发布时间:2022-05-13 16:38:27
围绕学生在娱乐放松,志愿者活动和社交场合的话题展开:参考话题:Describe a tool or an object that you rely on the most in your daily life. Explain why it is important to you.
围绕学生在学校学习可能会遇到的一系列问题:比如选课,选专业,学习能力,完成课业的最有效方式,时间管理等。参考话题:Describe why organizing time is challenging for university students and why it is important.
围绕政府职责、社会热点:参考话题:What kind of measures should be taken to alleviate the problem of traffic jam? Explain with details.偶尔会有奇葩题,比如if you were given the opportunity to go visit the outer space, would you like to go or not?有机会你要不要去外太空【shang tian】?
围绕学生在求职就业,未来职场可能会遇到的问题和两难处境:One of your friends is going to attend a job interview, what suggestions would you give to your friend? Explain with details.
托福口语考试总花有6个Task题,其中又分独立题型【Independent Topics】综合题型【Integrated Tasks】,第1、2题为独立口语题型,第3、4、5、6题为综合口语题型。下面我们就针对这些来为大家重点剖析一下,希望大家托福口语考试的时候可以得以运用。
Independent Topics题型
Independent task 1是Free Choice题。
对于托福口语第一题,它要求托福考生就给出的某一话题题用英文进行陈述,用时为45秒的时候,对于审题,还有15秒的准备时间,这可以让托福考生首先进行一下思考。这道题考试的范围主要集中在:people、place、object、event 【人、地、物、事】这几个大方面。对于这一题的备考建议是托福考生扎实准备托福OG、Longman的综合教程或者托福口语的特训教材上的题目,尽管这些题的考到机率不是很大,但是备考过程中准备的内容在考场上的作用还是很大的。
例如:”、“Who is the person you admire most”与“Whom would you choose to visit for one hour”就可以相互借用大部分内容。
Independent task 2是Paired Choice题
例如“ If you could choose to live in the city or live in the country areas, which lifestyle would you prefer and why”,考生需要做的是迅速确定自己的立场,其余的按照 Free Choice的准备就可以了,同时比Free Choice更好的表述是考生可以采用“抨击”另一种观点的方式来准备details,如考生可以陈述live in the city的不好来表达自己的观点——I prefer to live in the country。但是,本题在某些时候以“Do you agree or disagree”或者“compare and contrast”的形式出现,对于后者而言,考生不必表明自己的观点,只要陈述出两种选择的可比之处并加以诠释就可以了。
Task 1
Your friend has suddenly received a lot of money. What do you think is the best way for your friend to spend this money? Use specific reasons and examples from your experience to explain your answer.
Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should always wear fashion clothes. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
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