发布时间:2022-05-12 18:40:06
Preserving Our Environment
Man is slowly polluting his environment. He dirties the air with waste gases; he poisons the water with chemical wastes; he damages the soil with fertilizers.
Pollution does great harm to man. As we know, air and soil are necessary to man's survival. Polluted air, water and soil make people sick and even cause deaths. Environmental pollution is becoming one of the most serious problems that mankind faces.
Now it's high time drastic action was taken. First, we should make the public aware of the dangers caused by pollution. Second, we should take pollution control measures to reduce pollution. Third, we should keep our pollution under control. After all, the earth is our home. We must take care of it for ourselves and our descendants.
【125 words】.
雅思口语good parent话题
Describe a good parent you know.
You should say:
who the parent is
how you knew the parent
what the parent looks like
and explain why you think the parent is good.
Describe a family member you want to spend time with
Describe a person who you respect
Describe a good neighbour
1. 对于第二部分需要强调的是充分的准备,无论是在论点方面,还是在词汇方面,以便充分论述话题。在这道题中考生对人物相貌的描述可以参考使用oval faces椭圆的脸型, fair skin皮肤白皙以及 big charming eyes。另外,还有对于发型的描述 with long curly hair长长的卷发或 straight hair直发等。考生还需要在描述人物的体型时避免使用fat一词, 因为毕竟直接这样形容一个人不太礼貌,如果要表达胖可以用 overweight。
2. 考生在审题的时候一定要仔细注意题目要求,论述的是一位好家长,而不是一对好父母。单复数的限定必须要注意到,在整个话题的论述中讲一位家长就好,可以是某人的爸爸、妈妈、爷爷或奶奶。在论述中还一定要注意在讲parent时不要加s,否则对于单复数的限定就没有把握好。
3. 在整个话题的论述当中,最好举例说明自己知道的这位好家长到底如何好。考生们可以讲述整个事件,也可以把讲故事或者发生的一件事作为举例的一种形式。但是需要注意在讲述事件的时候不要太纠结过于细致的细节描述。
4. 第二部分话题的论述中一定要注意时态。尤其在这个话题的论述中很明显事件是已经发生过的,所以对于事件描述要注意过去时的使用。
Well, speaking of a good parent I know, I’d like to talk about the mother of one friend of mine, Mrs Wong, who’s an excellent photographer. Regarding how I knew this person, well, I first met her many years ago, like a decade ago or something, you know, I went to the same primary school with her daughter, Lily. Because Lily and I had a lot of things in common, we hit it off and ended up seeing quite a lot of each other’s parents. As for what she looks like, well, interesting enough, she actually looks pretty similar to Lily. I mean, they both have oval faces, fair skin and big charming eyes. Of course, there’s something different. Mrs Wong is in her 40s, of medium height, but a little bit overweight, with long curly hair, whereas as a teenager, Lily is pretty short and slim with short straight hair. Ultimately, moving on to why I think she’s a good parent, what I’d like to say here is that there are quite a few reasons. And the main reason is that she sets a very good example for her daughter. Just to give you an example, she always teaches Lily to be a tolerant person and she is such a tolerant person herself. As far as I know, she has never been rude to anyone, even if she’s very angry. I still remember once Lily was hit by a stone thrown away by a boy by accident and her head was bleeding. When Mrs Wong arrived here, she didn’t get mad or blame that guilty boy. Instead, she comforted him and then took Lily to the hospital. Also, she told Lily to forgive that boy, because he didn’t really mean it. It’s fair to say almost every person speak highly of Mrs Wong. So, I guess Mrs Wong is not only a good parent for Lily, but a role model for me as well.
1. How many hours do you sleep every day?
这道题是简单的信息问句, 同学们要给出对应的信息内容。但切记不要只说I sleep for 8hours就没有了。后续要给出更细节的东西, 这里介绍给同学们一种方法:一切分情况讨论。
可以借助频率词:usually,sometimes,once in a while,occasionally,或者是on weekdays ,on weekends,on holidays等。
通常我每天睡几个小时,几点到几点,还可以给出原因,对学生来说睡前完成作业,finish the homework and prepare for the next day。早晨起床花费多久到学校commuting to school,这些信息都很不错。也可以再给出一个其他的情况,周六日或者假期睡多久,给出细节,这样语言上会丰富很多。
Actually,on weekdays,I usually sleep for just 6hours at most. Because I have to stay awake, finish my homework and prepare for the next school day until midnight and I must get up around 6:30 to fresh up myself then commute to school for 45mins. Fortunately, on weekends or holidays, I can stay in bed as long as I wish, maybe for 10 hours or even more.
2. Is it necessary to sleep enough?
这是一道必要性或者重要性的问题,对这一类问题一方面当然可以说明为什么有必要,对于本题就是have enough sleep的好处:
比如 storage up energy养精蓄锐; get a clear mind for the next day第二天精神状况更好等; 另一个也很容易描述的方面是:实际情况是怎样。也就是大家都知道这个很必要也很有好处,但现实情况下大家更多的还是怎样。 联系现实情况永远都是一个很不错的扩展方向。
Sure, definitely. It’s extremely important to sleep for at least 7hours a day. So that one can storage up energy and get a clear mind for the next day. However, the fact is nothing like this. Almost everyone I know stays up quite late either having entertaining activities, playing smart phones or doing their job or homework. Lacking of bedtime is already a serious social problem nowadays.
Why does shopping make people happy?
这个问题其实比较简单,但仍然有一些同学可能会反而把这个问题想得很复杂,我们其实并不需要从一个非常专业的心理学角度psychological angle来准确回答,只需要做到“言之有理,言之有物,紧扣主题,自圆其说”就可以了。
买东西,尤其是女性购买衣服,都是为了自己的形象image能够拿得出手look good,这样才会提升自己的魅力charm或者charisma,还有自信心confidence等等。其实不光是女士,男士在买车买房上也是比较务实的practical或者唯物的materialistic,因为社会上大家都在这么做,你如果不这么购置物品和别人保持基本的一致的话,在某种意义上来说,你还不够成功。
但是通过购买,你就可以获得成就感a sense of achievement等。我们还可以列举更多这样的例子,主语可以换成学生students,老年人the elderly,或者再确切点家庭主妇housewives,商业大亨business tycoon,都可以通过他们购买的特定东西来说明让他们快乐的原因。
Well, you know it's always a pleasant feeling to wear brand new clothes that look good. It can make your image better and improve your charisma, and people are more self-confident when they are pleased with their appearance. I think it’s understandable that ladies always try to buy new clothes. Furthermore, people are all becoming more and more materialistic: we all care about occupying good stuff like cars or big houses and even the latest version of iPhone, especially when other people have. If we can afford something fancy with our own salary, we will experience a sense of achievement.
几种在句中常见的表示递进的关联词,来替换and的单一性:furthermore, moreover, still, in addition, additionally, more specifically, besides, in other words, on the other hand, meanwhile, at the same time…
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