发布时间:2022-05-12 18:40:42
1. Do you like music? Why / why not?
2. What kind of music do you listen to? Why?
3. Has the music that you listen to changed since you were young?
4. Do you think older and younger generations prefer different types of music?
5. Do you play any instruments?
6. Have you got any hobbies or interests?
1. Yes, I love to spend my leisure time listening music.
2. Well, there is no special category that I am following most. but for sure I have preference based on my mood. Normally I'm a huge fan of classical music with soft melodies. These are always refreshing my mind. During working alone like cooking, cleaning household staffs I listen to rock songs with high volume which brings a lot of energy.
To be honest there is no drastic changes. I noticed few mere changes for instance I have now more interest on English song which was never in my favorite list.
3. Of course I do. Logically people from different generation will have taste variation. Depending upon the maturity, music stars of their own age, impact of globalization as well as technological development in music industry will divide younger and older generation.
4. I’m a big fan of classical music … it doesn’t make me very popular with my children … their taste in music is completely different … they always want to listen to their favourite rock bands …
5. No I don’t … I’ve always wished I’d taken up a musical instrument … I’d love to be able to play the guitar … but I think I’m a bit tone deaf so perhaps I’d find it hard …
6. I’m really into live music … I go to a lot of music festivals … I think a live performance always sounds more exciting than a recorded version … as long as the performers can sing and play well of course …
1 Which public holidays do you like the most?
That’s a good question……. I guess I would have to say The Spring Festival, which I’m sure is most people’s favourite, the main reason being that it’s by far the most important festival in our culture. And so everything feels just a bit different during that time. You know, everyone seems happier, the streets are livelier, and it’s basically just like one long party which stretches on for a week or two. And, it’s also probably the only time of year you can eat and drink to your heart’s content without feeling guilty about it!
2 What do other people in your country usually do on public holidays?
I can’t speak for everyone, but I guess most people either stay at home or go travelling. And if you’ve ever stayed in China during a public holiday, you’ll have seen for yourself the hordes of people that flockto all the tourist spots, right across the country.
3 What would you like to do during the next public holiday?
Umm…I haven’t really given it much thought actually! But seeing as I went travelling during the last one, I’ll probably just take it easy and spend the time chilling out at home. Something like that!
4 Do you think public holidays are important?
Yeah, I think they really are, cos I mean, here in China, the public holidays are always on a certain festival, so it’s one way of helping maintain all the various customs and traditions we have. Just to give you an example, if you took away the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, it probably wouldn’t get the attention it deserved, and over time, people might simply stop bothering with all the customs that are associated with the festival, like dragon-boat racing. So yeah, I think it’s pretty important that we continue to have them.
1 Are you a social person?
Yeah, I’d say I am, cos I mean, I like hanging out with my friends a lot and doing stuff with them. And… yeah, I just generally enjoy being around others, and you know, I’ve always found it quite easy to strike up conversations with people, even complete strangers! So yeah, I’d say I am quite a social person.
strike up conversations – start conversations
【If no:】
Not really, if I’m gonna be totally honest with you! Because um… how can I put it…, I’m just not the kind of person who actively strikes up conversations with others. You know, to me that’s just too much effort, and I always worry that I’ll run out of things to talk about! So I tend to just keep to myself.
2 Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking site?
I’m honestly not that sure because I’ve never really made a big effort to find friends on the Internet, but thinking about it, I’d say it’s probably not that easy, although it’s definitely possible, cos um… I think you never quite know someone properly until you’ve met them in the flesh. At least that’s been my experience anyway!
3 What kinds of chatting APPs or software do Chinese people like to use?
Well definitely the most popular APP right now is WeChat, cos I mean, literally everyone in China uses it. And as well as this, QQ is the other really popular way of communicating with people, and if you’ve been in China for any length of time, I’m sure you’ve been asked for your WeChat or QQ number!
Are there any sounds that you dislike?
Yeah, for sure! I mean, firstly, I really can't stand the sound of drilling, simply because it's just such a loud and unpleasant noise, so that would definitely be at the top of my list. And I guess the next one would be the sound of cars hooting, mainly because I hear it all the time where I live, and so it gets quite irritating after a while, especially when I'm trying to concentrate on something.
Are you ever bothered by noise?
Yeah, for sure, especially when I'm trying to get to sleep, you know, if there's a dog barking or something, it can really be quite maddening, but during the day I'd say I can put up with pretty much most noise, unless, of course, the noise is really loud and relentless, like if there's construction or renovation work going on around me.
Do you think that cities will become noisier in the future?
That's a hard question, and I'm really not that sure to be honest with you, but I guess my feeling would be that they probably will get noisier, yeah, basically because if you compare the situation in cities now to what it was like 10 or 15 years ago, then it's obvious that cities have got a lot noisier, mainly, of course, due to the increase in traffic on the roads. So unless something changes, I would say that this trend is likely to continue into the future, unfortunately.
What sounds remind you of your childhood?
That's an interesting question, and I haven't really thought about this before, but off the top of my head, I would say that one sound that especially reminds me of my childhood is the sound of firecrackers, interestingly enough, because when I was young, I used to love setting off firecrackers with my friends, especially during the Spring Festival. So now when I hear firecrackers, it always brings back good memories of my childhood.
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