发布时间:2022-05-12 18:33:01
Describe an interesting tourist attraction
You should say
Where it is
What you can do there
And explain why you think it is interesting
Ok then, well the tourist attraction that I’d like to talk to you about is West Lake, which is here in Hangzhou. And I apologize if you’ve already heard a lot of other candidates talk about it, but out of all the tourist attractions I know, West Lake is the one I’m most familiar with, and I really do think it lives up to its reputation as being one of the most beautiful lakes in China.
But anyway, as for where it is, well as I mentioned just now, it’s here in Hangzhou, but to be more specific, it’s actually right in the heart of the city, so um… yeah, it’s very accessible, and also very easy to find. For example, it’s only, like, a five-minute taxi ride from the train station, and you can also get the subway there.
And um… regarding what you can do there, well, a good way to take in all the scenery is to just wander around the lake. And there are also quite a few teahouses dotted around the lake, some more expensive than others, I might add, so if you do go to one, it’s a good idea to take a quick look at the prices before you sit down and make yourself comfortable, otherwise you might be in for a bit of a shock!
What else? Um..…. Oh yeah, of course, you can go on a boat on the lake, and if it’s your first time there, then it’s something you should definitely do, because I’d say it’s probably the best way to experience the beauty of the lake and its surroundings.
So yeah, it’s a really interesting place to visit, and if you haven’t been there yet, you should definitely go if you ever have the chance!
lives up to - If someone or something lives up to what they are expected to be, they are as good as they are expected to be.
right in the heart of the city – in the centre of the city 【地方、位置或时间】准确地,恰当地,精确地 You can use “right” to emphasize the precise place, position, or time of something】
it’s very accessible -易到达的【If a place or building is accessible to people, it is easy for them to reach it】
take in the scenery -看风景
dotted around -散落 【If things are dotted around a place, they can be found in many different parts of that place.】
I might add - 我应该补充一下
make yourself comfortable - 让自己舒服些
you might be in for a bit of a shock - 你可能会大吃一惊!
Describe a garden you have visited
You should say:
where it is
what you can see there
what people do there
and explain why you like it
Today I'd like to describe my grandpa’s home garden, which I think is a beautiful one and which I like very much. The garden is part of his home’s backyard【后院】,and my grandpa’s house is located in the suburbs【郊外】,about a 1-hour drive【—小时车程】from the city of Shanghai. There is a big tree right in the middle of【正中间】the garden, which is surrounded by a hot tub【温泉浴缸】,a small water fountain【喷泉】,several bushes 【灌木丛】,a section for vegetables, and different kinds of flowers.
This garden was actually one of the reasons why my grandpa and grandma chose to buy this house because it had been beautifully maintained【维护】by the previous owner. It’s been almost 20 years since they bought the house and now grandpa and grandma are taking care of the garden themselves. Even though they are not experts in gardening, they still try their best to plant things that we like, such as roses and tulips, and we even grow our own tomatoes. Whenever family and old friends come to visit my grandparents, they always invite them to have a relaxing time 【休闲时光】in the hot tub, and enjoy the view【欣赏风景】.So in other words, the garden has also become a kind of resort 【度假胜地】! It definitely requires lots of hard work to properly maintain the garden, but it gives them a great sense of accomplishment【满足感】to “decorate” it the way they like. AH in all, the garden is one of the best features of my grandparents, home and it is a place where they can live and relax after their retirement【退休】.
该题目较为简单,只有一个信息点:public park or garden。而且是日常生活中比较常见的事物,对各位考生来说应该不存在什么难度。需要注意别写成自己家的花园,然后说半天花园如何维护就好。就中国而言,公园的景色较为固定,通常都是中间有个湖,沿着湖修个长廊,湖里可以划船,夏天的时候会有荷花。小路将公园分割成块,中间点缀些特色植物,或者修个亭子。公园里会有阿姨跳广场舞,小孩追跑打闹,年轻人谈恋爱,中年人锻炼身体,老年人散步,有时候可能还会有些人钓鱼,基本上就这些情况 。
You should say:
Where it is它在哪
What it looks like它看起来如何
What you do there你在那干吗
And explain how you feel about it说说你对它的感受
The park I am going to tell you is called Purple Bamboo Park. It is located to the west of the city center of Beijing, surrounded by Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing Dancing Academy and National Library of China.
Like many other Chinese parks, a large lake is situated at its center, with calm and glinted water under the sun. People can paddle boats on it. When summer comes, the lake will be covered by lotus leaves and you can smell the fragrance of lotus from quite a distance. Paths stretch out from the lake, separating it into a variety of irregular areas. Bamboos are scattered in some of them. According to the notice board, there are 32 different kinds of bamboos there. That is where it gets its name. But I cannot tell their difference. They are all the same to me. Other areas are constructed as small squares. There, you can always see middle-aged women doing their square dance, children chasing each other, and small chorus practicing their performance.
As the park is very close to where I live, I often do jogging around the lake to keep fit. Sometimes, when I come back from work pretty exhausted, I will take a stroll there or simply sit on one of the benches, trying to wind myself down.
I really love this park. It provides a heaven to escape the crowded city life and endless work.
The natural place which I think is very beautiful and would like to visit is 【…say a place name you know is naturally beautiful…】. It is a place that gives the impression of natural beauty, serenity and divinity as it a vast green area besides the hills and a beautiful river has passed besides it. The flowers and fields are like scenery painted by a professional painter. The butterfly, the birds, the bushes, the long trees and tea garden makes it a place worth visiting.
I have heard the impeccable beauty of this place from my friends and everyone who went there has recommended it as a must visit place. I have also read few articles about the tourist attraction and natural beauty of this place. The writers describe it as a adventurous pace as hill tracking, swimming in the river, visiting the lightened caves at night are all adventurous activities that tourists mainly like to do there.
I have a plan to visit this place in the near future when I would have a vacation of more than 7 days. The local foods of this place especially the fried fishes and shrimps are famous and that’s why I want to stay there for few days. Most possibly I will visit this place next December.
This is a worth visiting place because it is one of the greatest naturally stunning and beautiful place. There are lots of activities to do, lots of things to see and several famous menus to test. Since lots of people visit this place and highly recommend it to others, I am sure this is a place that worth a visit.
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