发布时间:2022-05-12 18:29:06
when and where the incident you remember happened
who you were with
what happened exactly
and explain why it is a happy memory.
Childhood memories are strange things, because sometimes you can’t quite be sure if you really remember something, or if you just think you do because others have told you about it, or you have seen a photo of the event later on. I’m going to talk to you about a memory that I’m very confident is real. I’ll tell you what it is, when it happened, how it affected me and why I still remember it.
The memory is the earliest one I have of me and my Dad. I was very small indeed, I’m not exactly sure how old, but I’d guess about three years old, maybe even younger. My Dad was not a particularly tall or strong man, but I was small enough, and by comparison, he was big enough then, for me to stand with both my feet on one of his, and to reach up with my arms and cling onto his leg. I would then hang on and laugh delightedly as he tried to go about his daily business, walking around the house with me gripping on tightly refusing to be budged. It was a favourite game.
I don’t know that I can honestly say it affected me in my life. However, in my family, we don’t really talk about things very much or do a lot together. We don’t live particularly close to one another so see each other rather infrequently. I suppose the way the incident affected me was by making me at a subconscious level feel close to my Dad even years later as we had shared that happy play time together when I was tiny.
I didn’t know I had held onto this memory until quite recently. Sadly my Dad died, he had been very ill for a long time, so it wasn’t unexpected, but of course it was very sad. I wanted to say something about him at his funeral, and I wanted to pick a memory that was personal just to him and to me. For some reason that image of me tiny and laughing and him solemnly ‘pretending’ that he hadn’t noticed I was there came into my mind and it seemed very appropriate somehow to share that one. It was a happy memory, but also an intimate one. I think he would have been really pleased that I could recall it so many decades later.
So why can I remember it? I’m not sure, but I like to think the memory was there dormant all the time just waiting for the moment when I needed to retrieve it. It is a comforting thing to recall. The human mind is an amazing thing!
Describe an indoor game that you played when you were a child.
You should say:
what the game was
where you played it
who you played it with
and explain why you enjoyed this game.
I think I’d have to go for puzzles. Jigsaw puzzles to be precise. I have a huge collection, although most of them are hidden in a cupboard somewhere in my parents’ house, these days.
I used to have a special table exclusively for doing my puzzles on. Once I got into the groove, I would become immersed in the puzzle and get lost in a world of my own. Occasionally I would try to solve one with my grandmother, but this was more for her benefit as I much prefer doing it by myself. I know it sounds selfish, but it’s just not as much fun sharing the responsibility with someone else and the pay off isn’t as big at the end.
I started when I was just a toddler, putting shapes into pre-cut holes, but slowly I graduated to more complex pictures. These days it’s not unusual to find me tackling a really complex puzzle, like an “Impossipuzzle” which are double-sided and feature a picture of something very small but in large quantities, like a plate of baked beans or loads of Brussels sprouts.
In my opinion as well as being an enjoyable pastime, jigsaw puzzles are good for your mind. The brain is basically just a muscle and so it should be given a work out every now and then. Jigsaw puzzles are challenging and although they are time consuming, they provide great satisfaction once you’ve finished one.
Describe a piece of good news you heard from TV or the Internet.
You should say:
what the news was about
when you got this news
where you got this news from
and explain why you think it was a good piece of news.
I once read a piece of good news on the website of the New York Times. It was two years ago, I was still a journalism student and one of my tutors assigned me to do a presentation for my news-gathering course. The time limit was five minutes and it was supposed to be a critique, i.e., stating clearly what was good and bad about the story.
So I started preparing for my assignment. I was skimming through pages and clicking around when this article caught my eye. Basically, it was about a high school student who got bullied because he stuttered. The news story was a good one because it wasn’t what I expected it to be — a one-sided story that went on about the poor boy.
This piece was actually rather fair and balanced. It tried to show the readers what had happened to the stutterer and they gave the alleged bullies a chance to give their side of the story. From the journalistic perspective, it was a neat one.
Describe an unusual meal you had
You should say:
Who you were with
Where you went
When it happened
Why it was unusual
The unusual meal I am going to tell you is what I ate with my best friend before graduation. He and I shared the same room and our beds were set together. During the college, we play basketball together, study together and even help each other find our true loves. Oh, a lot of happy memory.
The meal was in the evening before graduation. Next day, we would pursue our own courses. He would go to Xia’men, a southern city in China, to teach in a university, while I would stay here and start my work. We were parted thousands of miles, so that meal was very likely to be our last meal in several years, and it is.
Instead of eating in a restaurant, we bought some food and beer and came back to the dormitory where we lived for four years. We ate, drank and talked. We talked about our ambitions, expectations, lives, and paths ahead until about 4 o’clock in the morning. Then we packed our baggage. He embarked on his way to Xia’men. I took a bus to my small rented room.
In fact, the food that day was not so good, but I always remember this meal and it resurfaces in my memory now and then. After all, it symbolized the end of my college and precious friendship.
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