发布时间:2022-05-13 16:39:25
托福口语备考的最好资源就是真题,我们可以利用托福真题进行思路拓展和练习录音并分析反思自己的录音,也可以剖析研究高分口语回答看看有哪些值得借鉴的表达和思路,托福口语task2属于独立任务,也被称为“判断/选择题”,要求考生从给定的话题选项中做出判断或选择,下面我们来看一篇托福口语task2真题:Of the following courses, which would you like to be added to your schedule most: music history, economics, or science?以下哪一项你最希望加入到你的课程表中:音乐史,经济,还是科学?
I would choose music history for a number of reasons.
First, taking music courses has a ripple effect of helping students become better at other courses. When a team of researchers explored the connection between intelligence and music, they found that music instruction is far more effective than computer-based instruction when developing abstract critical thinking skills.
Secondly, regardless of what we do for a living, all of us can learn from the past. Music is an integral part of our culture, a part that has ebbed and flowed in various directions over time. Learning about its history, and the ways in which it has changed over time, will make our appreciation for it much greater.
choose music history 选择音乐史
R1: music courses help students become better at other courses 音乐课程有助于学生更好地学习其他课程
R2: music history help people learn from the past to better appreciate things 音乐史帮助人们学习过去从而更好地欣赏事物
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:School shouldn’t allow young students to use calculator during the exam.
Task2关于学校是否应该允许学生在考试的时候使用计算机。 以允许为例,理由:许多考试考得并不是计算能力而是学科知识,比如物理,化学考试等,【The purpose of most exams are not to test arismatic ability but to test the knowledge of the subject like physics and chemistry tests。】使用计算机可以缩短考试时间,提高考试效率,否则大量时间浪费在计算上,真正体现逻辑的考察就减少了。【It is more efficient and time-saving to use calculator in exam】
I don’t agree with this idea. This is because, firstly, the original purpose of the invention of calculator is to reduce the pressure on the basic arithmetic operations and increase the general calculation efficiency. So, students should be allowed to use it during exams in order to be more efficient in working out the answers. Besides, being able use a calculator effectively should be seen as an important academic ability as a lot of science subjects, such as Statistics and Physics, often need to use a calculator to work out answers. Honestly, the calculator acts as a study tool in many cases, so it should be allowed to use in exams and even included in academic evaluation.
词汇: original purpose /arithmetic operations / academic evaluation
I do not agree with it for the following reasons.
First, it may distract students from their study. I mean, there are many high-end 【高端的】 calculators available on the market right now, and most of them could be used as a game machine or music player. They would be a huge distraction for students, not only in math class, but also throughout the days in school. The distraction will lead to low efficiency all the time and to bad academic performance as well.
Besides, these high-end calculators are too expensive for students to afford. The average price of them is more than 300 dollars, and as a student, i don’t make any money. It’s basically our parents who cover our daily expenses. It would increase the financial burden of my family.
That’s why…
Personally speaking, I think students should be allowed to use calculators when having the test or listening to class.
The main reason is that this can greatly improve the efficiency of learning. Some small numbers are ok; when it comes to huge numbers, such as over a hundred thousand, or even over a million and so on, sometimes it is extremely difficult for students to get the exactly accurate result just by using their mind.
However,if having the calculator, no matter the plus or minus, multiply or divide, just a type, within seconds, you can get the accurate results. It may enhance students' efficiency.
We have already created calculators, why don't we use the highly efficient machine?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It’sdifficult for people to save money than their grandparents when they were young?
这是T2中常考的A/D题型,只需做出选择并给出合理解释,切忌不可给出模棱两可的选择。此题无论选择哪种, 只要给出合理的解释即可,可采用推理与事实论证的方法进行细节扩充。
1. Agree
①Citizens change their attitude towards money and they have more options to spend money on other stuff, like traveling, joining concert or investing properties.
②Rising living cost and housing price may put budget strain on citizens, especially who have more than two children, hence there is no extra money for them to save.
2. Disagree
①In the past, citizens held different attitude toward money like they think money should be saved now and spent in the future.
②In the past, the low average income means that it is hard for citizens to save money after purchasing food, clothes and other stuff.
答题关键词:【-】 fewer shopping needs in the past, purchase inconvenient, goods cheaper, housing prices cheaper, money saved 【+】 various online shopping tools, Alipay, Eleme, convenient, one-click payment, order anytime anywhere, money spent without really having to, less money saved.
Personally speaking, nowadays saving money is becoming increasingly hard for me. The most remarkable reason is that there are more temptations than in the past, in our contemporary society, each season or each year, there are more beautiful clothes and shoes, more delicious foods, more spectacular watches or cars and so on. Whenever a brand new commodity is launched, I desire to experience it and buy it. However, several decades ago, in my city my parents told me the choices on commodities were far less than those of today. Even though you had money, the things being sold were limited, my father used to wear a pair of shoes for over 6 years. Therefore, saving money tends to be easier in the past.
Some people like to use smartphone or other navigational device to guide their road while traveling, some prefer to ask around, which do you like to do?
这是T2中常考的Preference题型,只需做出选择并给出合理解释,切忌不可给出模棱两可的选择。此题无论选择哪种, 只要给出合理的解释即可,可采用推理与事实论证的方法进行细节扩充。
1. Use smartphone or navigational device
①It can offer more precise and specific information to navigate roads, cuz some pedestrians who are unfamiliar or unacquainted areas may mislead us and direct wrong ways.
②It’s time-saving and effort-saving to check it, cuz I just need to open the app, browse the page, type the key words then get information.
2. Ask around
①It can offer vivid information cuz pedestrians may use some body language or gesture to guide me, or some local who are caring and hospital may lead me by themselves .
②I am an extroverted person who tend to enlarge my friends circle, so if I have a chance to meet new people and gradually become close friends, I’ll feel satisfied and refreshed.
Well, personally, I prefer to use a smart phone to figure out how to get to my destination when traveling in a new place. Actually, it is a really convenient and effective way to find out the route to get to somewhere. All you have to do is to type in the name of the place in Google app, and then three possible routes will show up on your screen together with the time needed for each of these routes. One can choose the best route to get to his destination. However, asking passersby questions might make them uncomfortable and cause trouble to them since they might be in a hurry to go to work and stuff.
When it comes to finding ways in travelling, definitely I will choose to use the electronic map in my smart cellphones to find ways. The most remarkable reason is that it is very efficient and reliable. Taking the Google map or Baidu map for example, I frequently use them when travelling, the moment I input the place to be found, the instant the map tells me the nearest route, the estimated time needed, the possible transportation ways I may choose. That’s all what I want! Very efficient! However, if asking others, one is that I may not find people in certain places; the other is that person I ask may not be able to give such specific information as the Google map or Baidu map does.
well, I would like to say that turning to a local resident would be much helpful, because I can not only find the right direction, but also gain some extra information about a certain place . By asking the way, I could know the nearby scenic spot, or the best restraints, while such information is rarely seen on the GPS. What’s more, local people can give you a shortcut, which is different from the GPS, and the former one is faster and more convenient.
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