发布时间:2022-05-12 18:22:56
Do you think pollution is a big problem nowadays?
Yes, definitely. Air and water pollution are huge issues in the modern world... The air pollution problem is especially grave due to the increasing amount of exhaust fumes, which are produced by cars, and result into a poorair quality.
What do you do to prevent our environment from pollution?
A lot of things... First of all, I don't litter. Also, my family and me try to buy only environmentally friendly goods whenever we can... And finally, I try to save trees... I print on both sides of every sheet of paper I use and use any left over white space to scribble notes.
Have you ever participated in any environmental events?
Yes, of course! Last year I participated in an event in my hometown, which was all about preserving nature... We were taught about the greenhouse effect and I learned about many endangered species in the world.是的,当然!去年我参加了一个在我家乡举办的活动,那是关于保护自然的。我们被告知温室效应,我了解了世界上许多濒危物种。
In which way do people damage our planet?
Er... In my point of view, we damage the Earth in many ways. Just take a look at all those factories that empty toxic waste into rivers and lakes... People also destroy a great deal of natural areas in search of fossil fuels. Not to mention poaching and endangering of wild animals.呃…在我看来,我们在很多方面损害了地球。只要看看那些把有毒废物排放到河流和湖泊的工厂就可以了。人们还破坏了大量的自然区域来寻找化石燃料。更不用提偷猎和危害野生动物了。
Do you think that the environmental situation will improve in the nearest future?
Yes, I would like to believe so... People are getting more and more aware of the major environmental issues that we're dealing with nowadays... I hope that we will get back to nature and start caring about our planet more.是的,我愿意相信……人们越来越意识到我们现在所面对的主要环境问题。我希望我们能回到大自然,开始更多地关心我们的星球。
Describe a person you know who has a healthy lifestyle.
You should say:
who he /she is
how you know this person
what sort of person he/she is
and explain why you think he/she has a healthy lifestyle
Ok then, well, as soon as I saw this topic, I immediately thought of my next door neighbour, who I have to say, must be one of the healthiest people I know, as I'll shortly explain, so he's the person I'm gonna talk about.
And as for how I know him, well, if my memory serves me correctly, the first time we met was actually in the lift of our apartment block, because I had just been taking my dogs out for a walk, and by the looks of it, he had just got back from a run, cos he was in a tracksuit and was sweating a little bit. And when he saw my dogs his face lit up, so he asked if he could stroke them, and that's basically how we got to know each other.
Anyway, moving on to what sort of person he is, well, to put it simply, I'd say that he's a really sociable and friendly guy, which you can probably tell from the example I gave just now of how we met. But the main reason for saying this is that he often invites me, as well as other friends of his, over to his flat for lunch or dinner, which is really nice of him, especially considering the fact that I've never invited him for a meal before, mainly because I'm hopeless at cooking. So I kind of feel a bit guilty about that, even though he keeps telling me not to worry about it, and that also just goes to show what a nice guy he is.
Anyway, with regard to why I think he has a healthy lifestyle, well I suppose the biggest reason would be that he's a real fitness fanatic, you know, he goes for a run literally every morning, rain or shine, and I know this because, on more than one occasion, I've looked out of my living room window and seen him running in the pouring rain, which to me is kind of crazy, but to him it's just normal.
And finally I should also mention the fact that he looks much younger than he really is. You know, I couldn't believe it when he told me how old he was, because I originally thought he was in his early forties or something, but he's actually over fifty, and when I asked him what his secret was for looking so young, he simply said that he always made sure to get at least eight hours of sleep a day. So ever since he told me that, I've tried to develop the same habit myself, although to be honest with you, I'm not succeeding too well so far.
Describe a time that you looked for information from the Internet 【new】
You should say:
When it happened
What you were looking for
Where you were searching on the Internet
And how you felt about the information
When I was traveling to Rome this summer, I searched for the museum address with my mobile phone network. Before traveling, I usually make plan to confirm the address, because I could find places as soon as possible. However, during my trip, my travel notes were missing. I was very anxious because I didn't know the name of the museum, so it was hard to find out the specific address on the Internet.
So I use my cell phone to took pictures, and put the pictures on the Internet. Finally, I found the museum. I'm amazed that I could find specific locations just through the internet. At same time, the internet also recommend scenic spots and delicacies around the museum. The technology is really convenient now.
What ways can people get information these days?
First, people can get information through friends. People can get the most directly information when chatting. Second, people can get information through social software in mobile phones. Many mobile social software can send information for the first time. Third, people can get information through newspapers, magazines and so on.
What are the differences between getting information from library and getting information from newspaper?
Information is usually more attractive, less objective and comprehensive in newspapers. Sometimes there are some fake news. But in the library, information will be more fair and detailed. If you get information from the library, people can take many different points of same view.
Describe a method that helps you save money
You should say:
what it is
how long have you been following it
is it a common method
and explain how effective it is to save money.
Interesting topic indeed and I thank you for the chance to let me talk about a method or way I personally apply to save money. Well, I use a personal accounting application on my mobile phone and enter my monthly earnings and expenditures on a daily basis. This method helps me track down the unnecessary expenses, alert me whenever my expenditure goes beyond a certain limit and eventually help me save money out of my monthly earnings.
This is an accounting software for the smartphone users. It is quite intuitive and easy to use- does not require someone to know the basics of accounting. This is comparatively a small application and does not require a huge resource, unlike many smartphone applications. I have been using this Android mobile application for the last 2 years. I have found it a very handy application that enables me to enter my earnings, expenses, shows various comprehensive reports and possible areas where I can expense less and save money. For instance, at the end of a month, I noticed that I have spent more than 700 dollars on taxi fair and that was quite alarming. I would never have noticed that without this application and from the next month I have devised other plans to reduce my monthly transportation costs.
I am not sure if this application is widely used or not, but using some sort of personal accounting software, mobile applications or using a notebook to tally the earning and expenses is rather a common method. I had my doubt initially whether I would be benefitted from this method. But after a few months, I started realising that it was helping me immensely. As a salaried employee, my earning remains almost the same in each month but the expenses vary to a great extent. Interestingly I knew the mandatory areas or my monthly expenses before I started using this application but after I started using it, my perception of the areas of expenses totally changed. I had no idea there were so many areas of my expenses and the possible ways to save some money weekly by following some simple steps. This application helped me tremendously and I have to thank the developer of this application who made it totally free to download and use.
Adjusting the daily expenses on the application was kind of boring at the beginning, but within a few weeks, I made it a daily habit. Since this method is helping me to save money, I consider it an important task at the end of the day. This application even has reminder options for different events and occasions of my friends and family members. For instance, at the beginning of a month, the application shows me the birthdays or similar events that are going to take place in this month. The reminder also shows me the possible amount I can spend on gifts without crossing my monthly budget. The most amazing feature of this application is its ability to compare products I regularly purchase or intend to purchase and notify me the best price and special deals. I personally find it very handy as the shopping comparison is done by my application and saves both time and money for me.
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