发布时间:2022-05-13 16:43:09
我们以Origins of Theatre与Cave Art in Europe为例,学生在学习这两篇文章时出现的问题主要集中在以下两个方面:
Under this theory, relating and listening to stories are seen as fundamental human pleasures. Thus, the recalling of an event 【a hunt, battle, or other feat】 is elaborated through the narrator’s pantomime and impersonation and eventually through each role being assumed by a different person.
短短两句话内,其中三个动词会对学生对文章的理解造成误导。看到relating, 只能想到“联系”,elaborated会想到“详细、复杂的”,assume则只能想到“假定”。于是两句话读下来不知所云。实则relate咋这里指“叙述”,“elaborate”指“详细阐述...”,而assume在这里指“承担”某一角色。再比如:
...., whose difficulty of access has been interpreted by some as a sign that magical-religious activities were performed there.
其他抽象动词不一一详述,有兴趣的同学在读这两篇文章时一定要特别留意以下动词的含义:envision, advance, perceive, objectify
The history of painting is a never-ending chain that began with the very first pictures ever made. Each style grows out of the styles that came before it. Every great artist adds to the accomplishments of earlier painters and influences later painters.
We can enjoy a painting for its beauty alone. Its lines, forms, colors, and composition 【arrangement of parts】 may appeal to our senses and linger in our memories. But enjoyment of art increases as we learn when and why and how it was created.
A painting always describes something. It may describe the artist's impression of a scene or person. It also describes the artist's feelings about the art of painting itself. Suppose, for example, the artist paints a picture of the birth of Venus, the Roman goddess of love—a subject that has been used many times. The viewer may not learn anything new about the subject from the more recent version that could not have been learned from the older one. Why, then, do painters bother to depict the same scene again? The answer is that they want to tell us something new about the way the scene can be painted. In a way, the artist is saying, "I have painted the birth of Venus as no other artist before me has painted it." The artist not only depicts the birth of Venus but also makes a statement about the art of painting itself.
Many factors have influenced the history of painting. Geography, religion, national characteristics, historic events, the development of new materials—all help to shape the artist's vision. Throughout history, painting has mirrored the changing world and our ideas about it. In turn, artists have provided some of the best records of the development of civilization, sometimes revealing more than the written word.
Prehistoric Painting
Cave dwellers were the earliest artists. Colored drawings of animals, dating from about 30,000 to 10,000 B.C., have been found on the walls of caves in southern France and in Spain. Many of these drawings are amazingly well preserved because the caves were sealed up for many centuries. Early people drew the wild animals that they saw all around them. Very crude human figures, drawn in lifelike positions, have been found in Africa and eastern Spain.
The cave artists filled the cave walls with drawings in rich, bright colors. Some of the most beautiful paintings are in the Cave of Altamira, in Spain. One detail shows a wounded bison, no longer able to stand—probably the victim of a hunter. It is painted in reddish brown and outlined simply but skillfully in black. The pigments used by cave painters were earth ochers 【iron oxides varying in color from light yellow to deep orange】 and manganese 【a metallic element】. These were crushed into a fine powder, mixed with grease 【perhaps animal fat】, and put on with some sort of brush. Sometimes the pigments were used in sticks, like crayons. The grease mixed with the powdered pigments made the paint fluid and the pigment particles stick together. The cave dwellers must have made brushes out of animal hairs or plants, and sharp tools out of flint for drawing and scratching lines.
As far back as 30,000 years ago, people had invented the basic tools and materials for painting. Techniques and materials were refined and improved in the centuries following. But the discoveries of the cave dweller remain basic to painting.
比如说The extreme
seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendous numbers of people affected, as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process.
很多人在看到这句话的时候,经常翻译为“沙漠化是源于”或者翻译为“沙漠化导致”“很多的土地与很多的人去影响的原因。”这里面有两个点特别容易犯错误,一是result from是源于的意思,而不是单纯的导致的意思。二是affected在这里其实是后置定语,因此这里的意思是“被影响”,这里很多人又疑惑了,因为我们以前看到的东西都是,人的因素导致沙漠化啊,怎么又会是被影响呢?这就是你的问题了,你被自己以前获得的信息给影响了,你只要知道文章的作者是这么认为的就可以了,何必把自己脑中的信息强加在本文作者身上呢。