发布时间:2022-05-12 18:40:59
1. Do you often come into contact with children?
Well, not really. Given the fact that I am now a college student, the people whom I often come into contact with are mostly students from my college, sometimes teaching stuff at my department. Not many children as you can tell.
2. What do you usually do when you are with children?
Well, this is one hard question for me to answer since I don’t always get a chance to be with children. But I guess most probably, I’ll be introducing some really interesting story books to them, or take them out to, say, a sports center to have some fun.
3. Is it difficult to raise children?
Yeah I think it’s absolutely difficult to raise children. I can’t remember how many times there were when I got into a big fight with my parents, usually about things concerning my personal will. In my opinion, it’s just hard to strike a balance between respecting the child’s own will and teaching him/her to be morally good.
1.Do you have a favorite teacher?
answer + example/experience + reason/result
I like/ admire/ adore…
teaching competence
teaching quality
good lesson plan
clear logic
interesting class
lots of activities in class
positive feedback
Sense of responsibility/responsible有责任感的
sense of humor/humorous幽默的
encouraging and inspiring能鼓励/启发学生
Sample answer:
Yes, the teacher that I love the most is Mrs. Wang who taught me English in high school. She is very humorous, who can always make her classes hilarious and interesting, and she is also very encouraging and inspiring, you know she never forced us to learn but tried to motivate us to learn, using some activities in her classes to get us involved.
2. Do you want to be a teacher in the future?
short term speaking… and long term speaking…
未来想不想做教师,很多人可能没有想过这个问题,没有关系, 可以实话实说。如果未来想做老师的话,就可以说一下做老师的好处,或者其他的原因,例如以前有什么老师对你有深刻的影响等等;如果未来不想做老师的话,也可以讲自己计划做别的职业,并且说自己的目标职业有什么好处等等。
sense of achievement
make a positive influence on other’s life
a rewarding and meaningful job
a decent job
gain respect from others
one of my teachers made a great difference to my life…
I have never thought about this question…
I am not sure about that…
Sample answer:
Well, to be frank, I am not quite sure about that, coz I have never thought about being a teacher in the future, but, maybe that is a good idea. I mean, teaching is a really rewarding and decent job, and being respected and loved by students will definitely be a nice thing.
1. Are you interested in robots?
误区:注意不要直接重复题目,所以不能直接回答‘yes I’m interested in robots’或者‘no I’m not interested in robots’;注意换词
Not particularly不
my kind of thing我喜欢的类型
science-fiction films科幻片
science museum科技馆
find… attractive觉得……很迷人
related to… 和……有关联
other than that除此之外
Not particularly. I mean I’ve probably only seen them in some science-fiction films. Other than that, I don’t really feel related to it in any way. Plus, I’ve never found them attractive or anything.
2. Do you want to have robots in your home?
误区:注意不要完全重复题目的用词,避免直接回答‘yes I want to have robots in my home’或者‘no I don’t want to have robots in my home’.
Not necessarily不是很需要
I reckon我猜想
Give me a hand帮助我一下
tidy up my room整体我的房间
make my bed铺床
hoover robot吸尘机器人
Robotic Vacuums智能吸尘器
look clumsy看起来很笨拙
it’s gonna be good这会很好
that would be nice那会很棒
have a hard time doing… 做某事很困难
a bonus一个奖/附加的好处
help me out帮助我
struggle with… 和……挣扎
school assignments学校的作业
Not necessarily, but I reckon it would be nice if I could have a robot nanny indoors who is always ready to give me a hand tidying up my room and even making my bed. Plus, it would be a bonus if she could also help me out whenever I’m struggling with my school assignments.
3. Do you want to take a car which robot is the driver?
误区:注意避免和题目里面用词完全重复,所以无人驾驶车可以换换别的词,比如‘driverless car’‘self-driving car’或者‘robotic car’.
a driverless car = self-driving car= robotic car无人驾驶车
autonomous technology
have a go at it试一下
at least give it a try至少试一下
increase the chances of a crash
potential safety problem潜在的安全问题
take control控制
in an emergency在紧急情况下
Definitely not! I guess that’s the last thing I would wanna do. You might not know this, but I’ve heard a rumour that there have been quite a few accidents involving a self-driving car. To be fair, I don’t wanna risk my life or probably it’s just that I feel like I can’t trust a machine. Plus, I’ve got my own driving license, so I’d rather drive around myself.
雅思口语big company话题
1. What is the difference between big companies and small companies?
不用列举太多的不同哦,只要2-3个即可。还有一点儿要注意的是,我们不要多太绝对的语言,比如‘all the big companies’或者‘every small company’这样的字眼;可以多使用vague language,比如‘perhaps’‘probably’‘most likely’‘possibly’等。
plenty of clear differences很多明显的区别
whereas in contrast然而反过来
while on the other hand而另一面
get promoted升职
get a promotion升职
Well obviously there are plenty of clear differences, but I guess one of the most obvious one is that there are a lot more employees in big businesses while on the other hand there might be only a few people in a really small place, like family business or stuff like that. Apart from that, another point I can think of is that you might be able to have more chances to get staff trainings to work on your professional skills in a bigger place whereas in contrast when you just start working in a small place, they might just expect you to skip the training part.
2. What are the good things about working for a big company?
‘good things’就是好的方面的意思,也可以用‘advantages’‘benefits’‘positive aspects’这样的词去替换。当我们回答的时候可以尽量绕开‘good things’这个原题的表达,用用转述。
positive aspects积极的方面
clear benefits明显的优点
plus point优势/优点
Well, I suppose that there are quite a few clear benefits, but I would probably say that the most obvious part is that people might have more chances of getting a promotion in a big business because there will be loads of positions so you can work your way up. As well as this, another good bit about working in a proper company is that you are more likely to be granted some benefit like health insurance, group travels or stuff like that.
3. Why do some companies prefer senior employees?
remain at the same place停留在同一个地方
first thing you might have noticed你首先可能注意到的
slightly more stable有些更稳定
Well, I guess it’s mainly because there are loads of benefits when it comes to hiring senior employees. First thing you might have noticed is that older staff are always more experienced in a certain area. I mean they know what they are doing. Plus the HR department doesn’t have to spend too much time or money training them. What’s more, new graduates might tend to keep changing their jobs and that whereas older employees would want to remain at the same company and they are normally slightly more stable.
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