发布时间:2022-05-13 16:43:39
Task 3 是公告 /讨论题 ,也叫报告题【 report】 。它包含三个步骤 : 首先是阅读电脑屏幕上的一个小段落【长度为 75-100词,时间是40-45秒】;
阅读:时间,40秒至45秒;阅读内容,校园生活话题 【75至100words】【大学的政策,规定或者办事程序,大学的计划,校园设施或校园内生活质量】
时间: 准备时间,30s;陈述时间,60s
TIPS: 注意逻辑组织;开始可以表明说话者的观点 agree or disagree,然后陈述理由。回答尽可能完整。
Task 3 是公告/讨论题,也叫报告题【report】。它包含三个步骤:
与 Task 1 和 Task 2 【独立任务】有所不同,Task 3 【以及 Task 4、Task 5 和 Task 6---综合任务】的成败更加取决于笔记的质量。对于Task 3 而言,笔记内容包含阅读小段落的笔记与听力部分的笔记。阅读小段落【回答时不会再出现于屏幕上】的笔记需要边阅读边记,即在阅读时注意其中的要点:
1. 建议【计划或改变】是什么;
2. 建议包含什么内容;
3. 提出建议的两大理由。
Housing Renovations Planned
Over the last ten years, the number of Central College students living on campus in dormitories has decreased by twenty percent in an effort to counteract the trend, the college has announced a plan to renovate its on-campus housing. The renovation will take two years, and the will include improvement to the bathroom, lighting, and heating in the dormitories. “a lot of people are moving off campus because the dorms aren’t in great shape,” explained the college president. “ By renovation the dorms, we can make them more appealing than off-campus housing, and more students will choose to remain campus.”
1. redec. 【redecorate】 school dorm 【Topic】
2. Housing dpt.: lodging rate of school dorm ↓20%
3. Reason: poor in. dec. of dorm → moving out
4. Solution: grad. redec. all dorm in 2 yrs. → new light. & furni. → stu. moving back
W: The college is making a mistake with this new plan.
M: What do you mean? I think it’ll really help to accomplish the college’s goal.
W: Don’t be so sure. All that construction for 2 years? It’s gonna create a lot of noise.
M: Well, you mean at the beginning , for the students still living in the dorms.
W: Yeah, students who are trying to sleep or do work are constantly doing to be disturbed. So people will try to get away as far as possible, probably by moving off-campus. So they’ll lose even more people.
M: Hum, I haven’t thought that. But still, once the construction is over, more people will probably want to live in the dorms, right? I mean the living conditions will be so much better.
W: If they can afford to. Do you know how much the college is planning to paying for this plan, by raising the cost of campus housing?
M: Oh, I didn’t realize that.
W: Yeah, so if it’s more expensive , why would people want to move back into the dorms if they can rent an apartment for less money?
M:announce. Good
W: not opti., stud. Dislike renov. & move. Back
M: house on camp. hot, need redec.
W: construct. 2 yrs. → noise → stud. move. Out
M: aft. reconstruct. → move back
W: expensive 【sal., mater. & furni.】 → stud. play & dorm. fee up → more move. out
有了笔记,可以根据笔记回答。平时练习也同样可以做笔记 。
1. 第一句话就交代阅读小段落的话题【阅读小段落是背景,不交代不知所云】;
2. 尽可能参考自己记录的阅读部分与听力部分的笔记【可以使回答完整准确】;
3. 陈述学生的意见并阐述持此意见的两大理由【一般都是两大理由】;
4. 使用引用语言和表示阅读部分与听力部分关系的语言【给评分老师减轻负担】;
5. 不得发表自己的看法【只能总结、转述、综合阅读小段落与听力部分的内容】;
6. 直接对麦克风进行清楚的表达【一开始就调好麦克风的位置与音量】
7. 语速适中,不要太快或太慢【要表达清楚,不要求快---快不是流利的标志】;
8. 注意发音与语调【不要过于担心自己的口音,但要口齿清楚】;
9. 使用熟悉的词汇与结构【过于复杂的词汇与结构对考生与评分老师都是挑战】
Task 3 的语言主要涉及话题、看法、对比。引用等。
1. 话题
The notice / announcement about...
The topic of the notice / announcement is...
The main point of the notice / announcement is...
2. 看法
The women agrees with...
The man approves of...
The women is upset about...
The man thinks...
3. 对比
公告中的信息可能与学生的看法形成对比。对话中两个学上的看法也可能形成对比。可以使用的表达有:but, however, on the contrary.
4. 引用
表示引用的表达方式主要有:according to与say. 例如:
According to announcement,...
According to the women, ...
The man says....
Task 3 的模板一般包含下列内容:
1. 公告内容
2. 公告要点
3. 学生看法
4. 持此看法的两大理由
The notice tells about ____. It says that ____. The announcement also list ____.
The man 【or: woman】 says that he 【or: she】 agrees with ____. The first reason is that ____. The second reason is that ____.
____ agrees that ____. ____ believes that ____. According to ____. ____. Furthermore, ____states that ____. ____.
The man 【or: woman】 concedes that ____, but he’s 【or: she’s】 concerned that ____. And he 【or: she】 also points out that ____, so the man 【or: woman】 feels that ____.
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