发布时间:2022-05-12 18:33:25
Part 2部分是比较考验考生口语水平的,通常需要1-2分钟的回答时间。同学们在备考阶段一定需要多积累一些口语话题。
1.Is it important to conserve old buildings? Why?
2.Is the history useful for the coming generations? Why?
3.What is the difference between houses built in the past and now?
4.What are the differences in sizes of houses? Why?
5.Do you prefer a big or a small house? Why?
Sample answers:
1.Personally, I like old buildings and history so for me it’s a good idea to protect and preserve them. We can learn a lot about our history from the buildings of the past and it’s fascinating for children to see how people used to live many centuries ago. They are a very important part of our national culture and heritage.
conserve保留,保存同义词 preserve
2.If people are interested in it, then it can be useful, yes. You can learn how the world was in the past, which countries had wars with each other and how and why cities developed where they did… and many other interesting things. Without history we wouldn’t have any sense of belonging to a place as people.
Maybe people many years in the future will look back at us in the 21st century and be amazed at the things we did and how we lived. They’ll probably have more than just buildings to study… they’ll be able to see cars, TVs and all the other things which make up life for us at the moment...so yes it could be useful for them as a way to understand what was happening in the world.
3.I suppose the main difference would be the type of materials used to construct them. Old houses used to be built using stone and they were also bigger than most houses built today. Most of the houses were built simply as somewhere to provide shelter and a degree of comfort. Nowadays, houses are built with a lot more planning and technology involved. They are designed to be energy efficient, use recyclable raw materials or eco-friendly resources and are designed to optimize space and their impact on the environment as well as provide a comfortable place for people to live.
energy efficient高效节能
recyclable raw materials可循环使用的原料
4.In general, I believe that houses today are smaller than houses which were built centuries ago. We also tend to build more apartments in cities than houses in the country so the size is quite different from before. Even large houses nowadays take up less space than a large house centuries ago.
5.I like to have space, but it doesn’t need to be an extremely big house. I live in an apartment here in Melbourne at the moment and it’s really nice. I share with two other students and we each have our own room, there’s a kitchen and two bathrooms, a living area, a utility room and a balcony with a nice view. Really, that’s big enough for me. I wouldn’t want to live in a really big house, even if I could afford to buy one, but I wouldn’t want to live in a really small house either. Like I said, I prefer some space… I don’t like feeling cramped.
雅思口语Time Management范文
1.How do you manage 【or, organize, or plan】 your time?
I normally use an app on my iPhone which allows me to program all the events I have for the week and their duration and then I know roughly how much time I have ans when I have to be someplace at a certain time on a certain day and so on.
2.Would you say you manage 【or, organize】 your time well?
Generally speaking, yes. I'm usually quite busy during the week so I need to be well organised, but on weekends I'm normally a bit more relaxed about how I use my time.
3.Do you find it hard to manage your time?
I used to, a few years ago, and in fact I didn't do much planning, but as I got busier it became more important to be better organised, so I really made an effort to learn about time management and that's when I started using the app I told you about - that's what made the difference for me, and since then it's just become a habit, so now it's easy.
4.Where did you learn how to organize your time?
I taught myself really, just by reading some articles about time management and trying to find a way of doing it that suited me. It took a bit of time to get used to being disciplined about it, but eventually it became normal for me.
5.How do you think you could better manage your time?
At the moment, I really don't think I could. I mean, I organise all the things I have to do and try to optimise my time between work and studying and it works well for me - so I can't really think how I could improve on what I'm doing just now...but if I had some extra hours in the day, I'd probably plan those as well in the same way.
6.Do you think it's useful to plan your time?
Generally, yes, because you can get more done in the same time. But it's important to have some time free when everything's not planned, that's usually how I treat my weekends as long as there's nothing particular I need to do. I tend to be more relaxed about what I do or when I do it. I don't think it's a good idea to be clock watching all the time - you need some periods of time when you don't have things organised and can just go with the flow.
7.What do you think people would gain if they were better at managing their time?
Well, speaking from my own experience, I used to be terrible at time management and it meant that I was always doing things at the last minute, or even late - now it's completely different, I manage my time well and it allows me to get more done and with less stress so that's what I think other people would benefit from if they managed their own time better, they would have more time free or be able to do more in the same amount of time.
8.Are you ever late for anything?
Very rarely, it almost never happens nowadays.
9.If you had more time, what would you do with the extra time?
I'd probably use it to relax more and maybe do some kind of activity, maybe a sport or something like that to do something different, or learn something new.
雅思口语Sunshine Sunny day范文
I. Do you like sunshine?Why?
I love sunshine! When the sun shines, the flowers are extremely beautiful,the colour of the sky is wonderful, even the air smells different.
2. What do you like to do in sunshine/ on sunny day?
Well, when the weather is lovely, I'd like to go to the beach with my friends. We can play the sands,
swim in the sea, or just enjoy the sunbath. Sometimes I'd like to go hiking or cycling with my family, we chat at the same time, which makes me feel closer to them.
3. What things do you think is hard to do in sunshine? / what do you dislike to do when it's sunny
Well, basically, I love sunshine and I'm willing to do everything in sunshine. But the summer in this city is very hot and dry, I guess if someone moves in the summer when it's sunny outside, it'll be very difficult. Coz you know, moving makes one exhausted, especially when it's burning outside.
4. Do you like going outside on weekends on sunny days?
Definitely. As long as it's sunny outside on weekends, I'll go out with my friends or family. We would go to the beach, go hiking or cycling. Sometimes just a walk in sunshine would make me feel comfortable.
5. Have you ever been a place without sunshine?
Yes, I travelled to London with my dad two months ago. The weather there made me depressed. It was raining all day. Plus, it's windy and freezing as well. I didn't know what weather was like in London before I went there. It is said the summer there is beautiful and sunny. I swear I won't go there in winter again.
Describe an interesting place you have visited.
You should say:
where it is
what you can do there
and why you think it's an interesting place.
I’m going to describe an interesting city that I’ve visited which is London. London is the capital city of England and it is in the southeast of the country. And I think it is an great place to visit
There are many things to do in London because it is famous for its history, culture, art, museums. But I think most tourists go there to see tourist attractions like Big Ben, The Tower of London, or Buckingham Palace. You can get a fantastic view of the city from the 'London Eye' which is a big wheel right beside the river Times in the middle of the city. London is also famous for its theatres and shows in the West End for the shopping, restaurants and also for the nightlife There are endless things to see and do there.
The reason I think London is an interesting place is its exciting and busy atmosphere, it is really a busy and hectic city, and it is very cosmopolitan with people from all over the world and people with different culture background mixing together. So I think this makes unique. It's a historic city but modern at the same time, and it’s also thriving place.
there are some negatives. London is extremely expensive. the cost of living has been high. and it is a crowded, stressful place. There is pollution. People complain the underground system is dirty. The locals are always in a hurry and can sometimes be unfriendly. But I think these are problems you can find in most big cities. So for me London is really an interesting city worth visiting for those reasons.
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