发布时间:2022-05-12 18:28:00
1.Babysit. 无论是帮邻居还是帮亲友,帮忙照看小孩子都是绝好的跟小孩子相处的机会,在这短暂的几个小时里,我们可以联想自己之前在网上看到的搞笑视频,编进自己的答案。
2.Family vacations. 可能我们接触的最频繁的或者最了解的小孩子就是家里的cousin或者nephew以及niece了。关于这些熊孩子【contrary child】的淘气故事,肯定在亲友聚会的时候不少听到,正好快过年了,留心一下身边的奇闻轶事吧。
3. Strangers who sat next to you on a train/plane. 每次长途旅行最糟心的就是身边坐着一个不定时炸弹,说不好什么时候就嗷嗷哭喊。不过我们在答案中可以幻想一位乖巧懂事的天使,既有礼貌又安静。然后把这段撞了狗屎运的经历告诉考官。
4. Strangers in a park. 逛公园的时候不光会遇到可爱的狗狗,也会撞见萌得让你迈不开脚的小娃娃们。如果你曾经被他们水汪汪的大眼睛和无邪的笑容迷倒【My heart was captured by his/her big sparkling eyes and innocent smile】,陪着陌生人家的孩子玩儿了好半天,也可以分享一下。
I’d like to talk about the time I babysat my little nephew.
It was about a month ago, my uncle and my aunt were busy playing mahjong with my parents, so they asked me to babysit their 8-year-old son.
To be honest, I’m not really good with kids. I always find them noisy and irritating, but my nephew is different, I mean, he’s really cute and obedient. So I was actually quite elated about this arrangement.
I took him to the amusement park where there are plenty of entertainment facilities for children. We played merry-go-round, but he said it’s for girls, so we took the roller coaster and pirate ship ride. He was super psyched and elated. And I have to say, he’s really a brave little boy, ‘cause when we were riding the roller coaster, I was a little nervous, but he acted like nothing happened.
And after that, we went to the snack bar in the park. I bought him a combo for kids, and he even got a small toy as a gift from the shop owner.
When it was getting dark, I took him to the riverbank to walk my dog. Honestly, after a long day, I was exhausted, but he was still vigorous and kept chasing my dog. At that time, I was so jealous of him.
Anyway, we had a good time together.
Describe a sport you have only watched and you would like to try in the future
You should say
What the sport is
Where you watched it
Why you choose to watch it
And explain why you want to try it later
Are there many people around you play the sport?
Gosh, this topic is hard for me, I don’t really go to many sporting events, and it isn’t especially an interest of mine. However, I can think of one which enticed me to go and watch, I’ll tell you as much as I can about the event, how often it takes places and why it was, to me at least, interesting!
The sporting event I went to was Le Tour de France – except it wasn’t! For one year only the opening stages took place near to where I live in South Yorkshire, but more of that later.
The event is a world famous cycling race. It takes place every year, in a series of stages which are mainly in France, but it does occasionally pass through other countries. I think it started around 1903 and has taken place each year since then – apart from during the two world wars when obviously it was suspended. The cyclists are professional riders, and the tour is gruelling. To be honest, I get very confused about how it is all timed and organised, but I do know that for each stage, the rider who has completed it in the fastest time gets to wear a yellow jersey for the next stage of the tour.
The race has fallen foul of cheating over the years, famously Lance Armstrong who won it some seven times I think was later banned for drug taking. However, more recently cycling has cleaned up its act and gained in popularity. Although I’ve never previously been interested in cycling, some of my friends are, and with such a world famous event happening on my doorstep I wouldn’t have wanted to miss out.
I was really proud to be one of the supporters on what was a once in a lifetime opportunity to see The Tour de France passing through practically on my doorstep 【I live in Sheffield】.
Colours 【new】
What's your favorite colour?
Do you like dark colours?
Are there any colors you dislike?
Do you usually wear clothes in your favourite colour?
1.What's your favorite colour?
My favourite colour is blue, it is the colour of depth and stability. Blue symbolises wisdom, confidence and intelligence. And I don’t like the pink because it is too girly.我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色,它是深度和稳定性的颜色。蓝色象征着智慧、自信和智慧。我不喜欢粉色,因为它太娘娘腔了。
2. Are there any colours you dislike 【Why?】
I suppose so. You know, different colour conveys different meaning to people. Red represents passion and enthusiasm while green means energetic. So I always choose the suitable colours for things.我想是这样。你知道,不同的颜色会给人传达不同的意思。红色代表激情和热情,而绿色则意味着精力充沛。所以我总是为事物选择合适的颜色。
3. Are colours important to you?
Well, yes, I have several clothes in blue, which can bring calm and tranquil feelings to me. I believe that blue is always fashionable in men’s outfit.嗯,是的,我有几件蓝色的衣服,可以给我带来平静和平静的感觉。我相信蓝色在男装中总是很流行的。
4. Were colours important to you when you were a child?
If I were to choose between the two, I’ll probably go with dark because I believe dark represents stability and wisdom, for example I always choose the dark outfit in my office to highlight my profession, whereas light suits juvenile better.如果我在两者之间做出选择,我可能会选择黑暗,因为我相信黑暗代表着稳定和智慧,例如,我总是选择办公室里的深色衣服来突出我的职业,而浅色则更适合青少年。
Morning routine【new】
What do you do in the mornings?
Is breakfast important?
What is your morning routine?
Do you like to get up early in the morning?
What do you do in the mornings?
Usually I wake up at 6 o’clock and drag myself out of bed to the show at 6.30.And I made myself a quick breakfast of bread, egg and milk. At around half past seven, I leave for work.通常我6点起床,然后在6点半把自己从床上拽起来。我给自己做了一个面包、鸡蛋和牛奶的早餐。在七点半左右,我去上班。
Is breakfast important?
Of course it is important. An nutrition-balanced breakfast will prepare you for a whole day of hectic work and more importantly it is one of the key factors to ensure your long term health.当然这很重要。营养均衡的早餐将为你准备一整天的忙碌工作,更重要的是,它是确保你长期健康的关键因素之一。
What is your morning routine?
The moment I wake up I like to drink one full glass of slightly cold water. Next thing that I do is put my running shoes on and go for walk. I walk/jog for around 20-30 minutes and then I do few regular exercises like jumping jacks, squats, rope skipping . After exercising, when I come back I m all worked up so I quickly take my shower and then make my coffee.当我醒来的那一刻,我喜欢喝一杯稍微凉一点的水。接下来我要做的就是穿上跑鞋,去散步。我步行/慢跑大约20-30分钟,然后我很少做一些常规的运动,比如跳爆竹,蹲坐,跳绳。锻炼后,当我回来的时候,我都很兴奋,所以我很快就洗了澡,然后煮咖啡。
Do you like to get up early in the morning?
Yes. When I wake up late and do not exercise there is some sense of guilt inside but when I rise early and run, it boosts up my confidence and I end up being more cheerful person.是的。当我醒得很晚,不锻炼时,内心会有一种负罪感,但当我早起跑步时,它会增强我的自信,最终我变得更快乐。
To get used to 【doing】 something 【v】习惯于【做】某事
To be overwhelming 【adj】势不可挡
To save money on a budget 【phrase】为了节省开支
To eat out 【v】外出就餐
To do some meditation 【v】做一些冥想
To be drained out 【v】被排干
To seek for 【v】寻求
To stay up late 【v】熬夜
To put off 【v】推迟
Go with the flow 【phrase】跟随潮流【短语】
To go for it 【phrase】去追求它【短语】
【An】 unbreakable habit【s】 【n】【一】牢不可破的习惯【n】
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