发布时间:2022-05-13 16:41:23
组织结构题【Organization Question】是托福阅读中出题频次较低的一种题型,但是它的难度却高于大部分题型,其难度体现在原文中没有出现任何明显结构定义,我们只能依据原文中作者的暗示内容来作出判断。很多同学在遇到这种题型的时候,不知从何处下手,以致于花了大量时间又做不对题目的情况频频出现。下面我们来介绍单个段落结构题和多个段落结构题的出题规律和解题技巧,帮助同学们快速准确地选出答案。
单个段落组织结构题常见提问方式:Which of the following best describes how paragraph X is organized?/What is the author's primary purpose in paragraph X?等。
Traditionally, it was believed that the transition to agriculture was the result of a worldwide population crisis. It was argued that once hunter-gathers had occupied the whole world, the population started to grow everywhere and food became scarce; agriculture would have been a solution to this problem. We know, however, that contemporary hunter-gatherer societies control their population in a variety of ways. The idea of a world population crisis is therefore unlikely, although population pressure might have arisen in some areas.
Which of the following best describes the way paragraph 2 is organized?
A A possible explanation for a phenomenon is presented and then criticized.
B Two similar ways of accounting for a puzzling fact are considered.
C Early societies’ response to a problem is contrasted with contemporary societies’ response.
D A prehistoric development is first explained in traditional terms and then in contemporary terms.
3.推测结构,结合首尾句可推出本段落结构大致为:先陈述了某个现象的原因, 然后又把该原因否决掉。
4.找出正确答案:A中提到criticize 符合上一步的结构猜想,正确。B中的two similar ways在原文中未提及过,错误。C中关于早期社会和当代社会的比较在原文中也没有提及,错误。D中的递进关系不符合原文结构,错误。因此,本题答案为A选项。
多个段落组织结构题常见提问方式:What is the relationship between paragraphs X and Y in the passage?/What role does Paragraph X play in the passage?等。
Much population movement involved the opening up of new lands for rice cultivation. Two things made this possible and encouraged it to happen. First, the opening of the kingdom to the full force of international trade by the Bowring Treaty 【1855】 rapidly encouraged economic specialization in the growing of rice, mainly to feed the rice-deficient portions of Asia 【India and China in particular】. The average annual volume of rice exported from Siam grew from under 60 million kilograms per year in the late 1850s to more than 660 million kilograms per year at the turn of the century; and over the same period the average price per kilogram doubled. During the same period, the area planted in rice increased from about 230,000 acres to more than350,000 acres. This growth was achieve as the result of the collective decisions of thousands of peasants families to expand the amount of land they cultivated, clear and plant new land, or adopt more intensive methods of agriculture.
They were able to do so because of our second consideration. They were relatively freer than they had been half a century earlier. Over the course of the Fifth Reign 【1868 – 1910】, the ties that bound rural people to the aristocracy and local ruling elites were greatly reduced. Peasants now paid a tax on individuals instead of being required to render labor service to the government. Under these conditions, it made good sense to thousands of peasant families to in effect work full-time at what they had been able to do only part-time previously because of the requirement to work for the government: grow rice for the marketplace.
Which of the following best describes the relationship between paragraphs 3 and 4 in the passage?
A Paragraph 4 provides further evidence of the economic growth of Siam discussed in paragraph 3.
B Paragraph 4 continues the discussion begun in paragraph 3 of farming improvements that led to economic growth.
C Paragraph4 examines a particular effect of the Bowring Treaty mentioned in paragraph 3.
D Paragraph 4 discusses the second of two factors that contributed to the expansion of rice farming mentioned in paragraph 3.
2.阅读两段的首尾句并找结构关键词,第三段第二句中有提到two things,第三句紧接着提到first的内容,但后文并未出现其他内容,直到第四段第一句中出现了second。
4.找出正确答案:A中的further 属于递进关系,不符合结构,错误。B中的continues仍然属于递进关系,错误。C中effect,属于因果关系,错误。D中second of two符合并列关系,正确。因此,本题答案为D选项。
通过上面两道例题,可以观察出结构题在考察时容易出现以下四种关系:1.并列关系【first,second,one of two等】;2.转折关系【but,however,not,impossible等】;3.递进关系【continue,further,more over,in addition等】;4.因果关系【therefore,because,reason,effect等】。所以,在遇到组织结构题时可联系上述关系对号入座,快速选出正确选项。
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