myself to calm down and read some news reports on my cellphone, but I was distracted and disgusted by the foul language of those two angry drivers, and the complains of other passengers around me. And what upset me even more was that the traffic policeman was just writing stuff on his notebook, without doing anything practical. And I felt sorry for those two drivers. Had they acted more rationally, they wouldn't have caused such a scene. But I guess they would never know that until they saw their pictures on the front page the next day. That traffic jam lasted for about an hour, and it utterly ruined my day.
下面还有就是,能不能将自己截图到的好的用法,真正造句子,用在自己的雅思口语考试当中了。比如说,我在看“都市女孩子”这部剧的时候,就有一个这样的场景。女主人公Marni失恋了之后,每天坐在家里失魂落魄。她妈妈走了过来,说到,我当年给你起这个名字,就是想让你坚强和独立的。英文是这么说的“It has a legacy of strength and independence.”这句话完全可以用在part1考官问我们自己名字意思的时候。
还有一个场景,Marni喜欢上了自己好朋友的男朋友Ray,两个人偶尔秘密拍拖,因此有一天Ray说,我真的不安“I am on pins and needles”,这个用法完全可以用在part2迟到的场合,忘记东西场合,心里很焦急不安的时候,e.g. “Suddenly I found my ID card missing. I looked for it everywhere, but all my effort seemed to be in vain. I was really on pins and needles. ”
对于雅思口语话题比较熟悉的考生一定不难发现,在考题中经常会出现一些限定语,例如,在上面的例子中出现了限定语“you attended recently”,考生在答题的时候千万不能被这样的限定语所迷惑,认为只能说 “近期”,大家大可以把自己熟悉拿手的素材进行修改,来满足题目当中限定语部分的要求。因为,毕竟在口语考试时考官与你并不相熟,所以不必担心考官知道你“造假”。那么,根据以上所说的两点,大家可以谈谈近期参加的Wedding。
在解决了素材的选择问题之后,考生下面要做的就是思考相关词汇。既然我们在这里要谈及近期参加的婚礼,那么关于婚礼,考生需要记住相关词汇。在进行词汇补充时,建议考生问自己四个W: when, where, who, what。因为在事件题当中,这四个W是基本要素,是必须回答和解决的问题。
When: 对于这一要素,非常容易,只要考生满足“recently”这个要求即可,于是大家可选one month ago或者last week等等。
Where: 婚礼的地点一般会选择church或者是hotel。考生们在此请注意:没有人会在restaurant结婚的,所以请注意hotel和restaurant的区别。
Who: 考生一定要知道以下婚礼中人物的表达方式bridegroom, bride, bestman, maid of honor, officiant, guest, flower girl。
What: 可以选取婚礼中主要场景的词汇进行表达,不需要面面俱到,毕竟考试时间有限。例如:
exchange wedding vows交换婚礼誓词
exchange wedding rings交换婚戒
pronounce the new couple husband and wife宣布新人结为夫妇
toss the bouquet抛捧花
考生在进行事件题的话题描述和练习的时候,上述三个步骤确定后,需要找到“自我存在”。毕竟这是自己经历的事情。那么“自我存在”的位置如何寻找呢?很简单,从刚才我们所提到的4W要素中的who部分入手,把自己带入其中。比如说适合考生的“自我存在”有bestman、maid of honor、guests等等。其中女生在寻找自己的位置的时候,甚至可以把自己放置在接到新娘捧花的位置上,“you know, I was the person who got the bouquet”。因为这非常符合英语国家文化,在表述时可以拉近自身与考官之间的距离,“and that is the reason why this wedding is so memorable to me”。切记“自我存在”是十分重要的。
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