发布时间:2022-05-12 18:27:38
1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?
雅思口语考官范文:I live in a semi-detached house with three bedrooms in a suburb of Manchester. I've lived there for just over a year.
2. Which is your favourite room in your home? Why?
雅思口语考官范文:I don't really have a favourite room. But if I had to choose, I'd say the living room because that's where I go to sit and relax.
3. Would you change anything about your home? Why / why not?
雅思口语考官范文:Yes, I've been meaning to redecorate it since I moved in last year. It needs a new kitchen, so that's what I'd change first.
4. Would you like to move to a different home in the future?
雅思口语考官范文:Yes, I'd definitely move again at some point if I could afford to. I'd like to live in the countryside, or maybe in a different city or country.
Do you ever use a map?
Yeah I do. I mean, I often use a GPS when I’m driving somewhere that I’m not familiar with, and I find it super helpful, because I don’t have a very good sense of direction!
When do you use a map?
Let me have a little think… umm….when do I use a map….umm…. oh yeah, I guess the time when I most often use a map is when I’m on holiday somewhere, because I find it helps give me a better understanding of the place, and also saves me from getting lost.
Who taught you to use a map?
I don’t actually think anyone taught me how to use a map, you know, I kind of just figured it out for myself. And I’ve never really had a problem understanding them because they tend to be pretty self-explanatory, 【at least for me anyway】.
Do you prefer to use electronic maps or those made of paper?
I’d say I generally prefer using electronic ones, because they basically have more functions. For example, if you’re not sure how to get somewhere, electronic maps will be able to actually highlight the best route to take, and 【not just that, but they】 also give you detailed timings for each part of the journey, which is something that paper maps can’t really do.
Have you ever asked others for directions?
Yeah, sure I have, and I think it’s fair to say most people have at some stage or other. You know, asking others for directions can save a lot of time wandering around getting hopelessly lost, and I’ve always found people to be very helpful whenever I’ve asked them how to get somewhere.
1. Do you like going to parks and/or public gardens?
【If yes:】
Yeah, on the whole I do, as long as the weather’s nice of course! You know, I think they’re nice places to go to get some fresh air and enjoy the natural environment. And I always tend to feel a bit less stressed out when I’m in a garden or park.
【If no:】
No I don’t, because I kind of think there’s not really that much to do in parks. I mean, most of the ones near to where I live have nothing! You know, all you can really do is just wander around, and after you’ve been to them so many times, they kind of get a bit boring, if you know what I mean!
2. When was the last time you went to a park?
Um… let me see…when was the last time?... I suppose it must have been about … it must have been about two or three months ago, a bit before Christmas, cos I remember that day the sky was really clear for a change! And so I thought it would be nice to go out for a walk somewhere, which I did.
3. Do you think the parks and gardens where you live could be improved in any ways?
Yeah I do. I think they could be improved quite a bit. Cos as I mentioned just now, there’s not really that much you can do there, so I think some facilities could be added. For example, it would be nice if there was a café or something where you could sit and enjoy the surroundings with a cup of coffee. And uh.. what else?... Oh yeah, another thing that I think’s lacking is children’s play areas, you know, like climbing frames, swings and slides, because I’ve noticed that most parks have exercise equipment for adults, but nothing really for children. So this is another aspect in which I think parks could really improve on.
4. Would you like to see more parks and gardens in your hometown?
Yeah I would, because we only have a very small number at the moment, and considering there are several million people living here, I think it would definitely be good to have a few more!
5. Do you prefer to relax with your friends in a park or an indoor place?
I’d say I generally prefer to relax with my friends somewhere indoors, because I mean, if I’m meeting up with them in a park, then everything could be ruined by the weather. So it’s a bit easier arranging to meet somewhere indoors. Having said that though, if it’s a really nice day out, then I suppose I would prefer to be outside with them somewhere, like a park.
1. Do you like dancing?
It’s ok I suppose, but I wouldn’t say I particularly like it, because first of all, I’m not very good at it, and secondly, I prefer to just listen to music instead of dance to it.
2. Would you like to learn dancing in the future?
I suppose it would be quite nice to learn, yeah, for example, breakdancing, which looks pretty cool when it’s done well! And also if I had some classes, I wouldn’t embarrass myself every time I got onto the dance floor! So yeah, I guess it is something that I’d quite like to do at some stage in the future, although I don’t know if it will ever actually materialize.
3. Where do Chinese people like to go dancing?
Um… let me have a little think…. I suppose one of the most popular places to go is an outdoor square, where you'll often see people doing line-dancing there, especially in the early morning or evening. And uh... where else...? Um... oh yeah, places like discos and clubs, which I guess is the same around the world.
4. Did you like to dance when you were a child?
Um… let me think back to when I was a child… hang on a second please! …Um…Yeah, I did actually quite like dancing, you know, and I think probably the reason was that I wasn’t at all self-conscious when I danced, which I am now, I have to admit! So I mean, as a child, I wasn’t really preoccupied with how I looked in front of others, so that made it a lot more enjoyable.
4. When was the last time you danced?
Jeez– it was ages ago! I honestly can’t remember. Um… I suppose it must have been, like, two or three years ago, but that’s a complete guess, cos it’s just been such a long time!
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