发布时间:2022-05-12 18:27:08
雅思口语 part2怎么总结
Describe a product you bought that you feel happy with.
You should say:
what it is
where you bought it
what you use it for
And explain why you feel happy with it.
这是一道典型的物品类话题【在之前的教研文章中,提到过Part2的题型分类,大致可以分为人物题、地点题、物品题和事件题四种】。题目是要求我们描述一件我们买到的满意之物,be happy with这个词组在这里需要注意,是满意的意思。
开头句,开门见山,说出自己要描述的产品—Well, speaking of a product I bought that I am happy with, the first one that comes into my mind is Wii. 下面我们按照四个小问题,一个个来看。
第一点:what it is,这个product是什么。
关于这点的话,可以说下该产品的公司以及产品特性——It’s a home video game console【家用电子游戏机】released by a well-established【享有盛名的】Japanese company Nintendo【不仅说公司名称,并且把哪里的公司也说明,在最前面还可以加一个形容词来修饰该公司】. After I installed it, I didn’t spend too much time learning how to use it because it’s very user-friendly【用户容易使用掌握的】。With a little coaching from my hubby, I was able to use it without any trouble.【这句就是user-friendly该特性的体现】
第二点:where you bought it,在哪里购买的该产品。
关于这点,除了说地点,其实还可以把何时买的,并且购买的场合说下,即使题目没有问,但是也可以自然带上,这样内容更加充实—I bought it in the biggest local shopping mall. And I can still clearly remember that day was my twenty-fifth birthday, so I have owned it for more than five years.
第三点:what you use it for,用这件产品来做什么;第四点:why you feel happy with it,为什么对这件产品感到满意。由于第三点和第四点存在密不可分的关系,正是由于第三点才导致第四点,所以笔者把这两项合并起来说,给出了三个对这个产品感到满意的理由,正是因为可以用来帮助做运动,所以对其非常满意——Several reasons lead me to fell happy with Wii. To start with, it has a remote controller which can be used as a handheld pointing device and which detects movement in three dimensions. Thus, it’s a perfect equipment to do some sports following the programs such as yoga, boxing and bowling. What’s more, living in the city, you know, it’s not that easy for me to find a proper place to do some exercise. So with its help, I can do some exercise to stretch my muscles after work whenever I want. Finally, I can even play some very unusual sports liking baseball and curling which I can’t play in real life here. They are so different and exciting. I enjoy myself a lot every time I play them.
最后总结收尾—This is what I want to share with you today.
全文共15句话,开头和结尾各1句,第1点3句话,第二点2句话,第3点和第4点共8句话。从此分布可以看出,最后1点Explain why是Part2的主体论述部分,但是前面几点也不容小觑,因为当每一点都进行了充分扩展之后,在最后一点的描述上压力会较小,否则很容易造成时长不足。这也是大部分考生,在雅思口语考试Part2中,往往觉得无话可说的很重要的一个原因。因为很多考生在回答when、where、who、what此类问题的时候往往一句话带过,甚至一句话把when、where和who三个问题一并答完【如I went there with my mom last year.】,之后再来拓展,就不知该何从下手。
最后,笔者想再次强调,提升英语口语的诀窍无非在于模仿和反复练习,也即模仿母语者的说话和用词习惯,在听和看的输入的基础上,尽量去多开口说,哪怕自言自语也比一言不发的好。If you want to master a second language, the only way is to copy and learn.
1. 话题分类
2. 话题点合并
Describe someone who you think is a good parent. 这个话题卡的第三个展开点是why you think he/she is good?
另一个话题是Describe someone who is knowledgeable. 这个话题卡的第二个展开点是what kind of person he/she is.
3. 写关键词
上面的两个话题点可以统一合并为“你的家长”,比如我的父亲就是一个好的家长,因为他什么都懂,乐于分享知识,是一个好榜样。考生要准备的关键词就是know everything, share以及good example.
4. 大量重复练习
My father is an engineer who knows everything. He tells me so many interesting things that are very helpful in my study. I think he is a very good example because I also want to be like him one day.
My father as an engineer is the encyclopedia in my family. As a parent he’s always willing to share so many absorbing things related or not related to my study, which also set a good example for me to follow him or to be like him.
提高后的答案相比第一份答案,使用了更多的less common words并且衔接更为紧密。大家在备考时可以将自己的答案进行录音,随后检查语法升级词汇,使你的答案更加自然流畅。
具体类物品如:Describe a book you read、a gift you received from others、a wild animal、a handicraft、an electrical appliance that is useful to you、an important letter that you received、a game you played in your childhood等;
抽象类物品如:Describe an interesting news、a useful website、 a performance you saw、a organization、your future job、your future plan、something that you don't know but would like to learn等。
雅思考场具体案例解析:仍以gift为例:Describe a gift you sent to others
Arts and crafts工艺品;Charm护身符;Cross stitch十字绣;Knitting编织品;Shell craft贝壳制品;Mug杯子;Multi Purpose Tools多功能工具
Think out of the box有创意的;User-friendly方便使用的;Durable耐用的;Decent不错的;Portable便于携带的……
1】The monetary value of the gift is not relevant, it‘s the meaning that is more important. 礼物的价值不在于它的价格而在于它的真情实意。
2】 Charm bracelets【幸运手链】 are supposed attract wealth, health, or good karma【好运】 to the person wearing it.
Describe a family member that you are very close to.
Your should say:
Who this person is.
What this person is like.
How you are like and unlike this person.
And explain why you are close to this person.
在第二部分的描述中,对人物的描述是考试的主流话题之一。人物描述出现的概率相当高,几乎在每个月的考试里面都能遇到。一般来讲,人物描述的体现方式有以下几种:a famous person / a child / an old person / a favorite teacher / a close family member / a close friend
Who this person is. 【人物,e.g. my mother】
What this person is like. 【描述性词语,e.g. looks, personality, hobbies】
How you are like and unlike this person. 【比较和对比,similarities – looks & hobbies; differences in personality】
Why you are close to this person. 【该家庭成员对自己的影响.】
Sample Answer:The person I am very close to in my family is my mother. My mother is medium height who always wears a friendly smile on her face. Blue is her favorite color as she thinks it symbols peace and emotion. I think is has a lot to do with her personality. As a music teacher, she is always very patient and kind to her students. There are quite a few similarities between us. People all say that I look like my mother more than my father. We both like listening to the music and watching movies. On weekends, we often go shopping in the supermarkets or department stores. But we are also different in many ways. My mother is a good gardener. Our veranda is lined with all her gardening masterpieces, such as chrysanthemum and Chinese roses. I am not so patient in taking care of the plants. Besides, my mother can cook many delicious dishes, while I can’t at all. I have learned how to treat people and how to deal with problems on my own from her. She is the one I am close to as she really influences me a lot.
有的考生在未结束描述前,可能被考官打断【Sorry. I am gonna stop you there.】如果遇到这样的情况,是因为考官需要掌握和掌控考试的节奏和时间,打断并非是由于认为考生讲得不好,所以考生不必紧张,只需要根据考官的指令继续考试即可。
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