发布时间:2022-05-12 18:39:01
1. Do you use computers very much?
Not regularly, I think, just to browse websites for the news everyday, actually sitting in front of the computer for a long time is harmful for my eyesight and physical health. Also, I feel headache when I look at the monitor over 30 minutes.
2. Have computers changed your life in any way?
Yes, computers have made considerable changes in my life. In fact, it improves efficiency at work. I can type words, figures or data through the keyboard of my computer, which is more efficient compared with handwriting. Furthermore, computers enrich my recreation activities and I can play video games or go shopping online.
3. Do you think computers are useful in everyday life?
Yes, it makes considerable changes to my life, like for example, I use it to connect to the Internet to communicate with friends through some instant messaging programmes, browse the web, download music and save them to my removable hard drive.
4. Do you think there are any disadvantages to using computers?
Yes, sitting in front of the computer screen for a long time has a detrimental effect on people’s health. You know, a sedentary lifestyle can cause some chronic diseases, like backache or something like that.
1. Why do so many people like going to places with water such as lakes, rivers or the ocean?
It is much cooler for most people if they go to places with water especially in the hot summer. It is of great fun to swim in the water or to boat on the lack. The water can absorb most of the heat wave, so people can feel much better near the water.
Generally, I think water, especially the ocean can make us feel clam, because the sea is so huge and wide that we can hardly see the end of it. So we will be shocked and amazed by how magnificent the nature mother can be and come to know that how insignificant our human beings are. So we can clear our mind and forget all the disappointed and unhappy moments in life and become more tolerate and open-minded in the future.
Take part in various kinds of water sports/ simply play with water
We can explore the ocean and see many interesting and creative ocean creatures through snorkelling or diving.
Compared with many other types of activities, such as climbing a mountain or visiting a museum, going to places like a lake or a river is much more relaxing. The only things that people need to do are to take a good seat facing the water and breathe in the fresh wind coming from away.
2. What kinds of leisure activities do people like to do in places such as on the ocean, at a beach, at a river, at a lake etc.?
踏浪 splash on the water
冲浪 surfing
玩沙子 playing with the sand to build creative constructs
看日出日落 enjoy the sunrise and sunset
吃东西 barbecue on the beach
日光浴 sunbath
画沙画 sand painting
收集贝壳 sea shell collection
沙滩排球 Beach Volleyball
拍照 taking pictures, especially romantic wedding style photos
游泳 swimming
水上运动 water sports/ diving/ water skiing
划船 boating
雅思口语social network话题
1. What kind of social networking websites do you like to use?社交网站:social networking siteNetwork名词:网络;动词:建立网站我们根据社交网络的目的不同,我们可以稍微分一下类:
首先是像QQ、微信这种,基本还是属于认识的人之间的社交工具。The sites or applications that can only be used for the communication between people already known.
其次是微博或者Facebook这种,个人的主页,所有的人都可以去看的,算是一种比较公开的信息传播的平台。Personal homepage which can be viewed by almost everyone using the Internet还有就是skype,是可以出了社交之外,还可以打电话,和真是的人直接沟通的 it can not only offer connection between website users but between online users and the people in reality. 或者是linkedin, 领英,也是每个人输入自己真实的信息,但是更多的是为了工作事业为目的,为不同行业的人才之间搭建的平台。
Pose their CV and find ideal positions online. 或者是momo这样的,纯粹是为了和陌生人进行交流的一些平台。Meet strangers with same interest or description或者是其他带着特殊功能的平台,比如世纪佳缘等等,是为了找对象的。
To keep frequent contact with these friends, or to have a wider and better understanding of these firends
To find friends with same interests so they can play computer games together, for example.
To satisfy the curiosity of the private life of celebrities and to know their most recent update of their work and life.
2. Are you a social person?
I am definitely a social person. I like making new friends and enjoy sharing my experience with many other people.
I am not a social person, I prefer staying alone. Too many strangers may make me feel uncomfortable.
我得分情况:如果是我熟悉的人,我喜欢社交,我常常和自己圈子里面的人出去玩。但是我不喜欢去陌生人太多的场合,那样我会很不自在的。It depends. I would very much like to hang out with the friends I know. But if I am invited to go to a party full of strangers, I might not likely to go there.
3. What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?
大概可以分为三种人:真实生活里的人:可能是曾经有过一面之缘,在同一个学校,或者同时参加过一些活动,或者有一些共同的朋友,通过社交网站找打了彼此,建立了联系。Firstly, it is very likely that I can find someone I have already known or used to study in the same school to have attended the same activities.
Based on some search options, such as interest or identity, I can find someone who can share the same hobby as me.
I also like to know some famous people on these sites, not necessarily be the celebrities, maybe the well-known experts in my field. So I can ask for some help for my own job and advices on my career development.【这就是互联网时代的好处】
1. Do you like to look for new apps or just keep using the old ones?
Look for new ones ;
use the old ones ;
keeping the old ones while looking for new ones
1. 旧的app用过了,失去新鲜感don’t feel excited using old apps. 例如如果游戏APP的话里面的环节都清楚了you are familiar with what’s going on in it / know the contents清楚内容,而每个月都有很多新的app,a large number of new applications,可以有很多新鲜好玩的download them for fun,空闲的时候有更多的APP来打发时间kill time;
2. 新的APP有时候是旧app的更新it could be a new version of old apps / an upgraded version,所以内容可能更丰富,用起来界面可能更友好more user-friendly,更多特色add more features;
3. 搜索新的应用可以拿来跟旧的做比较,compare with the old Apps,从而知道最适合自己的或者最好用的版本find the best app or get the one that suits me well,方便自己的使用。
旧的APP大部分都免费free of charge/ can be downloaded for free / don’t need to pay for them,而新的APP很多都需要收费most of new apps will charge / have to pay for them,所以不愿意下载新的;
再者,手机内存小small storage,所以没有空间再下载新的APP,there is no extra space for new applications,而且很多新的应用都很大,占用内存多occupy a lot of space;习惯了用老的get used to the old ones,所以不愿意删掉don’t want to get rid of them / remove them。
I am that kind of person who don’t like looking for new applications. It is not only because I get used to the old ones on my phone. It is also inconvenient to download new ones since the storage of my phone is quite small. I don’t have enough space for them. Besides, most of new applications would charge a small amount of fee if you want to download. So I prefer the old free ones.
2. Do you use free apps or the ones that you need to pay for?
1. 收费的APP没有广告,there would not be any advertisements/commercials popping out when you are using it,用pop out表达突然跳出来,而免费的应用可能随时都有烦人的广告跳出来很烦it’s annoying,但是又必须要忍受Have to bear with it;
2. 收费的APP往往功能更多come with more functions,画面更好看better graphics/images,音乐更好听better music等等;收费的软件也更加安全robust application security,能保证自己的信息不泄露there is guarantee that my personal date will be safe from being hacked。
可能是因为不喜欢花钱购买程序don’t want to pay for applications,是个人的喜好personal preference,而且总能找到免费的作为收费软件的替代品you could always find alternative for those apps that charge money;而且,可以是因为用免费的软件更有灵活度,万一不喜欢可以随时删掉不心疼钱can stay flexible, when I need to delete it I just do it等等。
I prefer to use free applications because I would like to stay flexible. When I want to delete it to release some space in my phone or I simply don’t need them, I could just do it without worrying about the money I spend on it.
3. What are the drawbacks of having too many apps on phone?
1. APP装太多,可能导致内存空间不足there’s no enough space / not sufficient storage,没有空间存照片视频等其他内容may not save photos, videos or other contents;
2. 装太多APP会导致手机运行速度变慢slow down the phone / it takes much time to operate / it takes ages to open an app打开APP的时间会很长,而且容易死机the phone may die easily if you try to open apps;
3. APP太多不好分类,等到要使用的时候可能找不到,因为太乱了too messy,may not find the one you want to use quickly,may get lost in those app logos被APP的标志搞晕,再加上很多APP的标志很相似look similar尤其是颜色have the same color / have identical color,所以很容易认不出来想用的那个may not recognize the app you need;
4. 还可以从浪费时间这个方向来答,因为APP很多都是和娱乐entertainment /leisure有关的,有很多也是游戏,所以下载太多可能会是个让人分心的事it is a distraction / they may distract people from working or studying,下载太多之后总是去玩,导致浪费时间it’s a waste of time / spend too much time on using apps,而且有些APP还会收费charge,下载太多也会花很多钱spend extra money。
First of all, it is possible to spend too much time on using applications if people download too many. A lot of apps are games actually, which means that people may waste more time playing rather than working or studying. Besides, this can also slow down the phone, making phone easier to crash. Apart from that, having too many app logos on the phone can make it really hard to find the one you want to use. You could get lost in those logos in similar colors and shapes. So I don’t think it’s useful to have too many on the phone.
如果这道题希望能继续发散思路,则可以在讲完缺点之后给出合理建议,即怎么样避免以上情况,例如定期清理那些没用的APP,get rid of / remove /delete old apps regularly or don’t keep the old ones,或者给自己的app分类整理categorize,防止桌面过乱。
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