发布时间:2022-05-12 18:41:44
Don't learn answers by heart too much because doing it too much will distract you or make your mind go blank. It is the very last thing you want to happen, so once you decide to recite it, remember everything by heart and say it naturally and fluently as if you say that spontaneously.不要提前背太多东西。因为背得太多在考试时反而会使你分心,有时甚至大脑一片空白。那就是世界末日了!所以说,一且你决定要背,就要把每句话用心记清楚,而且在和考官交流时要说得自然、流利,不要被考官发现。
Don't give very short answers except when the examiner interrupts you at the end of the 2 minutes in Part 2. The examiner won't be able to score the IELTS candidate if the candidate keeps giving very short answers to each question.别给考官非常简短的答案,除非在第二部分中2分钟时间到的时候考官打断你。如果考生每个问题都给考官一两句话的答案,考官是无法评分的。
Don't talk about something different from what's on the card in Part 2.不要说与第二部分卡片上的问题无关的事,千万别跑题。
Don't worry if the examiner stops you in Part 2. It means you have spoken enough, and s/he has to keep to the timing of the test.如果在第二部分中,雅思考官打断了考生,不用担心,那只说明两分钟的陈述时间已经到了。
Don't worry if you can't think of a word, try to paraphrase and get round it.如果一时想不起一个词,没关系。试着用别的词或别的说法来代替或解释它。
Don't write on the task card in part two.别在第二部分的卡片上写东西.
Don't worry if you realize you've made a mistake. It's OK to correct yourself, give the examiner a nice safe. But if the mistake you made is like ages ago, forget it and carry on.如果考生意识到自己犯了一个错误,不用担心。马上纠正一下i,这样可以挽回给考官留下的知识点不足的印象。但是如果错误已经犯了很久,那就不要管它,继续往下进行。
Do remember: do not ask the examiner if what you say is correct and specially do not ask the examiner the final band you got because the IELTS examiner is not allowed to answer any question like that.千万记住:别问考官你的表达正确与否,更不要问考官自己后得了多少分。.因为考官是不允许透漏任何这方面相关信息的。
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