发布时间:2022-05-12 18:43:22
Describe a piece of furniture.
You should say:
What it is
Where it is
What it looks like 【or what it is made of】
And explain how or why you use it
Well, the furniture in my home could be generally divided into two kinds: those bought from the mall directly and those customized; those of purely utilitarian purposes and those for beautification reasons only. And the furniture I am going to talk about is for utilitarian purpose and it was bought from a furniture shop, and that furniture is my wardrobe. It is now placed in my bedroom. The wardrobe is big and it has five drawers. I bought it 3 or 4 years ago. Generally my father was in charge of the purchase of furniture. But I really wanted to have a piece of furniture picked by my own, so he took me to the furniture shop. I liked the wardrobe since the first minute I saw it. It was very handy and I liked its color—white. It is made of wood, which I think is very healthy.
I consider this piece of furniture very useful for me. It is a very good-looking piece of furniture that matches with the design and the colour of other furniture in the room as well. If I had not owned this furniture it would have been very difficult to keep my clothes arranged, valuable document secured. I have placed a vase on the top of drawer and it makes my room more charming.
1. What forms of visual art are popular in your country?
The visual arts: ceramics陶艺, drawing素描, painting, sculpture雕塑, printmaking版画, design, crafts手工, photography, video, filmmaking and architecture.
I think the most popular form of visual art is painting.接下来,我们要给很多的原因,比如:
[1] 绘画的种类很多,主题也很多。可以满足不同人对艺术的追求:there are a variety of different forms and themes of painting, so painting can satisfy the artistic pursuit/ taste of different people.
[2] 近几年,随着经济的发展,生活水平的提高,艺术得到的极大的发展,艺术画廊随处可见。With the economy development and the increase in people’s living standard, art industry has been developed greatly. Art galleries can be seen everywhere, and the most of the works are paintings.
[3] Painting除了当做艺术品之外,还可以装饰家庭,不想很多的大型的雕塑之类的,很多时候并不适合放在家里,但是,绘画在日常生活中非常的常见。Unlike many other forms of art, such as sculptures, which are sometimes too big to fit into a small room, painting can be easily used to decorate a room. 不论是高级的还是简单的,传统的还是现在的,能欣赏的不能欣赏的,很多人都愿意买一些画作来装饰自己的家庭。 No matter whether they can appreciate art of not, most people would like to buy some paintings to make their room more beautiful.
2. Are there any difference between the art in your country and the art in Western countries?
如果以我们中国来讲,一定是有区别的。比如以绘画来讲,我们有一种非常特有的绘画形式,叫做国画:traditional Chinese painting. 在国画里面,我们追求写意,用一些相对简单的线条,完成对风景的一些意境的传达。In traditional Chinese painting, painter will use some simple sketches to depict beautiful and artistic c atmosphere.
Another significant form of art is calligraphy. Compared with western countries, where the letters are rather restricted, each Chinese character has its special spelling and strokes. So in my view, its more beautiful when you write a Chinese word than a English word. 题目中说art,其实并没有特指是艺术形式,所以,我们也可以说说艺术的其他方面的不同。比如,art在东西方文化中的受欢迎程度,或者说在生活中的融入程度。相对而言,希望国家,特别是欧洲,art几乎是人们生活中非常重要的一部分,而在中国,由于平均的生活水平还比较有限,大多数人并没有和art有很多的接触。
For western nations, especially those European countries, art is regarded as almost an attitude toward life, penetrating into every aspect of their life. However, in china, the average living standard is still low, most residents have not accessed to art.
3. Are there many art exhibitions in your country?
你可以说有, well, yes, I think so. 然后我们就开始说原因了。可以有以下的一些原因:
[1] 经济的发展 the rapid growth of Chinese economy
[2] 对于艺术的关注度越来越高 more attention has been paid to the art-related fields, because people have more disposable income, so they shift their focus from physical need to artistic pursuit
[3] 懂得艺术,愿意创作艺术的人越来越多了。The number of people who can appreciate art and create art work is increasing. 你也可以说比较少。因为:
[1] 成本较高。需要很多的人力物力。最后如果不是以拍卖为目的的画展,其实没有很多的收入。因为毕竟只是看一下的话,也不能收很高的门票费。The cost of hosting an exhibition is too high, if it is not intended to sell the works, it cannot make its ends meet, because even if they charge for entrance, people may not pay a lot of money just to see these works.
[2] 艺术的氛围还不够,大家还是更加关注物质生活而不是精神追求。The whole atmosphere for ordinary people to participate in any activity relating art is still not strong. Most residents still concern more about the pursuit of material comforts instead of spiritual needs.
4. Do you think people should be able to see these exhibitions for free?
[1] 增加人们的关注度By making these exhibitions free can attract more people’s attention on art projects. Sometimes, people are willing to go to these places, but they are only reluctant to go because of the high admission fee.
[2] 普及艺术知识: spread the basic knowledge of art and provide people with a visual and direct chance to appreciate these works closely, instead of reading them on the book. 不应该:
[1] 入不敷出if the exhibitions are free, the host cannot make its end meet. It seems to be the only way that they can make some money to cover the expense of the show.
[2] 没又收入来源,特别是古代的 in some modern art shows, the works can be sold to sponsor the expenditure of the exhibition. But if the theme of the show is about the ancient art, most of the works belongs to the nation, so they cannot be sold. In this case, certain fee should be charged.
[3] 即使免费也不会吸引很多人,不如通过收费,提高展览的水平: the truth is that even if the show is free, it can hardly attract many visitors. So in order to make the show better, in terms of the quality of the works and the display of the show, admission tickets are needed.
1 What's your favorite color?
语料:red… one of the brightest colors… passion… put me in a good mood… clothes… vivid… go well with… look great in…
blue… light blue… match my skin… sportswear… look pretty on me…
don’t know… care much about… dark colors… black… doesn’t show the dirt... hate doing the laundry…
I would say I like red the best, mostly because it’s one of the brightest color and represents passion or something. Anyway, it seems that the vivid color can usually put me in a good mood. I guess that’s why I love wearing red clothes. And of course, red goes well with my skin.
I don’t know… I’m not sure, really. Actually I never care much about colors of my clothes. If I had to choose one, I guess I would probably go for the dark colors, something like black or dark grey, because you know, they don’t show the dirt easily. To tell you the truth, I really hate doing the laundry.
2 Are there any colors you don't like?
语料:… pink… pinkish red… can’t bear it… girly… won’t even touch it… put up with…
… something between… lighter/darker… mixture of… look like… similar to… old-fashioned… out of style… never dress myself in…
Colors I don’t like… let me see. I’ve never thought about that before, but .. I suppose I would never put up with pink, or any pinkish red. I just can’t bear it because it’s too girly. You know, if I had anything in that color, either a piece of clothing or a daily item, I guess I would never touch it.
Well, I don’t think there is a color that I really hate, but I don’t appreciate the color… how can I put it… it’s something between light brown and dark yellow. It looks like a mixture of them and it’s similar to the color of dirt or soil… if you know what I mean. Anyway, I guess I will never dress myself in such colors because it’s really old-fashioned.
3 Are colors important in your everyday life?
… pay much attention to… particular about… affect my emotions… bright colors… put me in a good mood… feel terrible… spend a lot of time in front of the mirror… shopping for clothes… hesitate a lot… repaint my room…
… care much about… mind… in style… go well with … picky… bear with it… not much of a problem…
Yes. Actually I pay much attention to the colors in my life because I believe they can significantly affect my emotions. For example, bright colors can generally put me in a good mood but some dark colors just make me feel terrible. So, I’m quite particular about colors and that’s why I often spend a lot of time in front of the mirror when I go shopping for clothes and I hesitate a lot before repainting my room.
No, not really. In fact I don’t care much about colors. To tell you the truth, when I shop for clothes, I don’t even mind whether the color is in style or not. I don’t know whether they go well with my skin either. I’m not picky about that at all. Whatever it is, I can bear with it. It’s not much of a problem.
雅思口语Time management话题
Q1: Are you good at organizing time?
A1: Not really. I live a quite casual and laidback life. 【细节】 I mean, I like to follow my heart. For example, when I decide to watch a movie, I would do that immediately. Or even when I want to go traveling, I just do that without a detailed plan and I just set off in a week.
A2: I am good at organizing time and I consider it as a very important part in life. 【why】 I think our time is so limited and I’ve got loads of things to do always. I don’t want my life to be in a mess. 【how】 I like to have a to-do list and arrange my schedule. Then I do everything more efficiently.
也可以先说我不太擅长,因为… 但我希望提高,因为… ,两面都提到。
1】重点链接语句:I mean, by that I mean…我们的内容总是需要解释,一定要说得细节一些。
2】live a casual and laidback life过着随性而放松的生活。 过着什么样的生活叫做 live a … life
3】follow my heart俗称跟着感觉走
6】time is limited时间有限
7】“有”最地道的说法是 I’ve got
8】loads of大量的 【有负担的含义】
9】in a mess混乱
10】arrange my schedule安排我的日程
Q2: Do you think planning is important for time management?
A1: Yes, actually I think planning is the most important part of time management.【why】 Time management means that you allocate the time to different things, especially the important things or the tough things. So it is just what we do in planning! For example, if I have a really difficult and big task to do and it requires a lot of time and energy, I would think about when to do that and set deadlines.
1】allocate … to… 分配…给… allocate a lot of money to my clothes, allocate enough time to my homework
4】set deadline设置截止日期
1】…means that… 宾语从句,后面是句子,语法点虽小但也在口语中常用,比如Ibelieve that…
2】It is just what we do in … 那正是我们在做…的时候做的事情。
...is just what I care about. … 正是我在乎的。
名词性从句,即 what I care about整个为名词成分,翻译为我在乎的东西。
Q3: Why do you think some people pay to learn time management?
A1: Well, I guess it’s just because time management is really essential for some peoplewho work under huge pressure. 【why】 They generally have very tight schedule and they also need to look after the family. The courses may give them very professional trainingand help them manage everything better.
大家被问到这种会有点懵,所以记得不要机械记忆,一定要会聊天。你的第一反应可能是,well, really? well, I guess … 那么理由自然是The paid courses can really benefit them. 你需要去讲这样的课程的好处,或者time management多么重要。
1】 essential: 非常重要的,类似替换important的词汇还有 crucial, significant
2】 tight schedule: 形容每天很满的地道说法
3】 professional training:专业的培训
some people who… who引导的定语从句在口语中也常常出现;定语从句在口语中一定要熟练。培养先说这个名词再对它进行修饰的思维习惯。前期觉得说不顺可以写一写,多读几遍再说。稍加练习就会熟练,需要耐心。
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