发布时间:2022-05-12 18:41:38
Describe someone who is older than you that you admire
You should say:
who the personis
how you got to know this person
what kind of person he or she is
and explain why you admire this person.
The old person I admire is Guo Mingyi, an ordinary worker, but he is called the living Lei Feng. 【Lei Feng, a person in the history kindly doing good deeds to loads of people he never knew, now refers to people who are willing to help others.】 I got to know him from the reports about him on newspaper and internet, telling his story of donating money to students in poor regions, donating his blood for over 20 years, setting up a voluntary group to help those in need. The continuous donation took up a large part of his income, while his family still lived in an old small house provided by his factory. I admire him for his selflessness and dedication which impacted millions of people in China.
In 1982, Guo retired from the army where he stayed for five years, during the time his hardworking and kindness to others was highly praised. In 1979, he made his first donation to people suffering earthquake in Yunnan province, with all his savings as a soldier. In 1990, he joined the Blood Donation activity organized by his factory, and he kept on doing it from then on, once, sometimes twice, a year. What's more, he advocated among his colleagues who joined the voluntary group he founded to donate blood. An increasing number of people around were influenced by his deeds and joined his group. Once a person in need of rare blood type, Rh-negative blood, turned to him for help, for there was no that kind of blood store in the hospital, Guo spread the news to the internet as an emergency. People around the China in the blood volunteered to help, whose blood successfully saved the dying person. From then on, Guo realized the usefulness of internet, and set up an online group welcoming anyone to join. Now, there are plenty of groups named after him around the China, whose members are ready to donate their blood to those in need.
Someone I admire who is older than me is my grandpa. My grandpa is in his 70s now and he is has settled into a quiet retirement life in place in the suburbs that my parents bought for him. In my mind, he is an intelligent person because of his ways of educating and getting through to others. He has made my father into the man he is today and also gave me a strong foundation on my life. My grandpa loves playing Chinese chess so when we’re together we play Chinese chess and when we play, he is able to use the chess moves I make to tell me many life philosophies and the mindset involved in me making my moves. He always thinks ahead and he can organize a plan of attack before I can even realize I made a huge mistake. Through playing chess, I learned many things and my grandpa uses these philosophies from chess and applies it in real life examples to educate me. I think I got a lot of wonderful influences from my grandpa and I’m glad a have a person like to teach me.
a celebrity you admire,还是比较典型的一个话题。
Example by Edward:
Describe a celebrity you admire.
Explain: who is this celebrity? What has he/she done to become popular? Why do you like him/her?
When this topic is regarded/As the topic is mentioned 【一般我都会用这两句开头,当然你也可以自己想一个开头方式】, I would say a celebrity whom I admire most is the former Chinese gymnast who is named Li Ning 【有时候最好的回答方式就是重复对方的问题】 . Before I start, I do want to remind you that he is the man who lighted up the primary torch in Beijing Olympic Game 2008.
Li Ning is no doubt one of the greatest athletes in China owing to his great contribution to gymnastics. As a gymnast, Li Ning demonstrated exceptional talents and perseverance/fortitude 【天赋与坚毅品质】that his contemporaries didn’t possess【替换have可以展现你的词汇量】. In Los Angeles Summer Olympic Games, he won 4 gold medals, which was the best performance in that game. The next year, he won another two in World Gymnastic games. Prior to Beijing Olympics, he still held a record of 14 champion titles in gymnastics. In his days, he barely can find a competitor. So this good-looking young man has often been called the prince of gymnastics.
Having retired from his beloved game 【这句话完全等于after he retired from his beloved game】, Li Ning still continued his passion in the field of sports by establishing a sport wear company which was named after him. The company soon became an unprecedented success. Presently, the brand Li Ning has become a main competitor that Nike and Addidas can not ignore in the global market.
Another reason I admire him is that Li Ning is not just a normal businessman who only cares about money, but also a man responsible for the future of the whole nation 【我常用这句话来形容商人-温总理说:企业家身上应当流着道德的血液。】. He often donates money to communities and the national educational program called hope plan. So everything he does can be used as positive demonstration for the youth.
这个topic要说完可能需要3分钟,所以在考场上必然会被考官打断-因为这部分给定时间在1-2分钟。但是并不用担心,因为考官会告诉你:don’t worry if I stop you.
试想,当你说一个物品,比如gift, 或者一次经历,比如travelling的时候,把它和你的好朋友或者是家人联系起来。准备就变得很有效率,回答时也可以避免没话说的灾难发生。
A friend: a happy person, one you want to travel/study/work with, one you admire……
A celebrity: sport/movie/music star, a famous person you admire, a successful person, a character from a TV program or a movie.
A family member: one who influenced you most, one you like best, a happy person, an old person.
Else: child, teacher, neighbor
Describe a famous person you are interested in
You should say:
who he or she is
how he or she got famous
when you first knew him or her
and explain why do you think he/she is interesting
I want to talk about David Beckham, who is not only a celebrity in the UK but also in the whole world.
David Beckham was born in Leytonstone, London in 1975. He now lived in London with his wife, Victoria Beckham, who is also a superstar, and with his four children. He is most widely known as a great English footballer but he is also a model, spokesperson and a businessman. He played football for the England National team from 1996 to 2009 and also for the famous football clubs like the Manchester United and Real Madrid. As a professional football player, he became an icon around the world and probably one of the most esteemed celebrity alive. He is a legendary footballer who had a unique style in his bending free-kicks as a right winger. In 2004, David Beckham was listed in the FIFA's 100 greatest living player in the world. He was twice the runner-up for 'FIFA World Player of the Year'. These statistics are only a few to signify how famous he really is. He was one of the highest earners as a footballer in his time and in 2013, he was the highest paid player in the world.
As a fan of the UK football team, I have always liked David Beckham. He is quite an extraordinary player and a fashion figure. In my early college days, he was the footballer I wanted to be! Besides, he is a fashion icon and young generation loves his unique style very much.
My interest in him increased, even more, when he announced the "7: The David Beckham UNICEF Fund" to help protect children around the world. He has been a UNICEF ambassador and his recent philanthropic works are quite exceptional and for that, I admire him greatly.
He is a great person, legendary footballer, a successful husband, a doting father, a fashion icon and finally one of the most revered celebrities not only in the UK but also in the whole world. I guess anyone knows him would admire him.
A famous person you are interested in
看到这个topic,大部分同学会以为是旧题目,其实仔细对比一番会发现设问角度还是有点区别的,let's have a look:
Describe afamous person in your country.
who this person is
how you know this person
what this person is famous for
and explain why you like this person
Describe a famous person that you are interested in.
who this person is
how you know about this person
what sort of life they had before they became famous
how this person became famous
and explain why you like this person
Steve Jobs
Who this person is
怎么开始part 2的描述?可以使用:Now I want to describe...to you. 更地道一些的话,大家可以试着说When it comes to a famous person I take interest in, the first person that comes to me is...或者I would say Steve Jobs is my idol/icon【崇拜的人】。这样就自然得引出了第一问:who this person is, 但是千万别只扔个名字上去,名字之后可以使用定语从句添加更多人物细节【eg. ta工作的领域,特点等】,如果想讲中国的名人,大家尽量使用英文名字,或者在中文名字后面介绍一下,不然你只说刘涛,谢霆锋,考官可能一脸蒙圈......
When it comes to a famous person I take interest in, the first person that comes to my mind is Steve Jobs. As we all know, he was the co-founder andchief executive officer【CEO】 ofApple Inc【公司】.
How you know about this person
I got to know him through the speech he delivered at a commencement in Stanford University . I have to say that the speech was very inspiring and impressive.
What sort of life they had before
theybecame famous
这个问题在组织的时候一定要有条理【可以按照一定的时间顺序】,有逻辑:eg. ...was born and raised in... At first,... Then... Next,... Finally,...内容要基于事实,越具体越显得充实!比如,能讲出乔布斯在出生时即被收养,大学期间辍学,因为贫穷而住在朋友家的地板上甚至回收可乐罐赚钱,那么一个有血有肉的形象就跃然纸上了。
Before he became famous, Jobs experienced many hardships early in his life. His biological mother who was an unwed student, gave him up for adoption. He dropped out of Reed College because he couldn't afford it and couldn't see the value in it. The experience of being poor wasn’t romantic, as he recalled. He didn't have a dorm room and he slept on the floor in his friends’rooms. He even returned Coke bottles to buy food with.
How this person became famous
如何出名的, 讲成名的过程,或者决定性的一件事。
如果想说到目前为止,已获得的成就,可以说:So far...have been...
Jobs co-founded Apple in 1976 to sell Wozniak's Apple I personal computer. Theygained fame and wealth a year later for the Apple II, which is one of the first highly successful mass-produced personal computers.
Explain why you like this person
I admire this person because he's not only..., but also...
和其他人比较:Unlike other..., he...
表达个人对其看法:Although... I still...
The reason why I take him as my icon is that he had the courage to follow his instinct and he had great passion for his job. This inspired me because in order to do great job, we need to love what we do first.
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