发布时间:2022-05-12 18:37:10
当你拿到话题卡后,迅速浏览最上面的标题,千万不要错看或漏看任何一个单词。由于考生在考前都有大量准备,许多口语话题在脑海中已经形成惯性。比如 ‘Describe a dream you have had in mind since the childhood.’,如果考生讲的是现在的梦想,就会失分;再如 ‘Describe an unforgettable 【or, enjoyable】 activity that you have taken part in as part of your English study.’, 如果考生一直在说一个和英语【精品课】学习无关的活动,即使再难忘也跑题了。
比如有道题目让学生描述‘A class or course that you have studied 【or are studying now】’,最后一个提示点为‘And explain how useful this class was 【or is】 towards your future goals.’ 如果考生没有注意到这个提示点,很有可能只是对该课程的好处大谈特谈,而忽略 “这门课程对你未来的目标有什么帮助”。即使你说的再流利,也因为不切题而扣分了。
话题卡前两个提示点大都关于 ‘Who’ ‘What’ ‘Where’ ‘When’等背景信息的描述,所以考生可以利用10秒钟时间迅速在你的稿纸上记录一下时间,地点和所讲述的人或物的名称。对于这些背景信息,最好能够用缩写或者用只有你自己才能够读懂的略写的方式,比如长城你可以直接写作 ‘GW’, 紫禁城可写作 ‘F city’。有时候,你也可以直接在稿纸上简单的画上两笔,以作提示。
话题卡的第三个提示点基本上询问 ‘Why…’和 ‘How…’。比如对于一件物品,会问 ‘Why you bought it’;对于一本书,会问 ‘Why you read it’;对于一件事,会问 ‘Why it is unforgettable 【or, why you enjoyed it】’。
当然,有的时候也会通过‘What…’让考生进行细节的描述,比如描述一位老师,会问 ‘What was special about him/her.’;描述一位餐厅,会问 ‘What its environment looks like’;描述人物性格,会问 ‘What is his/her personality and lifestyle’。所以,对于话题描述的主体部分,考生最好能够列出几个点,可以是关键词或短语,但最好不要用长句子。另外,要注意各个点之间的联系和点与点之间的衔接,按照一定的时间或者空间顺序。
话题卡中最后一问通常以 ‘Explain how…’ 或者 ‘Explain what and how…’, 有时候也通过疑问句来引导考生说出自己的感受或观点,比如 ‘Are you going to change it in the future? Why or why not’, ‘What made it so memorable for you?’ ‘What made the movie so appealing to you?’ 等等。在雅思口语培训过程中,笔者通常会提供给考生一些关于心理感受的词或短语,甚至要求考生背诵相应的2-3个描述心理活动的段落。
经历型发散是将关键词或者短语,转换成个人经历进行思维扩散。主要从事情的时间【when】,地点【where】,内容【what】,人物【who】,做事情的频率【how often】,时长【how long】以及个人感受【why】等方面进行思维发散。对于雅思口语中的基本问题,大家可以使用上述方法进行备考。
如近期Part 1的高频话题snack, 我们就可以用以下方法。首先根据关键词进行发散:
When: watching TV; during the break of class; watching movie
Where: at home; in the cinema; in the classroom
What: chocolate bar; candy; sunflower seeds; peanuts; crisps; beef jerky; nuts; cookies
Who: share with family members; friends; roommates; and classmates
How often: almost every day
Why: kill time; keep focused at class; yummy…
What kinds of snacks do you like to eat?
Normally, I will give my preference to sweet food such as chocolate bars, candies and cookies. I eat them almost everyday when I watch TV or movie, or sometimes during the break of the class. For me, sweet snacks are all quite yummy.
以工作类Part 3话题为例,我们可以进行如下回答:
What are the well-paid jobs in your country?
In terms of jobs with decent salaries, the first one come to my mind is civil servant. Their works are relatively stable and of real satisfying welfare. Also, doctors can obtain high payment. The main reason is that it is a quite demanding job. Beside, sales reps can probably procure high income once they own good performance.
countryside-city center
home-made-dining out
being alone-be with friends
small company-big company
paper books-electronic books
light color-dark color
formal occasion-casual occasion
individual sport-group sport
male’s preference-female’s preference
outdoor activity-indoor activity
public transport-private transport
abroad-within the country
long distance-short distance
Why do Chinese people like to travel abroad?
Actually, compared with traveling within in the country, overseas traveling is more attractive. They are able to experience a wholly different culture and encounter local residents who will use the different language. Also, by traveling to foreign countries, people can fulfill their satisfaction by purchasing the luxury good of relatively lower price than that in China. These are the reasons why Chinese people show their preference to outbound trips.
特性发散主要针对话题或者关键词特性进行思维发散,如clothes, electronic device, hometown, film等。与其他发散方式不同的是,我们可以对于话题进行多方面的自由发散,并且对发散的点可以再次拓展。这样有助于对话题的问题进行一定的预测,并且能够对话题进行多特性回答。
Clothes: brand; color; material; price; style; pattern; place for shopping…
Electronic device: brand; function; appearance; price…
Hometown: food; scenery; traffic; weather & climate; people…
Film: Chinese film; screen; actress; soundtrack; background…
What clothes do you usually like to wear?
I feel like wearing clothes of common brand and light color. For example, casual clothes like T-shirt or jeans, they are affordable by most of students and also free-styled. I prefer light color coz it can always help me to stand out.
两者进行比较时,使用比较级算是最基本的“特技”了,比如eating at home is cheaper than eating out. 这种入门级的技巧只要分清楚什么样的形容词直接在单词后面加上-er或是-ier, 而什么样的形容词要在前面加上more就行了。
1. Eating at home is far cheaper than eating out.
2. Travelling with others is a lot more fun than traveling on your own.
3. Going to a concert live is way more exciting than watching one on TV.
4. The pace of life in cities is quite a lot faster than the countryside.
5. Life in the countryside is quite a bit more laid-back than life in the city.
6. Swimming in the sea is considerably more dangerous than swimming in a pool.
标注出来的词汇就是用来表示比较的程度,除了我们常见的表达“much”, 这些用法能让你的口语脱颖而出!而如果两者对比的效果不是很强烈,我们可以用到以下的表达:
1. Studying with others is a bit more enjoyable tan studying on your own.
2. Traveling by coach is slightly more expensive than traveling by train.
3. Newspapers are relatively more informative than magazines.
4. Photos of people are generally a bit more interesting to look at than photos of scenery.
从以上的例子我们就可以看出副词的高级之处了。用slightly, relatively这样的副词来表示轻微的对比也正是体现了口语表达讲究细节化,具体化!另外,如果大家厌倦了经常用”more”来进行比较,我们还可以尝试去用”less”来替换,增强表达的多样性,比如下面的四个例句:
1. Watching a concert at home is a lot less fun than going to one live.
2. Life is the countryside is generally less stressful than life in the city.
3. Watching a concert at home isn’t as fun as watching it on TV.
4. Mobile phones are generally not as expensive as they used to be.
除了比较级,对比类问题的回答还常常涉及到时态的变化。笔者借用Part 3来进行进一步的阐述。Part 3中的对比类问题一般分为五大类:中外、古今、老少、男女、大小。而“古今类”的对比,考生们最容易忽视时态的先后对比,笔者以下面的三个例句为代表:
1. Most cities now are extremely congested, whereas in the past, there didn’t use to be that much traffic on the roads.
2. In the past, people used to spend a lot of their free time watching television, whereas nowadays, they are probably spending more time on the internet.
3. In the past, there used to be only a limited variety of restaurants, whereas nowadays, there’s a much wider range of places to eat at.
1. Cities are a lot more congested than they used to be.
2. The air quality in my hometown isn’t as good as it used to be.
3. Life is more stressful than it used to be.
1. Cities have become a lot more congested.
2. The air quality in most cities has got quite a lot worse.
3. The quality of films in my country has improved quite a bit.
最后笔者想要提醒考生的是,口语的表达想要地道、出彩,无需运用多么华丽的词汇或是复杂的句型,只要细节化具体化一些,离理性的分数仅是一步之遥,两者进行对比的时候,很多学生都会用“…than other…”这样的句型,比如The service in Haidilao is better than other restaurants. 但是如果你再多走一小步,多用了一两个简单的词汇,你的口语就会更加的地道,比如以下的例句:
1. “…than most other restaurants”
2. “…than many other restaurants”
3. “…than a lot of other restaurants”
4. “…than the majority of other restaurants I’ve been to”
例题:Do you like music and what type of music do you like?
【正向思维】:Yes, I do. And I like rock music particularly. As a fashionable person I believe rock music can reflect my personality. And rock music is so popular that if you don’t want to be left out of fashion, you’d better have one or two rock icons.
【逆向思维】:Actually, I'm not fond of music. It’s just not my cup of tea. I would rather read or see a movie. But sometimes, I would like to listen to religious music because it gives me peace and relax myself and it’s such a good partner for reading.
例题:Do you think public holidays are important?
【正向思维】:Yes, pubic holidays have always been important to people. The harder you work, the more important your holidays become to you, because you need the relaxation. And I think that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So it is important for people to have public holidays to relax themselves.
【逆向思维】:Not all of them I’m afraid. The traditional public holidays are of vital importance without any doubt, as they remind people the importance of a nation’s tradition. However, when it comes to some others, Labor Day for example, the only meaning left has become having three days’ free time at the price of altering them with other work days. As I see it, the loss outweighs the gain.
例句:Do you often invite friends to visit your home?
【正向思维】:Yes, I enjoy hanging around with my friends. I often throw some exciting parties at my home during the weekends. We will grab a few beers and enjoy a vast feast together, and then play games or have small talks with each other.
【逆向思维】:No, I hardly ever invite any of my friends to my house. As for me, home is like a haven where you can hide yourself and relax yourself, so I don’t want anyone to disturb the silence. If my friends and I want to have a party or simply a gathering, we will eat out and go to a KTV afterwards.
例子:Do you like flowers?
【正向思维】:Yes, of course. Flowers smell good and they can make me feel great, because they come from nature and the pleasant scent relax my nerves. Also flowers are good source of tea and even medicine. You see, they are so versatile and useful.
【逆向思维】:Honestly no, I’m not into flowers. Although fresh flowers give out pleasant scent, they are easy to dry. And dry flowers remind you of the fade of life, which is miserable. Most importantly, I’m allergic to pollen so I’ll stay as far as possible from a flower.
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