发布时间:2022-05-12 18:24:54
A store I often go in with my friends late at night is 7 eleven store. This convenient store is scattered throughout China and operates 24 hours in one week. The store has a logo of number 7 and 11 with green, orange and red colors. It has 2 floors to which the first floor has many stands where different products are displayed. The products vary from food, accessories, make up to school supplies. On the second floor is the dining hall. There are 8 chairs and tables on it where clients can dine in. this is our favorite spots with my friends because we can have research or undisturbed chatting for it is quiet and not too many people goes in here. One of the reasons why I love going there is its accessibility. The store is in close proximity to my apartment so whenever I need to buy something I can just walk for about one minute and buy what I need. Another is, it is Wi-Fi enabled so I can browse my homework while dining in there. Aside from that, I enjoy drinking the brain freezing Slurpee. Lastly the very charming and accommodating staffs they are always attentive to their customers’ orders and they always wear a smile which lightens up my day.
1. Do you like being alone?
Yeah, I don’t mind being alone. I guess as long as it’s not, like, for a really long length of time, it’s fine. You know, it’s kind of um… I don’t really know how to put it, but I suppose what I’m basically trying to say is that it feels kind of relaxing being alone. You know, it gives me the chance to ponder and reflecton certain stuff. So um… yeah, I find it quite enjoyable, but if I’m alone for a long length of time, then I guess it can get quite depressing.
2. What do you do when you’re alone?
I would say, on the whole, I mainly like to read when I’m alone. That’s one of the things I most enjoy doing, you know, sitting down with a book. It’s just a really relaxing way to pass the time! And apart from that, um.. what else do I like doing on my own…? Uh… Sometimes I might watch a bit of TV, because if it’s too quiet around me it can feel a bit discomforting, if you know what I mean, it just adds to the loneliness. So if I’ve got the TV on, it feels kind of nice having some sound around me, which in a way, gets rid of the loneliness to some extent.
3. Do you prefer to spend time with your friends or just stay at home alone?
Um… thinking about it, I’d say I generally prefer to spend time with my friends, simply because I always have a good time whenever I’m with them. But that’s not to say I don’t like being on my own at home, it’s just that it’s not as fun! You know, I’m quite a sociable person by nature, so I tend to preferbeing in the company of others.
4. When was the last time you were alone?
Um… I suppose it really depends for how long. Because I mean, pretty much every day I’m alone for some parts of the day, although it may just be for a very short period of time. But um…let me see……the last time I was alone was yesterday in fact, when I was doing some reading in my room. And I was on my own for about two or three hours or so.
雅思口语social network话题
1. What kind of social networking websites do you like to use?社交网站:social networking siteNetwork名词:网络;动词:建立网站我们根据社交网络的目的不同,我们可以稍微分一下类:
首先是像QQ、微信这种,基本还是属于认识的人之间的社交工具。The sites or applications that can only be used for the communication between people already known.
其次是微博或者Facebook这种,个人的主页,所有的人都可以去看的,算是一种比较公开的信息传播的平台。Personal homepage which can be viewed by almost everyone using the Internet还有就是skype,是可以出了社交之外,还可以打电话,和真是的人直接沟通的 it can not only offer connection between website users but between online users and the people in reality. 或者是linkedin, 领英,也是每个人输入自己真实的信息,但是更多的是为了工作事业为目的,为不同行业的人才之间搭建的平台。
Pose their CV and find ideal positions online. 或者是momo这样的,纯粹是为了和陌生人进行交流的一些平台。Meet strangers with same interest or description或者是其他带着特殊功能的平台,比如世纪佳缘等等,是为了找对象的。
To keep frequent contact with these friends, or to have a wider and better understanding of these firends
To find friends with same interests so they can play computer games together, for example.
To satisfy the curiosity of the private life of celebrities and to know their most recent update of their work and life.
2. Are you a social person?
I am definitely a social person. I like making new friends and enjoy sharing my experience with many other people.
I am not a social person, I prefer staying alone. Too many strangers may make me feel uncomfortable.
我得分情况:如果是我熟悉的人,我喜欢社交,我常常和自己圈子里面的人出去玩。但是我不喜欢去陌生人太多的场合,那样我会很不自在的。It depends. I would very much like to hang out with the friends I know. But if I am invited to go to a party full of strangers, I might not likely to go there.
3. What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?
大概可以分为三种人:真实生活里的人:可能是曾经有过一面之缘,在同一个学校,或者同时参加过一些活动,或者有一些共同的朋友,通过社交网站找打了彼此,建立了联系。Firstly, it is very likely that I can find someone I have already known or used to study in the same school to have attended the same activities.
Based on some search options, such as interest or identity, I can find someone who can share the same hobby as me.
I also like to know some famous people on these sites, not necessarily be the celebrities, maybe the well-known experts in my field. So I can ask for some help for my own job and advices on my career development.【这就是互联网时代的好处】
4. Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking websites?
能:一个是信息有一定的真实性,比如Facebook,或者国内以前比较流行的人人网,基本的信息都是真实的,所以,是可能找到真的友谊的。Most sites have certain extent of truthfulness, such as facebook. It is possible that we can find real friends online.或者是因为网络的环境,大家彼此不认识,会写下很多的伪装,往往更有真心的交流和沟通。
Since we don’t have to pretend to be others in some occasions in the reality, online, we are more willing to express the true self and communicate with others whole-heartedly.
不能:网上的信息很多是虚假的。而且很多时候,我们会隐藏自己的真实信息。假设我去这些网站注册,我说我是女的,50多岁了,也没人会说什么,于是我是可以任意的impersonate others,所以,网上的很多朋友仅限于你打游戏,或者聊天,并不能延伸到真实的生活里面去。May information online is false. Sometimes, we will try to impersonate others, to conceal the real interests of us. So the friends made online cannot be real and can only be restricted in the virtual world.
雅思口语An antique or something old话题
Describe an antique or something old your family has kept for a long time.You should say:
What it is
How your family first got this thing
How long your family has had it
And explain why it is important for your family
What it is?
an antique or something old可以选择说a family photo, a painting, an old watch,a piece of silverware, a bracelet, a ring, an old book等都可以。然后描述物品的外形特征【如size, color, shape等】,在讲述特征时也可以加入一些评论或是感受就更好了。
How you family first got it?
这个问题在回答的时候首先要特别注意时态,从got就知道这个问题应该使用一般过去时,这个问题可以通过讲述一个故事展开,这样会更生动有趣。以一个old dress为例讲一讲怎么通过讲故事展开这个问题。
Actually, it was my grandmother who bought this dress for my mother as a wedding gift. You know, at that time, a fancy wedding dress was rare. My mother was the first child to get married in her family, so her wedding was really significant. My grandmother asked her friends in Shenzhen to help her buy this dress. It took quite a long time to get this dress and cost her an arm and a leg.
How long your family has had it?
这个问题在回答的时候也要特别注意时态,主要的时态应该用现在完成时“have/has+动词过去分词”的形式。以an old book为例,我们看看如何使用现在完成时回答这个问题:
This book would be more than 70 or 80 years old and we have kept it on the shelf for the last 20 years.
Why it is important to your family?
My grandfather passed it down to me so it has a strong sentimental value to me.
It often reminds me of my grandmother who used to…
It is a kind of memento and something to remember my grandmother by.
They are the only tangible belongings that convey my grandfather’s reminiscences.
Though they don’t have their material values but they are priceless to our family.
As an heirloom, it can teach me a great deal about my family history and traditions.
Sample Answer:
An old thing my family has kept a long time is an antique bracelet. It is green and made of natural jade. My family got this bracelet from my great-grandmother who gave it to my grandmother when she got married. Then my grandmother passed it down to my mother on her wedding day.
I guess we have kept this bracelet for about 50 years. It is actually the oldest stuff in my home. My mother often keeps it very carefully in the drawer of her dressing table. She only wears it on some important occasions, like attending a formal party or something. She thinks it really matches her dresses and makes her look elegant.
When it comes to why it is important to my family, the most important reason is that as it is passed down from my great-grandmother, it provides a tangible link between family members. Actually we all regard it as an heirloom and really cherish it. The emotional connection family members have with the heirloom is what makes it valuable. Thus, due to it sentimental value, it is really precious for my family. Another reason is that as I have mentioned, it is made of natural jade. You know, in Chinese culture, jade symbolizes good luck, health, happiness and safety. So this bracelet is considered as a lucky charm for my family. We believe that it can protect us and give us good health.
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