发布时间:2022-05-12 18:37:54
在雅思写作中,最难起笔的莫过于开头。 雅思口语和写作作为输出性的科目,更侧重有效词汇量和有效语法考察。下面就来说说雅思写作的陷阱有哪些,大家千万别错过。
1. They argue that, large cities can provide a higher standard ofliving.
2. Parents should encourage their children exercising regularly.
3. Many private companies do not understand its responsibilities forprotecting the environment.
4. There are many websites that helps children with maths.
5. The results of space research has increased our knowledge about our ownplanet.
第1句话that和它引导的从句之间的逗号让这个本来应该干脆利落的句子变得不伦不类了。然而,我们滥用逗号的情况又实在太常见。事实上,在that和它引导的从句之间决不能写逗号,而且也不能在because,while, such as这三个词的后面加。所以,改动的方法就是把逗号去掉。
第2句话,没有找出来的同学再好好看一下。老师有没有讲过动词的搭配?配encourage sb, todo.对不对?那如果漏了to后的这个句子是不是就很诡异了?
1:on the other hand一般引导对比的东西,不等于besides, furthermore, secondly
例子:Many young people enjoy online shopping. on the one hand, it saves time.On the other hand, it saves money.
评讲:save time和save money是两个并列的有点,没有对比的关系,最好用firstly, secondly。
2:on the contrary以为是In contrast的替换词
例子:The birth rate rose. On the contrary, the infant mortatality ratedropped.
评讲:on the contrary一般出现的语境是前面出现否定信息。这个词组基本上不用于雅思作文。
3:while, whereas认为是in contrast的替换词
例子:The birth rate rose. While the infant mortatality rate dropped.
评讲:while是从属连词,要连接两个独立的句子,这里应该是“,while”或者改成“in contrast”
4:besides, furthermore, what’s more, moreover, inaddition被认为是“递进”的连接词
例子:Many people today choose to study in foreign countries. Besides, theycan gain qualifications in foreign universities.
评讲:besides一般引导两个并列的观点,不指代因果关系,这里应该是“because ofthis”比较合理。很有意思的是,有一次我上课问学生什么是“递进”,举个中文的例子给我看,竟然没有学生能够举出恰当的中文例子。可见很多学生学习都是人云亦云,对一些概念其实根本不理解。
5:however被认为是on the other hand的同义词
例子:Working from home has benefited many people. However, it can causeproblems.
评讲:however一般是转折关系,也就是后面的句子意思往往代表作者的首要立场。而on the otherhand一般是并列关系,也就是前后句子或者观点没有轻重之分,是并列的,一般是两个事情的对比,而不是转折。
6:by doing this, in this way被认为是as a result, therefore, as aconsequence等
例子:Many people work long hours. By doing this, they may suffer poorhealth.
评讲:一般by doing this, in thisway都是用在人们有计划地做某个事情,最后为了达到一定目的,或者效果。那么,显然不可能后面出现不好的结果,譬如说poor health。因此在这里用as aresult最好。
7:as a result, therefore, thus, as a consequence都是连接词,而不是连词
例子:many people today prefer to use mobile phones to communicate with theirfriends, as a result, the face-to-face contact declines.
评讲:as a result类似于副词,没有连词的功能,所以前面要用句号或者;号
例子:Many libraries have Internet connection now, thereby, people can doresearch online.
评讲:thereby的习惯用法是thereby+doing something, 不能违反这个规则,千万不要以为thereby用了比therefore高大上
9:in order to一般是表示有目的地去做某个事情,要注意逻辑主语,而且一般不会用否定
例子:Governments should not invest in the arts, in order to save money.
评讲:这个句子用否定读起来很不通顺,用governments should cut down on the spending on the arts,in order to save money.
例子:With pollution, many people will have health problems.
评讲:pollution是不好的东西,用with很怪异,用because of好一点
1.扬长避短Exploit to the full one's favorable conditions and avoid unfavorableones
2.取其精髓,取其糟粕Take the essence and discard the dregs.
3.对…有害do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to /be pernicious to
4.交流思想/情感/信息exchange ideas/ emotions/ information
5.跟上…的最新发展keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with the latestdevelopment of …
6.采取有效措施来… take effective measures to do sth.
7.…的健康发展the healthy development of …
8.有利有弊Every coin has its two sides.
No garden without weeds.凡事有利弊。
No garden without its weeds.
9.对…观点因人而异Views on …vary from person to person.
10.重视attach great importance to…高度重视...
11.社会地位social status
12.把时间和精力放在…上focus time and energy on…
13.扩大知识面expand one's scope of knowledge
14.身心两方面both physically and mentally
15.有直接/间接关系be directly / indirectly related to…
16.提出折中提议set forth a compromise proposal
17.可以取代“think”的词believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion/belief that
18.缓解压力/减轻负担relieve stress/ burden
19.优先考虑/发展… give 【top】 priority to sth.
20.与…比较compared with…/ in comparison with
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