发布时间:2022-05-12 18:30:36
Describe a dinner you enjoyed with your friends.
You should say:
when and where you had the dinner
what you had
who you went with
and explain why you enjoyed the dinner.
Just a couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine introduced me to a new restaurant that neither of us been to. I think it is quite famous among Chinese people as it is a specialist Buddhist vegetarian restaurant. 中文:几周前一个朋友推荐我去一家没尝试过的餐馆。它在中国应该很受欢迎,因为是个清真餐厅。
As another good friend of ours was celebrating being offered and accepting an excellent new job, we made a big party of the meal. The three of us invited another seven close friends, so there were ten of us in total. We all studied at school together, but we rarely get together for such a big reunion unless it is a special occasion. 中文:为了庆祝我们的另一个好朋友找到一份好工作,我们在这家餐厅办了个大聚会。我们仨邀请了另外七个人, 我们十个好朋友当年一起念书,后来各奔前程,除非像这样的特殊日子之外很少聚在一起。
We each ordered one or two dishes that interested us, so we had over fifteen dishes in total, plus noodles and rice, on the table. It would be impossible to remember everything we ordered! My absolute favourite dish was the tofu – it was soft as jelly, sweet and sour in perfect measure. I was not the only person to adore this dish, so we ended up ordering a second dish of the same tofu. 中文:我们每个人点一两个自己喜欢的菜,最终上了十五道菜,外加主食。没办法记清楚所有点的东西啦!我最喜欢豆腐,咸甜可口很Q弹。我不是唯一一个钟爱这道菜的人,我们最后又要了一盘一模一样的。
What I enjoyed most about our big meal was not the food – though that was excellent – but the company. The ten of us had a very lively, non-stop conversation over the large round table, and I felt like I was back in my schooldays again, surrounded by good friends. 中文:这次聚餐,尽管食物很好吃,最享受的还是我们天南海北的谈天说地,就仿佛昔日好友在身边的日子重现一样。
Describe a dinner you enjoyed with your friends.
When and where you had the dinner
Who you ate the dinner with
What you ate
And explain how you felt with this dinner
Recently I ate buffet at City Night Restaurant with my friends. I had this meal about two weeks ago and we ate buffet in the evening time. That was actually a get together short of a party with my school friends whom I have not met for a long in person. Over the phone, we talked and planned to have a meal cum get together party together to discuss us and to meet those friends in person. We picked the City Night Restaurant because it is in a suitable location for all of us and we knew the food quality of this restaurant was good.
We met at around 5 pm and we spent some good time together. Lots of things have changed and some of our friends have done many challenging things and we all enjoyed the stories and updated we gave each other. Four friends of mine from school came to this occasion and they were James, Jessica, Harper and Patrick 【...or say names of your friends...】
It was a gathering we had been planning for a long and as part of our meeting, we planned to have a great feast. From the very beginning, we planned to have met in a restaurant and not at home. Usually arranging to get together type party at a restaurant is easier and more convenient than arranging it at home. No one feels shy or uneasy being at other's home and the host does not have to go through a big preparation. The friends who came at this gathering also liked the environment and foods of City Night Restaurant and that was the main reason we planned to have it outside our home.
Describe a special meal you have had
You should say:
where you would like to have it;
who you would like to have it with;what you would like to eat;
and explain how you would feel about the meal.
My most unforgettable meal would definitely be our family meal for a past New Year holiday. All of the dishes were made by my grandfather, and the meal was wonderfully set in my grandparents’ apartment. Ten of my family members were there for the meal, and everybody was in high spirits. There was not anything uncommon or rare, but instead every dish was a simple and typical family favorite. The best one for me was scrambled eggs with tomato. Though it was easy to cook, it also represented a part of my childhood memory.
Besides the food itself, the table talk was also very meaningful. It was really hard to gather all ten people together, so such a meal was the best time to exchange our memories of our special experiences during the whole year. After grandfather finished cooking, he smiled at us and announced that the meal could start. We drank a toast and offered our best wishes to each other, and then started enjoying the meal. The warmth and happiness around the table was kept long enough so that I could still feel the joyful moments even months afterward.
Describe an unusual meal you had
You should say:
Who you were with
Where you went
When it happened
Why it was unusual
The unusual meal I am going to tell you is what I ate with my best friend before graduation. He and I shared the same room and our beds were set together. During the college, we play basketball together, study together and even help each other find our true loves. Oh, a lot of happy memory.
The meal was in the evening before graduation. Next day, we would pursue our own courses. He would go to Xia’men, a southern city in China, to teach in a university, while I would stay here and start my work. We were parted thousands of miles, so that meal was very likely to be our last meal in several years, and it is.
Instead of eating in a restaurant, we bought some food and beer and came back to the dormitory where we lived for four years. We ate, drank and talked. We talked about our ambitions, expectations, lives, and paths ahead until about 4 o’clock in the morning. Then we packed our baggage. He embarked on his way to Xia’men. I took a bus to my small rented room.
In fact, the food that day was not so good, but I always remember this meal and it resurfaces in my memory now and then. After all, it symbolized the end of my college and precious friendship.
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