发布时间:2022-05-12 18:37:10
Describe an event in history in your country
You should say:
Where it happened
When it happened
How you know it
And how you feel about this event.
Well I guess everybody has heard about the story of Journey to the West. A monk named Xuanzang took three of his disciples to travel to the Western Regions to obtain Buddhist scriptures. They have suffered a lot on their way. Though the stories were made up, Xuanzang was a real figure in the history. He was a monk at Jingtu Temple in the early Tang Dynasty, which is about 1400 years from now. He felt that the Chinese translations of Buddhist scripture at that time were too poor, so he was determined to bring back the original Buddhist scriptures. He travelled a long distance to India. The journey took him a few years to complete. It was really a magnificent feat at that time. When Xuanzang finally arrived back in Chang’an, the emperor warmly welcomed him. The emperor provided money for his projects. A pagoda was built to store all the scriptures Xuanzang brought back from India. That pagoda is now the famous Big Wild Goose Pagoda located in Xi’an.
I think his story is quite inspiring. Also I feel I am so lucky to have been born in modern ages. Nowadays if I want to go to another country, I could take a plane. It only takes a day at most to go to any place in the world.
Describe a positive change that you have made to your life.
You should say:
what the change was
when it happened
where it happened
and explain how you have benefited from this change
Ok, well the positive change which I would like to tell you about was actually a pretty simple one, but it's improved my life a great deal, and basically all it was, was getting up an hour earlier every day.
The reason I started doing it was because it got to the point where my whole day was taken up with various stuff, like classes and homework, and I found that I hardly had any free time left. So I kind of realized that the only way to make more time for myself was to get up earlier, and so that's what I decided to do. It wasn't easy at first, especially when it was cold, but thankfully it got a lot easier, and now I find it no effort at all getting out of bed at five in the morning,
Anyway, as for when I first started doing this, well, I guess it must have probably been about two or three years ago, round about the time I was busy preparing for my university entrance exams, and I was getting up at something like five or six every morning to revise. And after my exams finished, I remember thinking to myself, wouldn't it be good to continue getting up early and have all this extra time to do things at the beginning of the day.
So that's pretty much how it all started, and finally, with regard to how I've benefited from this change, well to put it simply, I'd say I've benefited immensely, in more ways than one. For example, it's given me time to do a bit of exercise every day, which I didn't use to have time for. So now I've become a lot fitter. And as well as this, I also now have the time to eat a proper breakfast every day, instead of skipping it, like I used to do, so I've basically become much healthier as a result.
That's more or less everything, I guess, so thanks very much for listening.
Describe a wedding you attended.
You should say:
whose wedding it was
who was there
where it was
and explain how you felt at this wedding.
Ok, well I've actually been to quite a few weddings, so it was kind of difficult choosing which one to describe, but I guess probably the easiest for me to talk about would be the most recent one I went to, which was that of a neighbour of mine.
And, as for who was there, well, I couldn't tell you everyone, because there were absolutely loads of people, you know, the hall was pretty packed, so my guess would be that there were probably something like 250 to 300 guests. And if I'm not mistaken, it seemed to be that the majority were friends and relatives of the bride and groom, although I also noticed that they had invited quite a few of their colleagues from work as well. For example, one of them, who I think was her boss, went up on stage to make a speech at some point.
Anyway, with regard to where the wedding was held, well, it was actually in a small city called Zhuji, which is about an hour's drive just to the south east of Hangzhou, because that's where the bride comes from. And it was held in a hotel there. I can’t remember the name of it I’m afraid, but it was a really nice hotel, and probably one of the best in the city.
So regarding how I felt at the wedding, well, to put it simply, it was a really wonderful wedding, and there were some parts of it that moved me quite a lot, such as when the bride broke down in tears when she was on stage thanking her parents for all the support they had given her. It was also really clear to see how much the bride and groom loved each other, as they couldn't take their eyes off each other the whole evening. So I was really happy for them and was glad that I made it to their wedding.
That's pretty much it, I think, so thanks a lot for listening.
Describe an important letter that you received.
You should say:
who wrote it
what the letter was about
how you felt about the letter
and explain why it was important.
Ok, well I suppose one of the most important letters I’ve received was an offer letter from a university I applied to – Leeds University, to be precise – so that’s what I think I’ll talk about.
And as for who the letter was from, well, I can't quite remember the name of the actual person who wrote it, I’m afraid, but if I’m not mistaken, it was sent by the university admissions office, who I guess are responsible for handling such matters.
Anyway, regarding what the letter was about, well basically, it was just informing me that I had been accepted onto their Master’s program in Finance, so it was really great news for me, because this was the course that I most wanted to study, and out of all the various universities that I applied to, Leeds was definitely top of my list, as it was the one that most appealed to me, in terms of both the course content and social life.
So, as you can imagine, I was over the moon after receiving the offer. I mean, it felt like all the years of hard work I’ve put into my studies seemed to have finally paid off, so it was like a dream come true for me, it really was.
And finally then, with regard to why this letter was important, well, I think it goes without saying that it was extremely important, because essentially, it means that I’m gonna be able to study abroad, which I’m sure will have a huge impact on my future career, as it will hopefully enable me to apply for jobs which I wouldn’t have otherwise been considered for.
And as well as this, I reckon that studying abroad will help me become more mature and independent, which I’ve noticed has happened with a few of my friends who have spent some time abroad, and I’m sure this’ll have a positive effect on my life in general.
So it’s a big opportunity for me, and I’m really looking forward to it!
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